Brainwreck Harvest!!!(porn)


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah man...haha i just had my fucking light fall down on two of my plants this morning b.c im starting them off in a trunk and it chopped 2 plants in half so i put the 2 tops of them in germ. blocks hope it will clone...but its only 2 weeks thinking its dead... idk if they will take root either the ones i put in blocks b.c they are only two weeks old it would be fucking aw3esome if they fucking lived and the 2 clone..i would fucking start cloneing them all at 2 weeks haha
did you use some rooting hormone??


Well-Known Member
Nope....i just read up on that shit like 2 mins ago and im having my girlfriend bring me some...but idk if they are in shock b.c they havent had anything to root off


Well-Known Member
water need to seep back in the cuts.. also you should make a new cut at 45˚ is a good cloning tutorial.. i followed his steps and have 100% success
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
well it was bagseeds but it came from what it was suppoust to be ...Cali was nice ass fucking buds...but one of my friends grew it and it was an outdoor plant and i got like a qp off his when he first harvested it and i got like 20 seeds out of the whole qp...he let me get the qp for like 800 so i just smoked it all pretty much gave a little out...but the buds where fucking all white and smelled like damn cat piss mixed with like a dead skunk haha i had one oz in my room and the rest in the garage and u could smell it through out the whole house..haha and i have a 5 bedroom house 3 levels hahaha my girlfriends mom loved it ..thats why shes letting me grow it in her house haha she loves plants out the ass and shit has a bunch of them that go outdoor and im starting them off here and taking them over there to do the im going to grow thease and give her prob just 2 of the plants since i have like 10 going and 10 more was fire bud...but idk if its indica or sativa yet tho...looks sativa


Well-Known Member
Yo man my girlfriend got me the wrong shit she got me MG root gel...but i wasnt about to use it im going to let it go over night and see if it digs down at all and some wonderful thing happends and it reroots without the gel..but the germination blocks should keep it alive i hope i wanna get my damn carma charged but my fucking friend has my charger for it...but i think they might live...the orgional plants the tops got cut off ones still green and healty and the ones starting to turn purple...which is over nutes and over watering....but i only water them like every 3/4 days so i dont think its over watering i just think its going to die ...ha which sucks but if the clone takes to im going to be really surprised


Well-Known Member
dude its been bros living in colorad and we send eachother weed and acid all the time..well he sends me cid..i get a vial from him like ever 2 weeks just send it in a care package with deoderent and way for get a new deoderent take it all the way out stuff like a quad down iside where the stick goes and put it back on its going to be smashed a little bit but its a good way...hes done sent me week over 100 times that way and hes not got cought up yet...neither have i...just gotta know how to do it..or u could get a candel melt the wax and put something inthere and remelt the way down...yeah im pretty good in the shipping industry...just always do over night and take it late when the post is about to close at like 4

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Yeah I know you can, but Im talking legally. Cause pounds are harder to hide, but I heard of some good ways to ship large pop a larger dolls head off, and put in inside the body, then put the head back on, re-seal the box, wrap it, and put a Happy Birthday______. Put the mailing address as a buisness' address so if anything goes wrong your straight.


Well-Known Member
yeah...haha so smokey u should send me some of the brainwreck pro in the shippin bussiness haha...anyone wanna send me clones?..hahahahah


Well-Known Member
im sure they can.. i bet they can smell through a doll carcass also
wake up many next day packs so little time and "dogs" how many dogs have you seen at ups???
smokey you tried that purple shit yet??


Well-Known Member
anyone seen the plastic clone "mailer" they look like strawberry cartons.. i need a link to those if possible.. plannin a trip to cali


Well-Known Member
yeah...haha so smokey u should send me some of the brainwreck pro in the shippin bussiness haha...anyone wanna send me clones?..hahahahah
haha me too...I actually lost a pound to UPS more mailin for me!!

I would get up to 4lbs in the mail at it is dolls were harmed in the shipping of my mj