Finally: My HOMEBOX L!


Well-Known Member
Greetings all!

finally got around to setting up my Homebox this weekend, and JUST got some clones (NLX and BubbleGum) today :mrgreen:

I've got a 400w HPS (external ballast) on some yo-yos, inline fan with carbon filter hooked up to a thermostat, and of course an electric timer :hump:

some pics attached.

Please let me know if i'm doing anything wrong. The lamp will only be that high up for the first 18 hours of light.




Well-Known Member
Yeh I was gonna buy the Homebox,but I read "toxic" reviews on them.So I got the "DarkRoom".
Yeah I read about that too, but apparently it only comes from PVC lining on the interior, which Homebox don't use. They use PE or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there are no significant plant toxicity issues with the Homebox and they are sturdier than the Dark Rooms. I have a Homebox XL on the way to me right now :)


Well-Known Member
yeah its the tents like HTG supply sells that use the PVC in their equipment, the homebox is good stuff....good luck


Well-Known Member
Congrats! you'll love it :grin:

how many plants are you going for in your XL?
Yeah, I just received it today. Right now I've got 2 White Widow that survived the toxic Jumble Tent I have. Those will go in there as soon as I get it set up. I have 9 BC Great White Shark that I just germinated. I ordered a hydro drip system that holds 9 plants and if things work out the seedlings should join the other two in the tent at some point. If I can get things set up properly I'd like to eventually have 18 plants in two of the hydro systems using Sea of Green. I'll add air stones to the hydro units to make them DWC too.

I still have to take down the old tent though. I really strapped my Vortex fan in there good, so it's going to take a while to get that out of there, lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm well into my second grow with my Homebox. I'm very statisfied, though I would like to see one or more additional access holes. Here's a pic of my babies:


Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
The Homebox is the shit. I have two, and I love them both. I have a homebox s which I have a 400 watt in and a homebox xs which i have a 250 in. One thing I did, to reduce smell and keep it completely dark inside during lights off, is I bought a honeywell universal carbon pre-filter, and I un-rolled it and cut it into sections and ducttaped it over the vents so that way no light shines in. Also, get rid of the straps it comes with and get some light chains, one of my straps came apart and the light almost fell on my babies.. they arent very sturdy.. so, thats my advice. But, yeah, I totally dig the homebox and it works very well. I hope you have lots of luck with it brother


Well-Known Member
I'm well into my second grow with my Homebox. I'm very statisfied, though I would like to see one or more additional access holes. Here's a pic of my babies:
I just checked out your 1st grow album. The Master Kush looks INSANE! I'm blazin' some locally grown MK and it doesn't look nowhere near as good as yours!

good s#it man.


Well-Known Member
The Homebox is the shit. I have two, and I love them both. I have a homebox s which I have a 400 watt in and a homebox xs which i have a 250 in. One thing I did, to reduce smell and keep it completely dark inside during lights off, is I bought a honeywell universal carbon pre-filter, and I un-rolled it and cut it into sections and ducttaped it over the vents so that way no light shines in. Also, get rid of the straps it comes with and get some light chains, one of my straps came apart and the light almost fell on my babies.. they arent very sturdy.. so, thats my advice. But, yeah, I totally dig the homebox and it works very well. I hope you have lots of luck with it brother
Yeah, i'm not totally convinced about the straps. wouldn't want anything falling and smashing my babies :-?

I'll definitely look into getting chains. Thanks for the advice bro!

and plz do stop by my grow journal :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yep, I made the mistake of using a larger fan for my last grow and I ended up with wind burn. Now I have a fan like yours.


Active Member
homebox's are the bees knees. every one is too small tho, except for the XXL american versions.
good luck sand monkey


Well-Known Member
thanks onehundred.

I agree though that most of them are too small (especially for commercial growers) BUt i'm quite happy with mine. I should be able to produce enough bud to last me 2-3 months at a time, so hopefully long enough to last from one harvest to the next.

I'm already thinking of getting a 2nd one to use as a vegging/cloning room and perhaps even a drying room if need be.

would appreciate you folks stopping by my grow journal. Budding has begun :D

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, they are small, but with my Homebox S, 7 baby girls, I yeilded 11.5 onions! I was figuring 8 but my last 2 girls I pulled 2 days ago were each over 2.5 z's,.... so, Im a very satisfied homebox user. The 3 widows flowered for 60 days and my sensi stars, 2 were 80 days and 2 were 85 days... My friends who use an entire attic with like 16 plants just got a little bit more than me. And they have a 400 and a 600 and cfls. I just had a 400. So, in 31.5 x 31.5 x 63 inchs one 400 yielded 11.5! Im pretty impressed with my first grow. I would have been happy with 5 or 6 which is what I was expecting... so much happier tho with what I got!


Well-Known Member
That's f'in impressive; especially for a first grow! (by onions you do mean ounces right? Sorry i'm used to the metric system).

I'm hoping my girls will give me at least 8 oz in total. I'm also using a 400w HPS, so your results are my new benchmark LOL

what did you grow btw?
