CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT


Well-Known Member
ya i was real close to that activity but i didnt know it would give me an award for the 100% if i knew that i would of already had that damn :0( i guess im going to have to get back up there again :0)


Well-Known Member
I just had to take more pics I could not help it. I must admit I'm in love with MaryJAne....

Look at my main bitch aint she sexy, look at all the future bud spots LOL, oh and yay my lanky hoodrat LOL....

I went lazy and bought a car sun reflector LOL, I have an emergency blanket, but ya LAZY.........:wink:



Well-Known Member
clone is looking ok no really new growth yet but its still living and the plant no sex yet but no new sacks in the same places yet and its still growing taller :0)


Well-Known Member
sounds great bro, sex should be coming very soon. I got pistals almost on every node. I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it, LMAO!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey so i thought youd be the right person to ask this.
i started 12/12 two days ago and the leaves are sagging a lot. the bottom leaves are turning yellow. the dirt was very dry for the top inch or two so i watered it.
could the water shortage been the cause of the leaves? or does that happen when you veg?


Well-Known Member
Def a water shortage bro, I usually just lift the pot and or cup whatever your using anf fell the wight if it feels liaghter than norm water her. Also, try the 1 inch finger deal.....