Need some Help with hydroponics

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Well-Known Member
its funny im actually in a computer engineering class right now and im asking questions about plants ha ha wow cant believe how i put my college time to use:)


New Member
Oh....... Hmmmmmm........ Well remember that you need to mimic the sun here. So in flowering time, you need red orange spectrum. Like the one given off of the 2700k clf's or the HPS light. Remember that.


Well-Known Member
well i thought i could use the red spectrum for flowering thats what roseman has been doing and he gets amazing yields:)


Well-Known Member
but then with my blue spectrum cfl should i just not use it anymore????? or should i keep it in there just for the hell of it?


New Member
Well its a rule of thumb to veg with 6500k and flower with 2700k. but if you want to use your blue 6500k's in the flowering stage, it wouldnt make a difference. The plants are gonna take to the 2700k lumen cfl's more than the blue spectrum. Go to wal mart or target and grab some 2700k lumens CFL's! they are only about $9 each for the big ones! And you dont need a ballast like the HPS uses. Just screw it in to any incandescent fixture and grow! No problem on the questions. I am here to help! Any thing else you need to ask, go right ahead! Im on here all the time and late too!


Well-Known Member
your awesome thank you so do you think these would be ok two flowering light bulbs cfl 85 watt take a look
dont grow with those lights use these and your electricity wont go up and you will get big fat buds but make sure you get both red and blue spectrums.

42 watt average $10.00 each

65 watts, = $23.99 average price

85 Watt, average $29.00 each

105 watt average $38.99 each

Or Look for Clamp Reflectors and Bulbs together:

go buy these light and you wont be dissappointed i promise:smile::smile::smile:


New Member
I actually have the clamp set up on my grow and its working wonders!! Just make sure you see how many lumens they are. look

That was mainly cfls!

Look for the lumens!! The box will tell you. Its usually on the front. I tried to find a pick of the ones at walmart but i lost it. sorry.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Mixed spectrums are not a bad idea when flowering with cfls or HPS. IMO the lower intensity of cfls mean that plants would be able to benefit from it much more than tose under HID lighting even..
You do still want to try and keep a fair amount of red spectrum in there as well even when leaning twords a general mixed spectrum.
And if your on the broke side of life like me and cant add stuff to the grow too often then may as well use that blue bulb too for now, more light the better, even if it IS in a slightly worse spectrum for flower density....


New Member
That might be too hot for a cfl right nex tto a plant. remember that when using cfl's you must keep them close to the plant without causing injuries and at the same time close enought to be effective. 4200 seems too much to be so close. If you put them further, you may risk slow or no growth. I personally have tried to veg with cheap soft whites and some bigger lumen cfls and all i got was some skronny shit. look at this. its sad but i post it for everyone to learn from!! I am not ashamed to say i fucked up! lol

enjoy the laugh! hahaha



Well-Known Member
thanks you guys for all the help so if i have 3 bulbs that are 4,200 a piece 12600 lumens you guys think that would be good for maybe 3 females i hope!!!!! out of 6????? and what if i got 6 females which i know i wont but what if ?would i have to little light???? thanks bear that really helped me out i swear when i can give rep points again its netpirate and bear im visiting first!!!!:)


Well-Known Member
on the weed you messed up on did you use the big cfls i was using or like the 23 watt and normal light bulbs im just curious i dont want mine to come out like that!!!!!

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Ok so I have some problems. As you can see, some of the leaves around the plant have started to go limp and curl. Plus a couple of them have some yellowing on them and are very crackly. I know that after a certain amount of time the leaves will do this, I was just wondering if it looks like something else...... Plus I threw in some bud pics!! Look at the prettiness!

Please help a girl out!

You have a nutrient deficiency.
Its either magnesium or calcium I cant be sure which by the pics.

Are the leaves edges yellowing to the point of browning and getting crispy? And drooping while curling to a frowny face kind of shape?If so that is a Calcium Defficency.

Mag Deff's are treated by adding 1 tablespoon of epsom salts per gallon of water in your nutrient mix until improvements are shown. I usually treat hydro plants like this once every 3 weeks as a preventative measure.

Cal Deff's are treated by adding a nute with high calcium levels to it. Cal-Mag is a good option as it treats both issues and they also have a formula called cal-mag Plus which is the same stuff with added iron.

Be careful with calcium rich nutes since it moves very slowly in the plant and if you overdose it, by the time it shows, it can often be too late depending on how hard you hit them.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
I got a better look @ a few of the pics. I think its a cal Deff...
Nothing serious yet I dont think but Ive never used aero as a medium. Be glad for one thing, if you were using coco as a medium youd have reason to worry. Its notorious for having calcium issues...


New Member
why would i have reason to worry if it were in coco.. actually i started them in cocotek. I think the problem was when i played with the ph and used too much ff nutes on the last res a week and 1 half ago. The plants seem to be ok.

So cal def huh.... any organic suggestions? and how would cocotek be the worry issue? interesting this is.
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