Marijuana News


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[SIZE=+1]Google News Alert for: marijuana[/SIZE]
Massive marijuana garden found in California
[SIZE=-1]Independent Online - Cape Town,South Africa
Santa Barbra - A massive marijuana garden - 61 000 plants worth nearly $200-million (about R1,3-billion)- was discovered in a remote area in Southern ...
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Police Find Pot, Bomb and 6 Kids in RV
[SIZE=-1]FOX News - USA
A recreational vehicle stopped for reckless driving near a state softball tournament held six children, three adults, marijuana and a bomb, ...
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Brian Kalt: Time for marijuana-law reform
[SIZE=-1]National Post - Canada
The 2007 World Drug Report discussed here apparently ranks Canada #5 in terms of marijuana use, with 16.8% of Canadians aged 15 to 64 lighting up in 2004. ...
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Aussie politicians admit they inhaled
[SIZE=-1]Independent Online - Cape Town,South Africa
Sydney - The question of who smoked what and with whom is making Australian politicians dizzy after a rock singer said he had shared marijuana joints with a ...
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Police arrest man, seize 1100 marijuana plants 3:56 PM CT
[SIZE=-1]Dallas Morning News (subscription) - TX,USA
By MATTHEW HAAG / The Dallas Morning News A 25-year-old man was jailed Wednesday after some 1100 marijuana plants were seized from his home in a neatly ...
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Marijuana chemical found in teen who shot cops
[SIZE=-1]Indianapolis Star - United States
... tests on a teenager who killed himself after shooting two Floyd County sheriff's deputies detected only a chemical found in marijuana, a coroner said. ...
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Giuliani: "No Reason" For Medial Marijuana
[SIZE=-1]CBS News - New York City,NY,USA
(AP) Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that people who want to legalize marijuana for medical purposes really just want to make the drug ...
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Santa Ynez Valley rancher foils marijuana growing operation
[SIZE=-1]San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
A rancher hunting for coyotes on his property confronted eight men carrying duffel bags stuffed with marijuana. The rifle-toting rancher, whose name was ...
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Giant Marijuana Farm Found 200 Yards From DEA Office
[SIZE=-1]MyFox Dallas - Dallas,TX,USA
DALLAS -- Drug Enforcement Administration officials discovered a large number of marijuana plants growing in a wooded area near the Trinity River in Dallas ...
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Two city men indicted on marijuana charges
[SIZE=-1]New Britain Herald - New Britain,CT,USA
NEW BRITAIN - Two city men who police said were growing 100 marijuana plants in their basement have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Hartford, ...
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Lin Ching Hsia's stepdaughter in marijuana bust
[SIZE=-1]Xinhua - China
BEIJING, July 12 -- Hong Kong police have found marijuana at renowned Taiwan actress Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia's stepdaughter, Ying Jia Qian's home. ...
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Family Charged with Growing Marijuana
[SIZE=-1]WTMJ-TV - Milwaukee,WI,USA
(AP) -- A Sheboygan Falls couple and their son face felony charges for growing and selling marijuana after law enforcement agents found the drug hidden in ...
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'Marijuana Map' Possible With Chemistry
[SIZE=-1]Discovery Channel - USA
July 12, 2007 -- Marijuana seized in a drug bust is evidence against the possessor, but where it came from often remains a mystery. Now scientists have a way ...
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Popper Plants Pot Problem
[SIZE=-1]E! Online - USA
The singer and harmonica virtuoso was popped last March for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia after he and a friend were caught speeding. ...
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$600K In Marijuana Plants Seized In Aliso Viejo
[SIZE=-1]CBS 2 - Los Angeles,CA,USA
About 6000 marijuana plants, with a street value of about $600000, were removed today from a canyon adjacent to an upscale Alison Viejo neighborhood. ...
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Well-Known Member
Thanx for the posts. This is the kind of stuff people need to use to educate themselves. Some of the links don't seem to work. I tried the Gulliani story and see all , got a screen nothing on it. VV


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[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Libertarian Party Blasts Congress For Spending$23 Million [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]
To Develop Killer Fungus That Might Be Used Against Hemp
[FONT=arial, helvetica]See[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]A Fungus Among Us: Congress Funds Research For Biological Warfare On Cannabis, Coca And Poppies From The Libertarian Party[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]For release: January 11, 1999 [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]For additional information:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]George Getz, Press Secretary[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica](202) 333-0008 Ext. 222[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Libertarians blast Congress for spending $23 million to develop anti-drug killer fungus[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]WASHINGTON, DC—The United States government is spending $23 million to develop a killer fungus to wipe out marijuana plants— a dangerous plan that could cause an environmental catastrophe, said the Libertarian Party today. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]"This project is the political equivalent of athlete’s foot fungus:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]It’s nasty, it’s dangerous, and it needs to be stopped before it spreads," said LP National Director Steve Dasbach. "The last thing we need is a bio-engineered killer fungus turned loose on the world." [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Late last year, Congress passed legislation that authorized $23 million for research into soil-borne fungi called "mycoherbicides," which will attack and kill marijuana plants, poppy plants, and coca plants. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]When developed, the fungus could be released in such South American countries as Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia, said U.S. officials. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]The legislation was guided through Congress by U.S. Representatives Bill McCollum (R-FL) and Mike DeWine (R-OH), who said the killer fungus was potentially a "silver bullet" in the War on Drugs. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]But Libertarians say the tax-subsidized fungus is a "biohazard" that could have a disastrous impact on the ecosystems of the target nations—and, potentially, the whole world. [/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica]"In the government’s irresponsible search for a quick-fix in the War on Drugs, politicians could cause terrifying long-term ecological problems," warned Dasbach. According to scientists, the killer fungus could... [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Attack other plants, wiping out valuable cash crops. [/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica]"For example, a chemical alkaloid similar to the one that produces cocaine is present in many legal plants—including tobacco and coffee beans," said Dasbach. "In an effort to wipe out drugs, this killer fungus could wipe out the livelihood of millions of farmers." [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Cause many plants to develop stronger chemical defenses against the fungus, which could then mutate and spread to other, harmful plants. [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica]"According to scientists, mutated plants could pass on these resistant genes and create herbicide-resistant weeds, which could have a ruinous effect on farm yields," he said. "With world hunger already a problem, why risk making it worse?" [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Wipe out industrial hemp plants, which are legal in every major industrialized country outside the United States. [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica]"No fungus is smart enough to tell the difference between legal hemp and illegal marijuana," noted Dasbach. "This fungus could be the biological warfare equivalent of carpet bombing—killing whatever is in its path." [/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica]What should Americans do about this dangerous program? Tell their Congressional representatives to apply a strong dose of political fungicide to "cure" it, said Dasbach. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]"This tax-funded fungus should be treated like any dangerous mold or mildew—exposed to sunlight and wiped clean. Congress should just say no to biological warfare." [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Dasbach also said Libertarians have a better way to reduce the consumption of marijuana, with no environmental risks: Legalize it. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]In the Netherlands, he noted, where marijuana is decriminalized, drug use is half that of the United States. In fact, a new study revealed that while 32.9% of Americans have tried marijuana, only 15.6% of Dutch adults have done so. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]"Treating adults like adults—and letting them make decisions about how to live their lives—seems to have a stronger anti-drug effect than any killer fungus," said Dasbach. "Wouldn’t it be ironic if liberty was a more effective anti-drug program than deadly mycoherbicides?" [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]The Libertarian Party[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica][/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100 voice: 202-333-0008[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Washington DC 20037 fax: 202-333-0072[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]The Hemp Page of is edited by John E. Dvorak, Hempologist & Managing Editor, Hemp Magazine. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]John was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but is an eight year resident of Allston/Brighton, MA, where he is the proprietor of the Boston Hemp Co-op and Managing Editor of Hemp Magazine. He is a member of the Hemp Industries Association, the International Hemp Association, and Mass/Cann NORML. [/FONT]​

[FONT=arial, helvetica]=-=-=-=-=-[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Hemp Magazine[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica]Advertising & subscription info:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Richard Tomcala, Publisher[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica][/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]713-523-3199[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica]Hemp news & writers wanted![/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Contact John E. Dvorak, Managing Editor[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica][/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]617-254-HEMP[/FONT]


MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the posts. This is the kind of stuff people need to use to educate themselves. Some of the links don't seem to work. I tried the Gulliani story and see all , got a screen nothing on it. VV
CONCORD, N.H. , July 11, 2007

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(AP) Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that people who want to legalize marijuana for medical purposes really just want to make the drug available to all.

"I believe the effort to try and make marijuana available for medical uses is really a way to legalize it. There's no reason for it," the former New York mayor said during a town hall-style meeting at New Hampshire Technical Institute.

He also said there are better alternatives.

"You can accomplish everything you want to accomplish with things other than marijuana, probably better. There are pain medications much superior to marijuana," he said.

"We'd be much better off telling people the truth. Marijuana adds nothing to the array of legal medications and prescription medications that are available for pain relief."

After a speech at the first of several stops in the first-primary state, the early front-runner in the race for the Republican nomination fielded questions. None dealt with the unpopular war in Iraq.

Instead, voters wanted to know about the failed immigration bill and Giuliani's views on climate change and health care.

Giuliani said promises of universal health care are hollow and simply not manageable.

"If you try to do socialized medicine, a la Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama or Michael Moore, you're going to end up with a disaster," he said.

He urged voters to press other candidates for specifics and to move beyond highfaluting language.

"We tried that before. We tried that with the `War on Poverty' and we tried that with welfare. Look what happened. We tried a simplistic solution and look what happened. We locked people into poverty. It was a tragedy."

Later, while visiting a deli and store in Hooksett, he explained why he hadn't been in New Hampshire as frequently as some of his rivals.

"You've got to talk about other people about strategy of the campaign. I go where they tell me," he joked with reporters.

Giuliani last visited New Hampshire June 12; in contrast fellow Republican Mitt Romney and other lesser-known hopefuls have been stumping here more frequently.

"Ultimately, I think, by the time we get to the New Hampshire primary, we'll have spent as much time as any candidate here, probably more than a lot of them," he said, adding, "The order in which we did it, I guess it had to do with our fundraising, I guess it had to do with whatever our other priorities were."

Later on Tuesday, Giuliani spoke to a town hall-style meeting at a Nashua hotel. He warned against terrorism — a central argument for his candidacy. He said Democrats wouldn't keep the United States safe and that no matter what happens in Iraq, the larger war against terror would continue.

He rejected an audience member who asked whether Giuliani thought U.S. foreign policy was in part responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"The September 11th attacks have nothing to do with American foreign policy," Giuliani said. "They have everything to do with ... Islamic terrorists."

The questioner said he based his question on his reading of the 9-11 Commission report. Giuliani said that he didn't agree the commission — on which he briefly served — came to that conclusion.

"It had nothing to do with our foreign policy. Our foreign policy could change tomorrow and they'd still want to attack us. ... They want to kill us and attack us because we represent the infidel, modern world."


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Police arrest man, seize 1,100 marijuana plants

[SIZE=-1]09:46 PM CDT on Wednesday, July 11, 2007

[SIZE=-1]By MATTHEW HAAG / The Dallas Morning News

A 25-year-old man was jailed Wednesday after about 1,100 marijuana plants were seized from his home in a neatly manicured, middle-class Richardson neighborhood.
Richardson police Lt. Mike Scott described the growing operation at 1201 La Mesa Drive as unsophisticated but "one of the largest I've seen."
Brett Lachance was arrested on a charge of possession of marijuana, less than five pounds, a state jail felony. He was being held at the Richardson City Jail in lieu of $3,000 bail.
The investigation began unfolding late Tuesday morning, when police received a call from a neighbor about a suspicious person. Police saw an open window and a broken lock, so they entered the house. After smelling a strong odor of marijuana and seeing the plants, they obtained a search warrant, Lt. Scott said.
Police seized the plants and lighting equipment used to grow them in two upstairs bedrooms.
Mr. Lachance was arrested when he returned home later in the day. He was charged with possession of less than five pounds based on the leaves' weight, Lt. Scott said.
Neighbors said Mr. Lachance moved into the 2,300-square-foot home about three months ago. Lt. Scott said it appeared he did not live there regularly, and it was unclear whether other people were involved in the marijuana operation.
On Wednesday morning, men from a lawn service were mowing and edging the front yard.
Barbara Ball, who lives across the street, said the home's next-door neighbor told her that he saw an unfamiliar vehicle in the alley around 11 a.m. Tuesday. When he approached, the car fled, so he called police because he thought the home was being burglarized, she said.
"They really picked the wrong neighborhood to do this because we really watch out to what's going on," Ms. Ball said.
The neighborhood near Coit and Arapaho roads is inhabited mostly by older residents and a few younger families. Mr. Lachance's home is valued at $185,000 by the Dallas Central Appraisal District
Ms. Ball said she heard from police that the doors to the two bedrooms where the drugs were found had been padlocked and that the house had been "destroyed."
Ms. Ball said residents long had been suspicious: The home's occupants came and went only at late hours; they apparently never moved in furniture; and their upstairs window would glow at night from what looked like a heat lamp.
"The whole neighborhood was aware something was going on," she said. "They weren't the type of people to talk. They would wave, say hi, but that's it."
Still, the mother of two teens said, the discovery was shocking.
"It was awful. We had to tell our children that something illegal was going on," Ms. Ball said. "We had to tell them never to approach the me


Well-Known Member
i thought this was awsome 1100 plants and 2 bedrooms WTF 5 lbs of leaves Fuck yea, they got his crop before flower


Well-Known Member
There was no bud maybe he won't be charged. hope Mike G. wins 08 put a stop to the war on drugs


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Drug Czar Gives Warning
Federal official calls marijuana growers dangerous terrorists
07-13-07||By Dylan Darling

The news: The nation’s drug czar says pot garden growers in the north state are terrorists.

What’s next: Anti-drug agencies plan to continue the blitz on gardens next week.

The nation's top anti-drug official said people need to overcome their "reefer blindness" and see that illicit marijuana gardens are a terrorist threat to the public's health and safety, as well as to the environment.

John P. Walters, President Bush's drug czar, said the people who plant and tend the gardens are terrorists who wouldn't hesitate to help other terrorists get into the country with the aim of causing mass casualties. Walters made the comments at a Thursday press conference that provided an update on the "Operation Alesia" marijuana-eradication effort.

"Don't buy drugs. They fund violence and terror," he said.

After touring gardens raided this week in Shasta County, Walters said the officers who are destroying the gardens are performing hard, dangerous work in rough terrain. He said growers have been known to have weapons, including assault rifles.

"These people are armed; they're dangerous," he said. He called them "violent criminal terrorists."

Walters, whose official title is director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, said too many people write off marijuana as harmless. "We have kind of a reefer blindness,' " he said.

No arrests have been made so far in the four days of raids, the opening leg of what Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko has promised will be at least two straight weeks of daily raids.

He said suspects have been hard to find because their familiarity with their terrain makes it easy for them to flee quickly.

Although crews doing the raids are using Black Hawk and other helicopters to drop in on some of the gardens, Bosenko said they don't want to give the growers any warning of a raid.

"We try to move in under stealth," he said.

As of Thursday morning, Operation Alesia raids had resulted in the yanking of 68,237 young marijuana plants from public lands in Shasta County. Raids already have been conducted in Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, as well as on land managed by the U.S. Forest Service north of Lake Shasta and other public land near Manton.

The operation is being led by the sheriff's office and has involved 17 agencies, including the California National Guard and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. It's believed to be the largest campaign of its kind in the state, Bosenko said.

The operation is named after the last major battle between the Roman Empire and the Gauls in 52 B.C. That battle was won by the Romans.

With the blitz of marijuana gardens around Shasta County, Bosenko said officials hope to not only get rid of the pot, but also win back the land for the public that owns it.

"These organizations are destroying our lands and wildlife," he said.

Bernie Weingardt, regional forester for the Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Region, said the 28,000 acres believed to house illegal marijuana grows on national forest land throughout the state would cost more than $300 million to


"These lands must be cleaned and restored," he said.

His estimate is based on a National Park Service study that found it costs $11,000 per acre to pull the plants, clear irrigation systems, reshape any terracing and replant native vegetation, said Mike Odle, Forest Service spokesman.

While Walters didn't give specific goals for Operation Alesia, he said anti-drug agencies aim to cripple the organized crime groups that he said are behind the marijuana cultivation.

"This business we intend to put into recession, depression and put its leaders into jail," Walters said.


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2 men charged in $6.5M BC Bud operation
[SIZE=-1]Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada[/SIZE]
Two men from the GTA face 16 years in prison after Ohio State troopers say they found $6.5 million worth of highly potent marijuana in their minivan. ...
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Feature: Medical Marijuana -- A Progress Report
[SIZE=-1]Drug War Chronicle - Washington,DC,USA

[SIZE=-1]A little more than a decade after California voters passed Proposition 215 in 1996, making it the first state to approve the use of medical marijuana, ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]See all stories on this topic [/SIZE]
School principal caught with marijuana can keep job
[SIZE=-1](AP) - The principal of a school in Vernonia caught with marijuana last week can keep his job. The school board met last night to discuss the case of Aaron ...[/SIZE]
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Border Patrol Makes Two Marijuana Busts Totaling $1.3 Million
[SIZE=-1]KESQ - Palm Desert,CA,USA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]A K-9 unit found 31 cardboard boxes with 109 bundles of marijuana said to be valued at more than $1.2 million. Agents arrested the driver who was a Mexican ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]See all stories on this topic [/SIZE]
Medical Marijuana: Rudy Giuliani Just Says No
[SIZE=-1]Drug War Chronicle - Washington,DC,USA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani rejected medical marijuana when asked about it at a campaign stop Tuesday, saying its supporters really just ...[/SIZE]
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Marijuana plants destroyed
[SIZE=-1]Macon County Times - Lafayette,TN,USA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Macon County Sheriff Mark Gammons and Detective Bill Cothron confiscated 504 marijuana plants from a farm in the Winklers community of Red Boiling Springs ...[/SIZE]
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Canada: A Majority Favors Marijuana Legalization, But Arrests Are ...
[SIZE=-1]Drug War Chronicle - Washington,DC,USA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Even as new polling shows a majority of Canadian adults favors legalizing marijuana and a United Nations survey shows that Canada is one of the most ...[/SIZE]
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Agents nab marijuana and cocaine at Nogales and Douglas ports
[SIZE=-1]Arizona Daily Star - Tucson,AZ,USA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Customs and Border Protection officers stopped nearly two tons of marijuana and 30 pounds of cocaine from coming through ports of entry in Nogales and ...[/SIZE]
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DEA sends warning letters to medical marijuana landlords
[SIZE=-1]KESQ - Palm Desert,CA,USA
AP - July 14, 2007 9:44 PM ET LOS ANGELES (AP) - Managers of medical marijuana dispensaries fear they might be shut down this week after at least 30 ...
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Re-Vote Likely After E-Vote Error
[SIZE=-1]PC World - USA
A California judge appears set to nullify an election result voting down medical use of marijuana after an e-voting lawsuit. A California judge is likely to ...
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Vernonia ponders marijuana paradox
[SIZE=-1] - Portland,OR,USA
The local chapter of the Lions Club -- to which Miller, 41, belongs -- supports a program to educate kids about the dangers of drugs such as marijuana. ...
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Judge keeps door open for WAMM's medical marijuana case
[SIZE=-1]Santa Cruz Sentinel - Santa Cruz,CA,USA
By Sean Aronson SAN JOSE -- A Santa Cruz marijuana collective raided by federal agents in 2002 made its case for the right to grow medical pot in court ...
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Border Patrol: 1500 Pounds Of Marijuana Seized
[SIZE=-1]NBC - San Diego,CA,USA
The Border Patrol said its agents seized more than 1500 pounds of marijuana packed into a U-Haul truck at a desert checkpoint south of Salton City. ...
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$1 million in marijuana plants seized in Orange
[SIZE=-1]News & Observer - Raleigh,NC,USA
CHAPEL HILL - The Orange County Sheriff's Office seized 1197 marijuana plants worth about $1 million Thursday afternoon in a helicopter eradication effort. ...
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4lbs of marijuana siezed in drug bust
[SIZE=-1] - Johnson City,TN,USA
The police department says the search was the result of an ongoing investigation into marijuana sales in the city. Detectives seized approximately four ...
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Toronto judge rules marijuana laws unconstitutional
[SIZE=-1]680 News - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
Toronto - Prosecutors are planning to launch a speedy appeal of a Toronto judge's ruling that Canada's marijuana possession laws are unconstitutional. ...
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Marijuana Farm Found 200 Yards From Dallas DEA Office
[SIZE=-1]MyFox Kansas City - Kansas City,MO,USA
DALLAS -- Drug Enforcement Administration officials in Dallas discovered a large number of marijuana plants growing in a wooded area near the Trinity River ...
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Marijuana grow discovered in Sussex County
[SIZE=-1]Bethany Beach Wave - Bethany Beach,DE,USA
GUMBORO -- A field of marijuana containing more than 100 plants near Sussex County Road 422 was discovered by Delaware and Maryland law enforcement agencies ...
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Well-Known Member
Police seize 25 pounds of marijuana Florida man arrested and ...
[SIZE=-1]Hudson Reporter - Hoboken,NJ,USA
The Union City Police Department Narcotics Task Force recently made one of the largest seizures of marijuana in years thanks to a tip received from an ...
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DEA sends warning letters to medical marijuana landlords
[SIZE=-1]San Francisco Chronicle - CA, USA
Managers of medical marijuana dispensaries feared they might be shut down this week after at least 30 landlords in Los Angeles County received warning ...
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Police Discover Marijuana Harvest
[SIZE=-1]WBOC TV 16 - Salisbury,MD,USA
GUMBORO (WBOC) - Maryalnd State Police narcotics officers notified the Delaware State Police Sussex County Drug Task Force after uncovering a "marijuana ...
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Getting high: Quebecers push Canada to top of list
[SIZE=-1] - Hamilton,Ontario,Canada
Were it not for prodigious pot use in Quebec, Canada would not have placed first in a United Nations drug study of marijuana use in the industrialized world ...
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Troopers seize $6.5M in marijuana along turnpike near Toledo
[SIZE=-1]Toledo Blade - Toledo,OH,USA
Two Ontario people are to be arraigned this morning in Maumee Municipal Court after they were accused of having about $6.5 million worth of marijuana in ...
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Marijuana grower jailed for 9 months
[SIZE=-1]Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
The lure of huge profits is drawing ordinary citizens into the crime of growing marijuana in their homes despite the health and safety risks and the ...
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Local Marijuana Dispensary Operators Indicted on Drug Trafficking ...
[SIZE=-1] - USA
These individuals have been indicted on federal criminal charges alleging that they conspired to distribute and distributed large quantities of marijuana, ...
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OC To Issue Photo ID For Medical Marijuana Users
[SIZE=-1] - Los Angeles,CA,USA
Twenty-six California counties do not have a system for issuing ID cards to users of medical marijuana. Under federal law, the use, sale and distribution of ...
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Three face marijuana-growing charges
[SIZE=-1]Seattle Times - United States
By Brad Haynes A federal investigation into marijuana-growing operations at two Everett homes has yielded three suspects, more than 1000 marijuana plants ...
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Feds warn landlords against renting to marijuana dispensaries
[SIZE=-1]Daily Breeze - Torrance,CA,USA
Activists suspect that the logistics and timing -- more than a decade after state voters legalized medical marijuana with the passage of Proposition 215 ...
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Authorities: 400 Marijuana Clinics in Violation of Law
[SIZE=-1] - Los Angeles,CA,USA
In Sherman Oaks, the operator of one marijuana dispensary says he's going to shut down voluntarily -- under pressure. The owner of the Sherman Oaks ...
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The marijuana lobbyist
[SIZE=-1]The Hill - Washington,DC,USA
By Betsy Rothstein So this is how he is: The chief lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project has short, clean-cut blond hair, and wears crisp, ...
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Hillary Clinton Pledges to End Medical Marijuana Raids; McCain ...
[SIZE=-1]BBSNews - Charlotte,NC,USA
Hillary Clinton (D-NY) called for an end to federal raids in states where medical use of marijuana is legal, while Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) backtracked on an ...
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HPD targets 'organized crime-style' pot ring
[SIZE=-1]Houston Chronicle - United States
Doyle and Houston police raided seven homes and seized hundeds of high-grade marijuana plants in southeast Houston Monday. The raids were the culmination of ...
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Dukes admits to marijuana use
[SIZE=-1] - USA
After admitting to marijuana use under oath Monday during divorce proceedings, Elijah Dukes has been ordered by a judge to take random drugs tests. ...
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City snuffs marijuana stores
[SIZE=-1]OCRegister - Orange County,CA,USA
While California voters more than a decade ago approved medical use of marijuana in the state, possession still is prohibited under federal law. ...
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McGuinty Government Tackles Marijuana Grow Operations
[SIZE=-1]Canada NewsWire (press release) - Canada
"During my time as fire chief here in Niagara Falls, I saw first hand the impact marijuana grow operations can have on those living close by," said Burke. ...
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400+ lbs. of marijuana seized in routine stop
[SIZE=-1]Del Rio News Herald - Del Rio,TX,USA
Albert Alexander Parks, 8375 Vega Verde Road, was arrested on a charge of possession of marijuana, less than 2000 pounds and more than 50 pounds, ...
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Lahd: Don't legalize 'medical' marijuana
[SIZE=-1]The Lake Country Echo - Pine River,MN,USA
The day after the Minnesota Legislature adjourned, the House leader bemoaned the fact that the so-called "medical" marijuana bill had failed this session, ...
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OC Medicinal Marijuana Patients Must Get ID Cards
[SIZE=-1] - Los Angeles,CA,USA
July 18, 2007 (KABC-TV) - People who use medical marijuana and live in Orange County will soon have to get an identification card. ...
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Teacher faces drug charges: Authorities find marijuana, meth ...
[SIZE=-1]Gainesville Times - Gainesville,GA,USA
James Timothy Gibson, 49, an agricultural teacher at the high school, was charged with possession of marijuana, manufacturing marijuana, possession of ...
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Authorities allege medical marijuana stores profited from sales
[SIZE=-1]San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
AP LOS ANGELES--Federal authorities have indicted the operators of nearly a dozen medical marijuana dispensaries in California alleging they illegally ...
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Dukes Admits Marijuana Use
[SIZE=-1]The Ledger - Lakeland,FL,USA
By ABBIE VANSICKLE TAMPA -- Troubled Devil Rays outfielder Elijah Dukes admitted under oath Monday that he smokes marijuana. After Dukes' estranged wife ...
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Two marijuana raids yield five arrests
[SIZE=-1]Monitor - McAllen,TX,USA
ALAMO -- Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents seized 9420 pounds of marijuana -- or over 4.5 tons -- during a raid early yesterday afternoon, ...
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Quebec provincial police chop down thousands of marijuana plants
[SIZE=-1] - Canada
Officers raided fields today in rural Quebec, cutting down thousands of marijuana plants in a region about halfway between Montreal and Quebec City. ...
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