3000w Vertical Setup


Well-Known Member
hi, nice setup..and some safe wireing i see.....very important ! can i have a bit more info on your cycle plan ? or is there not one ?


Well-Known Member
Flippin' excellent. I've learned much just reading this. I'll have to start dreaming of that day when I have enough space like that. I'm using a vertical set-up but its kiddy-shit compared to this. I do keep amassing electronics though, so I can see being in your position someday.

Thanks for keeping us updated!!

Richard Pryor

Active Member
can i have a bit more info on your cycle plan ? or is there not one ?
Basically all of the plants in there were vegged for 35 days. I still have some space available, but I'm not sure how big the plants will get so I might have to disperse them a little as they grow older.

Regarding the Big Bud and White Berry, I plan to make the WB a mother and still not sure about the Big Bud. They haven't showed sex yet, so as soon as they do I will keep one mother plant and flower the others. Hopefully one of the 4 is a male and I'll be able to pollinate a few branches.

The few mature plants you see in there were from my last batch, but now most of them are dead except two. So, from now on I'll take pics of just the clones and Power Skunk seeds.

Richard Pryor

Active Member
Today I gave the plants some tap water (175ppm/6.00 PH). Liners were filled with water until plants fully absorbed it (about 5 minutes) then filled again. Gave them half a turn as well. Maximum temperature reached 78° and humidity stayed in the 48-52% range.

Finally, I got a replacement for my cracked HPS, so back to 3000w.

Veg Room

Gave the 4 BigBud and the White Berry some tap water (175ppm/6.40 PH).

Richard Pryor

Active Member
Flower Room

Today I checked the plants and the buds sites are already forming! They already drank the water I gave them two days ago, so I'm preparing a little something to give them tomorrow.

I gave the plants half a turn and smoked a joint in there while I cleaned a little. Everything is going as planned.

I didn't turn on the dehumidifier during lights off to see what the humidity would be and it reached 67%, so from now on the dehumidifier will be set on a timer to turn on 1 hour after lights go off and to shut down 1 hour before the lights go on.

Veg Room

Even though it was neglected for a few days, the veg room is still in pretty good shape. I checked one clone and it had already rooted, so I plan to transplant them to bigger pots soon. The BigBud and White Berry look very good, and I'll transplant them to bigger pots either tomorrow or the day after, whenever I get the chance.

Seriously thinking about flowering the 4 BigBuds without taking clones. First, my ex-dealer/friend has 6 of them and the ladies will eventually be mothers. Second, I'm hoping that at least 1 of the 4 I have will be a male, so I will pollinate one of the females and have a bunch of BigBud seeds.

Any input would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Looking good, isnt he loosing light, or is he gaining light in comparison to a horizontal grow op with 3000w .... ?

pls inform me :D


Well-Known Member
he is losing a little, but using more of the total output compared to a horizontal garden.. not to mention gaining canopy space.. i would make the shelving a bit higher and lower the lights a tad but after a couple runs with the strain it will be easier to see where the light is going and how to improve


Well-Known Member
he is losing a little, but using more of the total output compared to a horizontal garden.. not to mention gaining canopy space.. i would make the shelving a bit higher and lower the lights a tad but after a couple runs with the strain it will be easier to see where the light is going and how to improve
yeah should of done that with mine..... still not to late tho:weed:


Well-Known Member
never too late.. gotta start somewhere so you can see what works and what doesnt and make adjustments.. i have moved my lights up and down 5 times in my vertical in 2 grows LOL

Richard Pryor

Active Member
What made you think I was loosing light when you saw my design, DWR? Usually people have the complete opposite reaction when they see a vertical setup, that's why I'm wondering.

Regarding the height of the lights, normally I raise them before taking pictures to avoid getting burned. Even with the lights raised, I get burned from time to time. The way I have them setup, the mogul is a tad lower than the highest part of the plants on the top row. Here's how it looks without raising the lights:



Well-Known Member
looks much better with the lights lower.. my only thing is depending on the strain it may stretch 3x.. if it does in fact stretch 3x the tops of your bottom plants will cover the bottom third of the top plants.. but if they only double then you are golden my friend! but again after your first run you will be able to see what heights work best for your strain and what light positions.. looks fantastic tho ill bet it is going to be a hell of a run...

i would love to do a stadium type setup but instead of using soil and 2x4s have like different levels of pvc pipe that are either flood and drain or aeroponic setup.. that way you could have the benefits of aero, with the efficiency of vertical... that would be sick!


Well-Known Member
subscribed! i like the set up!...3000 wts...thats alot of light...would reflectors increase your intentsity? or do u not use them due to heat issues?


Well-Known Member
the idea of using vertical hanging bulbs is to not lose any light by using reflectors, and to surround the light with plants... the aim is maximum efficiency of power


Well-Known Member
the idea of using vertical hanging bulbs is to not lose any light by using reflectors, and to surround the light with plants... the aim is maximum efficiency of power
i got ya...makes sense...i may have to tweek my 2 600's and do some experimenting

Richard Pryor

Active Member
Thanks FLoJo.

As a matter of fact, I have grown this strain before, and it does stay relatively short, at least my pheno. I've never vegged it for this long, though, so time will tell. If they get too tall, I will definitely raise the shelves.

Nevertheless, I probably won't grow this strain in a while (maybe just a couple of plants). I like variety, and growing different strains is part of the fun... at least for me. Next batch will be Big Bud and White Berry, if all goes as planned.

The hydro/aero idea is very interesting, and if I didn't re-use my soil for my vegetable garden, I would look into it. Soil is very messy and I've transplanted so many plants that I have nightmares about it.

I will post new pics and a new entry in a few minutes.

Richard Pryor

Active Member
subscribed! i like the set up!...3000 wts...thats alot of light...would reflectors increase your intentsity? or do u not use them due to heat issues?
Thanks for stopping by! Heat is not an issue. The 2.5 ton A/C keeps the temperature at 69° during lights off and 78° during lights on.