Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
We have Land but No outdoor animals , we have 3 dogs that sometimes wont even go out in the rain.. I wanted to get a few animals . (goats , sheep,chickens , roosters and such) but then after looking at the cost to care for them .. and the cleaning .. I said fuck it .. Now Im redoing vintage minibikes, go karts, and dirtbikes and mopeds ..

Thats whats in our barn ...


New Member
We have Land but No outdoor animals , we have 3 dogs that sometimes wont even go out in the rain.. I wanted to get a few animals . (goats , sheep,chickens , roosters and such) but then after looking at the cost to care for them .. and the cleaning .. I said fuck it .. Now Im redoing vintage minibikes, go karts, and dirtbikes and mopeds ..

Thats whats in our barn ...
I used to have chickens and they make great marijuana fertilizer.


New Member
Hey, if you have land, you have animals, just not domesticated.... :lol:

I had a pet rooster a few years ago named "Major" who thought he was a parrot. He would freak people out when he approached all zig zagging his way fluffed and puffed merely to run up and fly to the strangers shoulder and crow! I had this big (very) farmer and his even bigger son (yes bigger) come and look at an old Kabota tractor I was selling. When Major came running after he found us ten minutes later in the back of the acreage, he scared the living hell out of those two brutes. When the rooster landed on the sons shoulder, I thought he was gonna wet his pants..... :lol:.

He would even drop kick a ball around the yard for hours.... he was something. Alas a very large hawk was in his future. That's life in the country I suppose.... Ol' Major...cock a doodle do buddy cock a doodle do.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Did my first wake and bake in 15 years today... It's now 4:25 pm and I'm still wasted (no I didn't 4:20.) Spent the whole day in a haze watching movies.
Super High Me if fk'n funny as hell baked.



Well-Known Member
so im piling a bowl full of hash listening to some tunes, and i hear my daughter(its 1030 at night, bedtime is 830)talking. i walk down the hall and i see light under the door, i knocked...she knocked back and tried to open the door. i opened the door and she says"Hi Daddy!" like i got home from work or some shit! just chillin playing in her room middle of the damn night?!?

little heathens, all of them!


Well-Known Member
As of Jan 1st I am starting my 8 week layoff, I will be getting paid by the state to sit at home and wake N Bake every morning. Just got me a 60" 1080p HDTV and a PS3, The crops a week into curing, so LET THE GAMES BEGIN BITCHES, My lady still has to work so for pretty much 8 Hrs a day I will have to fuck off. I love the winter.


Well-Known Member
Wake and bakers UNITE! And bake some more....:joint:

I am having alot of problems getting this forum to load. Is it just me? I have been wanting to post, but it takes SO long for the reply to come up.

Prolly the goddamn laptop about to crap out on me again...

Whuzzup, my wake and bake friends?:weed: