What's Your Myspace??


Well-Known Member
It's only a pic....weed laws up here are really lame so I'm not really worried about my picture.U don't get arrested here for possesion like other places.Might get a small fine if anything at all


Well-Known Member
ya but im willin to bet you do for growin it my friend. just be careful thats all. and someone should definately delete this post.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this is not the smartest idea.....

Growing marijuana is illegal....So let's all post or pics and address' on a marijuana forum..


Well-Known Member
What's up shaman, I'm gonna swing by your house later. Post your address on here for me.


Well-Known Member
Ya no problem.HEHEHE

420 Sticky Stinky Field, Way
GanjaRidge Canada
"NOGROW" Don't for get the PAPERS.


Master of Mayhem
Hey man.....while we're at it, lets post our SSN#s and our home addresses and our mothers maiden names and our home phone #s and our cell phone #s and our work phone #s:roll:


Active Member
Haha this is stupid. I would never post this shit on a Marijuana Discussion Forum. Nothing against any of you guys but you never know whos out there, lol. Nickeldyme take that shit off there already, that shit is dangerous.


Just some idiot
Yeah take it down. Phreek won't give out his myspace but looking at his avatar I know he is Pete Rose...big trouble for Charlie Hustle.

You have to be careful


Well-Known Member
Wanna know something funny....my page says that I'm in Lewiston.I'm from Lewiston yes but that don't mean it where I'm at and my grow ain't on the property anyway.It's not like I posted pics of my plants on there and was bragging or something.This thread was just an idea if I knew that everybody was gonna freak out about it I woulda never posted it.


Well-Known Member
I must be a lil different then cuz I don't live paranoid because of my habit.I'm open when it comes to smoking and all that.One of these days I'm hoping it'll be legal for everybody and we can just all come out of the closet like one big gay fest lol


Master of Mayhem
It's all good man...smoking is one thing but alot of people on here have got some serious grow operations going and they aren't taking any chances. You have to understand you can get more prison time for something like this than you would get for murder.

I dream of the day Marijuana is legalized:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I just took the links off for my page so maybe some of u can breath a lil easier.I think it's stupid that u'd get more time for growing than for something serious like killing somebody.To me I don't see it as very cost effective.When is this retared country gonna stop wasting money on finding weed plants/smokers/wars that make no sense/ect and concentrate on bigger issues like the homeless/sick/ect.