Going Vertical: Construction of a Monster

South Texas

Well-Known Member
What is the base used in the buckets, where did you get the buckets from and why do you have to "move" the plants???


Well-Known Member
i use hydroton in the buckets.. i got them from a local store but you can get them online.. they are 8inch square... and i have to move the plants around to get what i like to think of as optimal coverage.. some plants may stretch inwards towards the light more and choke out those in the corners, so i may switch their spots around and whatnot.. it may not make much of a difference but i like to get them as equal as i can.. part of the problem is i am growing two different strains in the system.. if i just had one strain it would not be as much of an issue


Well-Known Member
yes... yes i do LOL.. i am actually in the process of getting hold of some serious seeds AK.. i think it would be even better in the system i put a link for in post 22.. large single colas from top to bottom... beautiful


Well-Known Member
yes... yes i do LOL.. i am actually in the process of getting hold of some serious seeds AK.. i think it would be even better in the system i put a link for in post 22.. large single colas from top to bottom... beautiful
Haha, i just finished some growing AK for the first time. Im hooked, i liked the results so much that i think im going to stick with her for a while. I also want to go Master Kush in order to satisfy the cutting edge folks.


Well-Known Member
ya you cant ask for much more from a plant, huge colas, ultra potent, and fantastic yields


Well-Known Member
they are lumatex 600w ballasts and then just simple sockets that i attached eye hooks to and hung with chains.. nothing fancy

Richard Pryor

Active Member
Mad props, FLoJo. You say some plants are 6" away from the light? What about most of the plants? Better yet, what's the distance from the lights to the beginning of the shelves?

PS: to change back to the old skin, go to My Rollitup... Edit Options and on the bottom change the skin to blzin 07.


Well-Known Member
Mad props, FLoJo. You say some plants are 6" away from the light? What about most of the plants? Better yet, what's the distance from the lights to the beginning of the shelves?

PS: to change back to the old skin, go to My Rollitup... Edit Options and on the bottom change the skin to blzin 07.
thanks man, i been trying to figure out how to change it back for days LOL

and yes some plants (the trainwreck) have stretched out and are inches away from the light.. interestingly enough the agent orange pretty much just grow straight up but are much fatter as of now (i think they do flower a week faster)

but they are still fat as hell.. even the ones in the middle that get a tad less light are still fat as hell with virtually no stretch.. love it!!

the lights hang exactly 2 feet from each side, and then there is a four foot gap in the middle of the two lights.. i have measured with a light meter and it is pretty uniform throughout the entire setup.


Well-Known Member
and then just simple sockets that i attached eye hooks to and hung with chains.. nothing fancy
was wondering about that...thanks...you know youre gonna have to swing through and give me the thumbs up on my vert set up when the time comes


Well-Known Member
very... impressive. After this grow I'm probably goin vert. Just gotta save some cash. I know you mentioned earlier that it cost about a grand for your building material... but what would say the overall cost was? Hydroton, buckets, nutes, etc. And if you could let me know, how much does your electricity bill go up from that room? Trying to get an idea for myself. Thanks, and once again, very nice set-up!


Well-Known Member
you already know im there funk!

and the total cost with everything was probably around 4 or 5 grand.. my electric bill is probably about 250-300 extra with the room but keep in mind where i live it is probably the most expensive electricity in the country. it uses about 1000 kwh a month i think


Well-Known Member
thanks guys! if it all goes as well as it looks like it is going then everyone is gonna need to build one!

Richard Pryor

Active Member
Do your gutters get dirty from the nutrient residual after a while? If so, I would imagine a couple of handy wipes would do the trick. Looks a bit tricky with the tubing in it, though.