obama's job plan..to cost 250K per job


Well-Known Member
check this fucking work of genius out...can you believe ...a trillion tax payers dollars..to increase unemployment ...and cost 250K dollars a job created..hey..i have a idea....why doesnt the government instead of just creating 3 million 250K dollars jobs why dont they just mail a check to 15 million welfare recipients for 50K....this country is full of fucking retards..i promise you it is....:hump:http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&sid=akZbz4hvE7TA&refer=home


New Member
check this fucking work of genius out...can you believe ...a trillion tax payers dollars..to increase unemployment ...and cost 250K dollars a job created..hey..i have a idea....why doesnt the government instead of just creating 3 million 250K dollars jobs why dont they just mail a check to 15 million welfare recipients for 50K....this country is full of fucking retards..i promise you it is....:hump:http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&sid=akZbz4hvE7TA&refer=home
Yeah, I know it is by your posts, retard central. I'd really like to know what makes you so special, did you really take the short bus to school?


stays relevant.
the last thing most welfare recipients need is a check, what most of them need is to get off their lazy asses.


Well-Known Member
check this fucking work of genius out...can you believe ...a trillion tax payers dollars..to increase unemployment ...and cost 250K dollars a job created..hey..i have a idea....why doesnt the government instead of just creating 3 million 250K dollars jobs why dont they just mail a check to 15 million welfare recipients for 50K....this country is full of fucking retards..i promise you it is....:hump:http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&sid=akZbz4hvE7TA&refer=home
So we just mail everyone a check and what does tha solve? at least people would have a job under Obama's plan...not just a handout. i suggest you educate yourself before you post something so outrageous.

Take a look at FDR and the New Deal, projects like Hoover Dam and expanding our roads, bridges, and tunnels. Don't you think those were hefty investments at that time? But it got a lot of people working again and helped just start a sluggish economy...

last bit of class: the last economic slowdown we had that compared to this in the US was the Great Depression. know what it took to cure that? A FUCKING WORLD WAR THAT KILLED TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. So before you run your mouth, understand the gravity of the situation and that SOMETHING big must be done! like major infrastructure programs and give taxpayers a tangible return on their money and puts people to work!

Keep in mind about 75% of our economy is completely dependant upon consumer purchases and transactions, i.e., what you and I and everyone else purchases. So if people get back to work, they start spending. Companies in turn expand operations and hire new workers, which creates more companies, more jobs, more profit, lower prices, etc, etc!! And that kids is Capitalism 101, abbreviated of course :)


Well-Known Member
For the love of god i hope the OP was being sarcastic or it will prove that my theory of most americans being retards is true.


New Member
I would rather spend the taxpayer money on the infrastructure than on that shitty assed fucking war in Iraq......


Well-Known Member
I would rather spend the taxpayer money on the infrastructure than on that shitty assed fucking war in Iraq......
I agree! Estimates for the number of Iraqi civilians killed (by the US, by insurgents, etc., the TOTAL) since the 2003 invasion range from 300-750 THOUSAND people. How many US dollars does it take to kill one Iraqi. Yeah Bush, they are free allright. So free they are no longer concerned with things like breathing and eating, seeing their families or going to work. They are so free, they're.......d e a d !


Well-Known Member
Well with the government being in dept to the tone of approximately 15 trillion duckets wheres he gonna get the money to do all his wonderful programs. We already got programs up the ass. So now what?? He should spend some time and money starting a real hemp industry in this country.

Hes so into green tech, well nothing is greener then Hemp. We could compress it into boards for housing, paper all sorts of things. Many of those things could help stop deforestation imho the biggest cause of the carbon problem. It would help farmers and create tens, if not hundreds of thousands of jobs. That would be worth it.

Iraq is a horrible situation. The whole country is salted with DU hundreds of thousands are dead and the water still doesn't flow through the pipes. Should have never happened. I'm appaled.


Well-Known Member
I agree! Estimates for the number of Iraqi civilians killed (by the US, by insurgents, etc., the TOTAL) since the 2003 invasion range from 300-750 THOUSAND people. How many US dollars does it take to kill one Iraqi. Yeah Bush, they are free allright. So free they are no longer concerned with things like breathing and eating, seeing their families or going to work. They are so free, they're.......d e a d !

An unknown future has a chance of being better than the one they knew.

I don't know about this one.


Reminds me of a line in the movie 'Full Metal Jacket'. "they would rather be alive than free, poor dumb bastards".


Well-Known Member
the original post was about creating jobs that cost 250K a year to create..response from liberal idiots..i dont care if it costs 250K a job...look at how much iraq costs..LOL you are without a doubt a bunch of retards....oh med..what makes me qualified is my IQ OF 180 POINTS.....LOL....:hump:


Well-Known Member
So we just mail everyone a check and what does tha solve? at least people would have a job under Obama's plan...not just a handout. i suggest you educate yourself before you post something so outrageous.

Take a look at FDR and the New Deal, projects like Hoover Dam and expanding our roads, bridges, and tunnels. Don't you think those were hefty investments at that time? But it got a lot of people working again and helped just start a sluggish economy...

last bit of class: the last economic slowdown we had that compared to this in the US was the Great Depression. know what it took to cure that? A FUCKING WORLD WAR THAT KILLED TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. So before you run your mouth, understand the gravity of the situation and that SOMETHING big must be done! like major infrastructure programs and give taxpayers a tangible return on their money and puts people to work!

Keep in mind about 75% of our economy is completely dependant upon consumer purchases and transactions, i.e., what you and I and everyone else purchases. So if people get back to work, they start spending. Companies in turn expand operations and hire new workers, which creates more companies, more jobs, more profit, lower prices, etc, etc!! And that kids is Capitalism 101, abbreviated of course :)
i suggest you read the post...i suggest also a tax payer making 15 buck a hour cannot afford to pay some sorry union fuck 250 K a year to build a bridge...i also suggest you have no workable solution ..neither does obama...during the last depression..many people went broke..and many got rich..some got richer...i assure you it was no one of your level of brain power...or intellect ...i also assure you ..that because of people like you ..and obama that the great depression lasted from 1929 to 1941...12 years..when it could have only lasted 3 ....and i also assure you that the very same mistakes being made now have been repeated over and over again in history..the reason you repeate these mistakes? lol......well..you are just not very smart lets put it that way....the most recent IDIOTS to make the mistake we are about to make was japan...they still have a stock market that is only like 25% of what it was 18 years ago....im sure you dont know what that means.....LOL.AND WHEN THE JAPANESE PULLED WHAT WE ARE PULLING NOW THEY WERE THE LARGEST CREDITOR NATION IN THE WORLD ..WE ON THE OTHER HAND ARE THE LARGEST DEBTOR NATION IN THE WORLD.....LOL..WE ARE GOING TO FALL..AND FALL HARD.YOU WILL BE LUCKY IF YOU DONT SEE STARVATION AND REVOLUTION IN THIS COUNTRY..lol..and yea..i find if very amusing..for several reasons..one..is im going to proffit tremendously from it..and i will get to watch all the idiots suffer i have warned for years about this kind of economic loonacy that has been going on...if you want a good piece of finnancial advice that could make you ALL RICH..that is if you have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of to beggin with...SHORT GOVERNMENT BONDS..AND BUY JAPANESE YEN..AND COMMODITEES FOLKS..SUCH AS GOLD..silver..and sugar is another good one..coffee....WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER..lol...you are going to love it...:hump:


Well-Known Member
the original post was about creating jobs that cost 250K a year to create..response from liberal idiots..i dont care if it costs 250K a job...look at how much iraq costs..LOL you are without a doubt a bunch of retards....oh med..what makes me qualified is my IQ OF 180 POINTS.....LOL....:hump:
Notice I spent my time attacking your IDEAS!?

I really doubt your IQ is over 18 let alone 180 given you can barely comprehend things like sentence transition and proper grammer, boy. You think you know a lot? Never heard any educated person argue the Great Depression was caused by the wrong actions...it was created by a complete LACK OF ACTION! You are some anti-government libratarian fuck who cannot understand the role of government in the modern world!! Wake up.


Well-Known Member
government lack of action?thats a laugh......you dont know shit about roosevelt do you ..and the great society?you dont know shit about politics economics or government..or the constitution..or history....lol...you socialists are your own destruction...the mess's you cause you blame on others...your not going to weasel out of this one though..and ill be there to proffit from the mess you make..like the good capitalist i am...let the soup lines beggin...:hump:


New Member
the original post was about creating jobs that cost 250K a year to create..response from liberal idiots..i dont care if it costs 250K a job...look at how much iraq costs..LOL you are without a doubt a bunch of retards....oh med..what makes me qualified is my IQ OF 180 POINTS.....LOL....:hump:
I didn't realize they measured IQ in metric....but that's the funny thing about IQ, for example, you really don't seem all that smart.


New Member
the original post was about creating jobs that cost 250K a year to create..response from liberal idiots..i dont care if it costs 250K a job...look at how much iraq costs..LOL you are without a doubt a bunch of retards....oh med..what makes me qualified is my IQ OF 180 POINTS.....LOL....:hump:
180.......180......Probably .180. For a guy with a "180" IQ, you certainly don't act like it. You should be way beyond calling people retards, and peobably beyond posting in a MJ site. Yeah my "friend", I call you out on this one. I have an IQ somewhat above "normal", but nowhere as lofty as 180. I've heard that anyone with an IQ above 150 is borderline psychotic, certainly seems the case in your demeanor, not even borderline but full-on.


Well-Known Member
I would rather spend the taxpayer money on the infrastructure than on that shitty assed fucking war in Iraq......
That about sums up what I was thinking. And that article (and those who took it literally) is rather myopic in it's interpretaion of how that money is spent. Most of it will go towards infrastructure...as in concrete, not salary for workers. People have been bitching about government funding for roads since that bridge in Minnesota collapsed but now because Obama is GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT all of a sudden the "conservatives" find it an objectionable use of public funds. Conservatives these days have to be the biggest bunch of cry-babies I have ever fucking seen. They are desperate for power and when they get a sliver of it they fuck every thing up tremendously with their biblical idealogue driven policies that are really shrouded subsidies for their cronies in the private sector and restrictions on all who do not embrace biblical values, then they complain about actual progress when it comes at the helm of "liberal" leadership. Message to Republicans: The political landscape would not be collapsing under your feet if you elected smart, intelligent leaders who cared as much for the citizens of our country as they did for their own re-election. As a reminder: Nov. 4, 2008; the people have spoken.