People That Hate Cats= Bad People

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't kill anything unless it's self defense or I need to eat.So, so far, I haven't killed anything.

Oh, wait, that's a lie, I killed an alligator gar with a rock once because you're not allowed to throw them back in the river if you catch them.


Well-Known Member
I don't kill anything unless it's self defense or I need to eat.So, so far, I haven't killed anything.

Oh, wait, that's a lie, I killed an alligator gar with a rock once because you're not allowed to throw them back in the river if you catch them.
was it a big one? i've always wanted to catch one of those. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I don't kill anything unless it's self defense or I need to eat.So, so far, I haven't killed anything.

Oh, wait, that's a lie, I killed an alligator gar with a rock once because you're not allowed to throw them back in the river if you catch them.
i like venison so i guess thats to eat? i mean what you catch yourself is free kinda like growing your own herb...

oh btw i dont hate cats just dont care either way i


New Member
That is a big honkin fish, I wonder how he reeled it in? (I know nothing about fishing in the ocean so if I just said something dumb, try to forgive me as you laugh)


New Member
What the hell kind of lake did that come out of? I've never seen anything so big come out of a lake before. I'm just stunned, I grew up fishing, I know what it entails, that dude ought to be proud !

Is that a Gar?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Mine was six pounds, but you know when you have one on the line, they fight so hard, man.They are a very strong fish.I heard some of the folks that come here to work from mexico will eat them, but as far as I know, they're too boney.We always called them billy gar.
was it a big one? i've always wanted to catch one of those. :bigjoint:

Yeah, my dad hunted for us a lot.I personally have never shot anything.
i like venison so i guess thats to eat? i mean what you catch yourself is free kinda like growing your own herb...

oh btw i dont hate cats just dont care either way i


New Member
There's a place that's like 160 miles from me where you can go and bow hunt alligator gar, I just saw it online looking to see if we have them around here.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If you see them in the water, forget about any other fish in that spot.The gar will chase your fish as you reel it in.We caught a couple of softshell turtles and they chased them as far in as they could.Nasty.Them and dogfish.(they're not really dogfish like the shark, apparently..this is what they look like)
You know you're not supposed to eat more than three fish out of the Mississippi a year because of the mercury?That's what I've heard, anyway.
There's a place that's like 160 miles from me where you can go and bow hunt alligator gar, I just saw it online looking to see if we have them around here.


Well-Known Member
I dont like cats at all. never did. I think if u offered cat to a dog fish properly it would eat cat. Maybe justy toss it in the tank even. I love new years.


Well-Known Member
I like fish not cats sorry i used to like cats when i was little. I wouldnt actually hurt a cat they dont even exhist to me anymore... when they do im like cool just stay away so i can breathe. keep ur space and we will be fine. but if a cat persists i just leave cuz i dont want the fur on me.


Well-Known Member
While cats are not the prefered animal my family chooses for a family friend i surely dont hate them,or wish them harm.

I have a deep seated mistrust for anybody who hates any animal,you can tell alot about a person by how they treat something as innocent as an animal,i personally have no time or respect in my life for animal haters.

Animals rock !


New Member
I'm on the other side of the state from the mississippi, over near the Indiana border. I'm not a fish person anyway. I always like to catch fish, just never wanted to eat them.