What is your Favorite way of making hash from your trim???


Active Member
Hey yall, just got high and have been watching my babies for the past twenty minutes. I've got two nirvana bubblicious girls in about the 9th week of flowering. I figure i got another week to go but i was wondering about what to do with the trimmings. I've already absorbed a lot of the FAQ section on making hash and what not, and i've tried the grain alcohol method and it worked pretty well. I was just hoping to start a thread about EVERYONES personal favorite (and generally simple) method to making hash from your trimmings. Im not necessarily a novice to growing weed but i always made a dank batch of brownies with my trimmings and I've just been dreamin of some hash!!!! Haha, any personal favs or general opinions on methods would be greatly appreciated!! Happy smokin!!!


Well-Known Member
my favorite way is to just rub trimmings on my kief box and get a huge lump of kief and just press it into a nice piece of hash then take a huge bonghit of it...................mmmmmmmm kief hash................


Active Member
that does sound really good, i think my friend told me about that. He also told me about something like finger hash? i guess you rub kief between your fingers for a few minutes and you get hash??? Sounds crazy but he really said it worked.


Well-Known Member
Kief hash is what I usually run because it's easy and I just need to get it off my hands/scissors.

I've don'e the iso-hash with varying degrees of success, but thats more fun when I have a buddy come over for "kitchen science" day.

Next time I'm goin' to quit being lazy and run a cold water extraction. I hear its the best, hell maybe get some butane and make some "honey oil" if I can.


Well-Known Member
anyone ever use acetone to extract thc? thats what i use instead of alcohol. a little tip about the cold water extraction, the stuff that makes your weed smell and taste how it does dissolves in water so you will end up with hash that gets you high as fukk but doesnt smell or taste like the buds it came from. yo MrBaker you just reminded me a few weeks ago i tried a bowl of my friend's butane hash from his blueberry plant and its was some of the best hash ive ever smoked. that was the first and only time i tried butane hash, but now im definely gonna make some when i finish my grow.


Well-Known Member
Hows about someone post the cold water extraction steps as well as the steps for the other methods.


Well-Known Member
anyone ever use acetone to extract thc? thats what i use instead of alcohol. a little tip about the cold water extraction, the stuff that makes your weed smell and taste how it does dissolves in water so you will end up with hash that gets you high as fukk but doesnt smell or taste like the buds it came from. yo MrBaker you just reminded me a few weeks ago i tried a bowl of my friend's butane hash from his blueberry plant and its was some of the best hash ive ever smoked. that was the first and only time i tried butane hash, but now im definely gonna make some when i finish my grow.
Acetone works. I used some once in a pinch. That's what I like to hear about the butane hash...I'm staring down my butane now.

BTW, FloridaSucks = The Gators? I'm a hurricanes fan...bleed green and orange.

FDD has a great thread around here about hash.


Well-Known Member
BTW, FloridaSucks = The Gators? I'm a hurricanes fan...bleed green and orange.[/quote]

yea my name should really be miamisucks.............


Well-Known Member
i guess but its cheunky i just got a brock and its very good but people lok at it and wonder its usaly very fine and ths is more chunky if youve ever seen t you know what i mena theres like little open small pckets buy my all means just as amazing :)


Active Member
I made a tumbler for my trimmings. It's kind of like a rotating kif box, I'm to lazy to rub all those leaves across the screen. I haven't used it yet so I can't tell you how it works. I planned on using that and then making honey oil after to get all the last trichs off.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested five nice bushy plants and two auto AK47s, I was able to scrape a real nice ball of gooyness between the scissors and finger hash from rubber gloves, that is just a mind number to get you through the rest of the trimming process.

My hash method is as follows.

Stainless mesh screen(home depot mesh) over large bowl.

A silk screen. Mine is a wood frame 15x20 real tight and some sort of synthetic material, cost like $20.

I screen all the trim through the metal first to break it up then give the resulting pile a nice rub around the silk screen which sits over a large mirror. Razor blade it up into the sharpstone pollen press , squeeze, heat gun for five-10 seconds, squeeze a touch more, in the freezer for ten minutes, then knock out a bad ass nug of perfumy sweet sheshhaaahhhhhh.

I have two cakes the size of a dime and about 1/4" thick left...I seem to have misplaced the third one.:) Not bad use of trimmings, and about an hour or two of time.

Now is the resulting sifted trimming matter good enough for butter? I have a big bowl of popcorn for butter, but I wonder if there is enough goodness left in the leafs. All were dusty stemless budleaf/trim.

Anyway, I am thiking I will condense/refine my process with a cigar box and two wood frames for the metal and silk screens with a glass bottom, all smaller and more compact. My set up is table top, big