Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thanks!Not much, tried to sleep in, but the old man is busy diddling around with the dishwasher, and the cats were on top of the frog cage attempting to get breakfast.So I figured I'd check my messages while I enjoyed my morning pepsi.
Stoney, here, been saving this for you bongsmilie

Cold here, hibernating today, what's up with you?


Well-Known Member
Im not a big coffee person myself.. But i just made some home ground Hazelnut x French Vanilla blend thats fucking AMAZING.


Well-Known Member
Stoney i just signed the Petition <3 Lol is there any way to view the list of others that have signed it?


Well-Known Member
i hate the way regular coffee and regular coffee beans smell i unno why. But the smell of this Hazelnut stuff i got for x-mas is orgasmic :| If i were a bean i would grind myself all up in it! Lol


Well-Known Member
Man I love the smell of coffee, the beans or even just a cup of it. Nothing better than a morning coffee and a bowl.


Well-Known Member
grand daddy purple and a cup of coffee.

we have to take the kitties to the vet today. it's time for their yearly check-up. now that i have the bigger truck it won't be so bad.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awww.Thermometer up the butt time.:(
grand daddy purple and a cup of coffee.

we have to take the kitties to the vet today. it's time for their yearly check-up. now that i have the bigger truck it won't be so bad.

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Mine do.Roooowwwwwwrrr...rooooooowwwwwwwrrr....drives ya nuts.It's pitiful.
taking cats to the vet, do yours make horrible noises when they're in the car? Mine make frightening sounds.......


New Member
I have to fight to get mine into the taxi to go, then fight to get them out of the taxi when we get there. Once the vet is done, they haul ass back into the taxi all on their own.