
Well-Known Member
This is gonna sound like a dumb wuestion whats is a DWC system? You mean get rid of the sprayer all together and fill the resivoir so that all of the roots are in water >?


Well-Known Member
Exactly, Deep Water Culture, Throw Some Air Stones in there and boom, there you go, kinda like a big ass AeroGarden :lol:


Well-Known Member
i built my own but dont have ne money for nutes and i also have like a shit load of AG nutes left . I will use the dwc when i get another spot for it. For now the AG does the job..


Well-Known Member
How many air stones should I get for an 18 gallon resivour ? Im going to do take out the sprayer tommorow and but another rubbermaid so I can start a whole new grow! Should I fill It to the the bottom of the basket or should Include some of the basket >? Thanks for the help guys !


Well-Known Member
18 gal is a lot. Remember you gotta flush it lots of times. I think the Stealth system has a 6 gal. and I think you can get 6 big plants.


Well-Known Member
I put 2 16 inch air stones in on the bottom and i used aquarium glue to secure it to the bottom. U need to buy a big air pump. I think i bought a 20 gallon and i tested it out and it didnt pump out to many bubbles, Im gonna go out and buy the 30 or 40 just to get more bubbles. The more bubbles u have the happier ur plants are


Well-Known Member
18 gal is a lot. Remember you gotta flush it lots of times. I think the Stealth system has a 6 gal. and I think you can get 6 big plants.

The stealth system is a 18 gallon container. Just because its 18 gallon doesnt mean ur gonna fill the container to the top. If u fill it a lil over half way thats only 10 gallons of water..


Well-Known Member
Oh and have you guys ever put a little peroxide in the water?
I had 1 plant that had brown looking roots comin out of the root pot, but the roots in the soup were okay...just like yours. never knew for sure if it was nute stain or a disease. Use 1tsp/gallon. You know it will kill organic nutrients dead. Just run it a couple hours than change your tank if you are using organics. If you're using synthetics, I think you can just leave it and it's gone in 2 days.

For water grows, keep your pH acidic and it'll keep your roots white. I'm between 5.2 & 5.8 throughout the grow. Never below 5 or above 6 for me.


Well-Known Member

pics of my home made stealth bubbleponics system. I put a 16 inch and a 12 inch air stone. I would do 2 16 inch if i would do it over.. This is an 18 gallon container exact same as the stealth bubbleponics


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1945081]Damn thats looks good Dog, thats what i needa start fucin with here soon![/quote]

Thanks sicc i made it myself. The hardest part was drilling the holes in the cups then removing all the extra burnt plastic. Shit took me over an hour to pik all of the hangin plastic off. Its not a 100% done if u see the pump with the hose comin out. I need to get a plug for the end hose then drill 6 1/4 inch holes in the hose and run the 1/4 inch hose to each pod or cup. I will finish it soon but dont plan on using it until the summer.. It cost me maybe 50 dollars to make it tops when the stealth bubbleponics goes for over a 100 dollars easy


Well-Known Member
You have to fill it enough to up to where the basket is dont you? otherwise the roots would dry out. This is a Pic of my resivour so how far should I fill it? Dude those pics help so much Dog tagz... What ese is inside your resivour



Well-Known Member

pics of my home made stealth bubbleponics system. I put a 16 inch and a 12 inch air stone. I would do 2 16 inch if i would do it over.. This is an 18 gallon container exact same as the stealth bubbleponics
Nice. Wish i could do that too but i have to keep it stealthy. I'll subscribe to the grow! I wanna learn in case things change.


Well-Known Member
It cost me $10 for the 18 gallon container, 88 cents per cup at walmart, 2 airstones $9, 180 gallon per hour water pump $20, and 30 gallon air pump $23. Totaling at like $60


Well-Known Member
How do you check or add to the water level in there and measure the pH, ppm, etc? Can you get to it without removing the top with the plants in it? I guess I'm asking how you do that stuff...thanks


Well-Known Member
18 Gallon Container - $10

6 Cups - $5.28

2 Air Stones - $9

180 GPH Water pump - $20

30 Gallon Air pump - $23

Growing Killer Buds - Priceless