small pots, small yields?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, merry xmas. i have 15 6" pots under a 400 hortilux hps. i have all kinds of strains in there including, big bang, cheese, hymilayan gold, great white shark, ww, hawiian snow.........plants are around 8-15" tall. just satarted flowering. cant wait to see what i get out of it. i am hoping for at least a q/p, or more.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit on that one.

sorry, but he will net over 1oz per plant without transplanting (if he does everything right) and he only wanted a qp. The thing is though that you'll have to water like daily, and feed often, so just make your life easier and use the biggest that will fit up to 2 gallons.

I would guess 1.5oz per plant if he's using the light right.

The plant with the shitty picture quality and guitar is one of mine, the other is fdd2blk's. No this is not ideal, we're both just screwing around with them, mine is a mother, his is in a 16oz cup for a contest. He probably had to feed every other day at lower levels, if not every day. Mine I basically ignored most of the time and just gave water. That's a miracle grow pre nuted soil grown plant just so you know I didn't do anything tricky or special.



Well-Known Member
I call bullshit on that one.

sorry, but he will net over 1oz per plant without transplanting (if he does everything right) and he only wanted a qp. The thing is though that you'll have to water like daily, and feed often, so just make your life easier and use the biggest that will fit up to 2 gallons.

I would guess 1.5oz per plant if he's using the light right.

The plant with the shitty picture quality and guitar is one of mine, the other is fdd2blk's. No this is not ideal, we're both just screwing around with them, mine is a mother, his is in a 16oz cup for a contest. He probably had to feed every other day at lower levels, if not every day. Mine I basically ignored most of the time and just gave water. That's a miracle grow pre nuted soil grown plant just so you know I didn't do anything tricky or special.
thats what i was looking for. thank you. i have been watering one day, waiting a day, and then feeding the next. so small doses of food for small pots? ok. ill keep you guys posted on how they all react to the smaller pots.


Well-Known Member
Remember what I said about this is not ideal. Use the biggest pot you CAN fit.
i understand that the bigger/better in some cases. um, i have them on there 3-4th day of light switch to 12/12. and there are 15 6" pots under a 400 hps. the hps only has a 3x3 or 4x4 footprint, so if i would have placed them in even 1 gallon or 3 gallon pots the light would never cover that many plants. i tried to go to my hydro store for mylar today and they are closed. son of a biatch.:evil:


Well-Known Member
Oregonmeds is right,with proper feeding & watering small pots can give excellent yeilds,i use 1 gallon pots & easily harvest an ounce per plant.

Ive found out when using the smaller pots that the plants grow better when they are lightly fertilized more often as oposed to the standard heavy fertilization once a week.

Small pots offer added benifits as well,like increased oxygen delievery to the root mass from the increased watering/feeding schedule,floor space is also a large benifit.

People shouldnt be afraid of small pots,once the learning curve is figured out small pots are a better choice for many reasons.


Well-Known Member
If you are watering every other day or more on the first weeks of flowering be careful you aren't overwatering or over feeding, it doesn't need heavy attention until later.


Well-Known Member
Oregonmeds is right,with proper feeding & watering small pots can give excellent yeilds,i use 1 gallon pots & easily harvest an ounce per plant.

Ive found out when using the smaller pots that the plants grow better when they are lightly fertilized more often as oposed to the standard heavy fertilization once a week.

Small pots offer added benifits as well,like increased oxygen delievery to the root mass from the increased watering/feeding schedule,floor space is also a large benifit.

People shouldnt be afraid of small pots,once the learning curve is figured out small pots are a better choice for many reasons.
thats what i am hoping for. to be honest for me, its faster to have more small pots and plants, rather than a few large pots and plants. cuts down veg time , i think.


Well-Known Member
These are big bud x Nl in number 1 pots, not 1 gallon, the pots at hydro stores are not in gallons like a number 1 pot is actually on around .75g or less. these were grown under a 400 and 600hps
wow, awesome grow. thanks for the input.

If you are watering every other day or more on the first weeks of flowering be careful you aren't overwatering or over feeding, it doesn't need heavy attention until later.
really? i will take that into consideration. i have a feeling i may have over ferted last night. i will see what happens in the next two days and see where i can imporve in either direction. thanks.


Well-Known Member
thats what i am hoping for. to be honest for me, its faster to have more small pots and plants, rather than a few large pots and plants. cuts down veg time , i think.
Ogmeds is right that the plants might not need daily watering early in budding,its something that you need to keep a close eye on as well,when using one gallon or smaller pots conditions change rapidly,they can go from requiring watering every other day to needing daily watering overnight,when my plants are really working their asses off producing new bud growth there are times where i water my plants twice in one day,not all the time & not every plant but it happens,everything depends on how much each plant is using up daily.


Well-Known Member
i started to plant my on dec 22 n i want to kno what kind of light should i use im usin 13w 120vac 60hz
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