250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah I see where you are coming from lil. I just cleaned the glass when I switched over to the HPS bulb that's why it looks like it isn't there. I've been designing a bigger grow box that I will be making out of plywood in the next couple weeks. I'm planning for it to be 3 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and 4 1/2 feet tall. I'll let you guys know how the box is coming along once I get farther than these drawings haha.

tom :leaf:
Cant wait to see it, about the same size as my flower chamber.


Well-Known Member
Im going to shrink my room down to a 2x2x2 cube flowering chamber for a perpetual micro sog in 16 oz containers !


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get a list together of everything I need and I am trying to find the most reflective spray paint from lowe's... Does anyone have any insight or know a good kind to get..? I'd really appreciate it guys, thanks in advance

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Flat white spray is what i use i get almost 100% reflection using the light meter 1inch away from the bulb i get about 2000 1 inch away from the reflector (flatwhite) it reads about 1950-1970. I got better reflection with that then foil or polished steel.i have not tried chrome spray yet but i did try gold metalic it was no good.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get a list together of everything I need and I am trying to find the most reflective spray paint from lowe's... Does anyone have any insight or know a good kind to get..? I'd really appreciate it guys, thanks in advance

Tom :leaf:
well, if you are going to lowes....
They sel a brand called olympic and it comes in a flat white latex. It's about $17-$19 i think for a gallon.
My suggestion would be to go for the mylar, and not the cheap wrapping paper. Get the good stuff online or at the local hydro store if ya' got one.
I started with flat white and it was good, but once i added the Mylar it was like the light reflection i had on about an ounce of crack!!!LOL!!!!:hump:

I don't know anybody that gets 100% reflection from flat white paint or any finish of paint for that matter. Even Mylar, pulled to it's proper tightness, which maximizes the reflection quality will only give you about 90-95 % reflection. If you do it just right and glue and smooth the mylar out on panels pre cut to fit your grow room/box, you can achieve 100% Reflection.
Most people though just unroll it and staple to the wall, and when the fan hits it it flutters cuz it's not tight enough. If it's not tight enough, when it wripples, it sends the reflection of light all over the grow box.

Sorry so long, but that's my 2 pennies...LOL!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get a list together of everything I need and I am trying to find the most reflective spray paint from lowe's... Does anyone have any insight or know a good kind to get..? I'd really appreciate it guys, thanks in advance

Tom :leaf:

dont use spray paint in the room with your girls.. i assume it can do some damage plus i read a forum on here about someones experience with spray paint and how it fucked the plant up.. im not sure on this but i wouldnt spray just to see it ethier..

like mafia said just look for some mylar at best


Well-Known Member
Well I was planning on making the box and allowing the paint to completely dry out before putting the plants in the box. I don't see how that could cause a problem...

Tom :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well I was planning on making the box and allowing the paint to completely dry out before putting the plants in the box. I don't see how that could cause a problem...

Tom :joint:
You can use it, as long as like you said you let it dry and let the fumes out before you put the girls in.
Dear god don't waste the money on shiny wrapping paper. A roll of mylar is like $20.00 depending on where you get it, for like 10x25 feet.
I bought one roll and it covered all my grow areas...see journal...and still have some left.
White is good as long as it's flat white, no semi-gloss, it doesn't help cuz it's shiny!!LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU, I'm sad but proud to inform you all that my budding plant is now harvested :lol: I cut her today after looking at her trichs under my scope and saw a nice bit of amber trichs. She didn't harvest as much as I was hoping but it looks like a decent amount. I took some pics of her before and after. I haven't weighed it yet but I will once it dries. How much you guys thinking it will weigh out to? Thanks a lot to everyone that helped me out to get here :hug:

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I picked up all the little things I needed for my new grow box, all I need now is the wood to build it haha. I have 25 feet of 1 mil. mylar, 8 foot grounded white extension cord, three 6 inch duct clamps, two sided tape, and aluminum tape. I am going to start construction on Wednesday and should have it done by Friday I'm hoping. I also put one of the veg plants into flower to replace the one I harvested tonight.

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
looks good, i'm going with about 1/2-1 oz. dried. How many weeks in were they befor you cut them?
Mine are like in the ninth week and still are green and healthy looking, no yellowing?
Wonder if they should be chopped anyway?


Well-Known Member
Today was week 8 flower for this plant and there wasn't much yellowing at all. The trichs were amber and cloudy though so I knew it was time. If the trichs are looking good than I would chop to get the high you desire. Thanks for the comments lilmafia :bigjoint:

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here's a crappy paint drawing with description of how I will exhaust the heat from the grow box I'm building. Do you think that this setup will work well and keep the heat under control?

Tom :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Make sure you have enough room in a 3 foot wide box to fit the hood and an elbow for the duct tubing :) i would say reflector +7"=total width!