One person you would NOT smoke with!


New Member
i wouldn't smoke with Hitler, cuz he was a dick, and i would make fun of the faggity leather and boots and his little gay mustache and be executed by the gestapo............................i said it earlier. ha ha.

christopher reave.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
ahahahhahahahah. all is quiet over there these days. the signs are all gone. until next season anyways. :weed:
Yeah fdd I read that it was better ...and that he took the signs down...but still...i couldnt believe wut an asshole he was...he brought MORE attention to the plants...wut a douche


Well-Known Member
the man show was badass man i loved it.......and bob saget is one funny motherfucker any of you seen his stand up? that shit is hilarious i would share my herb with him any fuckin day