Swamp Outdoor Grow 2007 (with video updates)


Well-Known Member
I just ordered some Lethal Purple for next year. Totally dark purple

I am thinking about mycellium, molasis, seasalt (transfers nutes), and high scandium fungus spores when I visit the ladies next. I want to see them so bad though it is a hike and I know they have water so I am going to hold off as long as I know they are safe.

I dont want to comprimise the flavor so I may give them some earth juice grow, earth worm castings or guano if I can make it to the grow shop. I got some 5-1-1 and other nutes though there is a possiblity they were tampered with.


Well-Known Member
Moxtox - you need I can get you free shipping if you order through the donation tab on my site and send from the US.


Well-Known Member
I looked at that site, had to be the most insane thing I have ever seen.Everything from mathematical formulas to insane ramblings!



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krime13 - I will get some new pics this weekend for you of the stocks. I cant wait to see the little ladies. I am thinking of bringing them a bit of organic baby formula if I can afford it. Regarding the donations I have gotten a total of 0 dollars and even though it cost me 50 cents per process from paypal I would be happy with a dollar to tell you the truth as that is about what I spend a day in rice living in this abandoned house. I did get a shower hooked up after 6 months with a tub from a garden watering thing and a hose. It was kerosine last winter that heated one room of my place. Shit man I would be greatful for 51 cents.

Shamegame - Glad you liked it man.

So I went to the Roger Waters lot tonight. I sold 4 glass pieces for 130. One for 30, one for 40 and one for 60. Then I traded one for a 8.2 grams of shrooms, one for a ten strip of acid and one for an 8th of swag. I was going to trade some for beasters however I did not want to take the chance of them being grown with synthetics as I would have gotten a headache. The one I traded for the 8th was smoked out of so I cut her a deal. I told her ten bucks which she did not have though she pulled a bag of swag out hidden between her tits which I knew was organic so I was pretty siked. I had gotten a ticket for 20 beans from this cool cat I was chatting with for a while though I am pouring concrete tomorrow in 90 degree heat and did not want to die then get buried in the pool deck with out seeing my plants harvest so I decided to sell it while I was walking in. I would have loved to see it though I would not have gotten home till2 or three in the morning and having to leave at 645 after 3 hours of dancing with dead legs I really think I would have died. The cops pulled up in a unmarked car and asked me what I was selling. I did not cut him a deal because he had a gun. It was still 40 for the small and 80 for the large. I did not get the sale. They drove by later and I tryed to hook them up again though only got a smile from one which was better then nothing. Saw some awesome people and dug the vibes as I have been stressing the past couple of days which was really what I needed. Man I cant wait to get into that 10 strip man. Yummy yummy yummy. Its been to long I tell ya way to long. So anyways I should have enough to get some 250 watt clf lights some a factory that makes them over seas for ebay. The min order was 200 though I hooked him up with some people and research and development regarding the spectrums of the rainbow and such so he is letting me get single units to help my broke ass out. I think I got enough for ten. I usually last a week on ebay before they boot me for no reason. I dont plan on putting up glass till with this account and I am allowed to get bank accounts now (long story) so I plan on setting up some new accounts for pipes. Good times are a coming I can feel it. Love is in the air tonight. So my heart is still at the show dancing and shit though I am excited with the possiblity of not dieing and seeing the girls again so haha good times. Man I hope them doses are real.

O the grow is still on the site though I have to make a tab again this week. Overgrow


Well-Known Member
Cali high man. I can get you anything regarding glass you want and enough to supply your state. Some of the pieces I have are on the glass link on GorillaGrow.org(anic) Home of Organic Chemistry Homepage. The bongs at the bottom are up in the air regarding if they are real or not. I am thinking not as the cat only contacts me by phone and speaks in a way I can not have a conversation. Perhaps they are real or some ass hole. Will know in a week. The other cat is mad straight. I think 2000 is his min order for the pieces on the top half though let me know. Can get any style or design through him. If you want Ill introduce you as I dont want to infect you with my luck. contact@gorillagrow.org if your interested. If that email is hacked try karmaxul@yahoo.com. His email is taj_international2005@yahoo.co.in and his name is Akash. Tell him Chris Seekins gave you his email. He is having a baby I hear though some months away. If you can get him a deal on a dna tester to see if he is having a boy or girl he would appreciate it.

Well seems it was not that hot out today and the concrete did not come until 9:30. I may have lived if I popped a dose before work. The acid is straight. I tested out a hit when I got home. Nothing that would give you visuals however I found my myself smiling and in a pleasent mood. About an hour and a half after taking my favorite vitamin I got the energy that comes with it. I lifted weights till I was dripping in sweat. Felt great. I could feel my muscles sending what felt like shocks through them. I noticed it the other day at work when I was using a small 5 pound sledge hammer. Every time I would hit the concrete it felt like some one was shocking my other shoulder with a thing that starts a grill. Only happened like 5 times in a row. This was a bit different and more pleasent. I got 9 more hits for Saturday which should hopfully be strong enough to give my imagination a bit of a work out. It is up in the air wether I want to eat a tab every couple of days to promote health of my body or invest in my mind. I am leaning a bit towards my mind as well its been a while and is so much fun. Would be a great fall back to focus on when I am feeling drained. O the swamp water sample is at 4.74 right now.

I splured on some mechanical pencils today. This is what I got so far...



Well-Known Member
Got in Lethal Purple yesterday and should be able to get some soil today.

Got in some blue meanie spores as well which are inoculating as we speak.

The pH of the swamp water sample is at 5.14 currently.


Well-Known Member
Karmaxul I see no vids on your link, all I see is a bunch of strange shit that makes no sense to me at all...you live in an abandon house with electricity and internet ???but no running water???


Well-Known Member
What are you tring to acomplish with all the math on your site? I think you might have some beautiful mind shit going on.

The grow is looking sweet though. How many plants do you have going?


Well-Known Member
Madcow - I got water.

Potato man - I got 12 plants man. I would be happy to teach you if you would like. What are you not getting?

I was with the ladies today. The two I had transplanted seem stunted. I think that roots may have been cut a bit short. Time will tell if it was worth it for space or not. I was going to make a video though after I took the pictures the camera feel into the swamp and would not turn on. I set it on the defroster on the way home and in 30 minutes it was working again. Here are some photos. Should be easy to follow my trail, just got to look for the blueberry bushes with no blueberries on them. I did some scouting for next years grow. Found a great spot though I will need some ice to get the supplies I still can not afford out there. The vegatation in this spot is only 4 feet at present time and there is enough space for 100 plants if I allow 7 sq ft per plant site. 50 x 100.

Here are some pictures...

O so on the way home I was a bit hungry and stopped in to the store to get some food. I went to the cereal section and see a leaf that looks like cannabis. I look further down the box and see the word hemp then a certification from the usda. Seems it is made with organic hemp seed. I got some rice to finish before I test the newest product out.

In other news I got some sick flouros being made for growing. THe spectrum is twice as good as what we currently have. 300W is the max I can get. The newest bulb will be 105 true watts and should keep up with the 150's no problem. I am thinking E40 sockets over E27's.



Well-Known Member
man you seem very intelligent but completely insane lol j/p that stuff is very complicated at first glance. i would def have to sit down and really put my mind to work to grasp all those charts, what is it some kind of chart for organic growing? oh and just curious how much acid have you taken? hahaha much love man your grow looks great and it sounds like you really know your shit


Well-Known Member
Budman226 - It is a chart to make a balanced fertilizer. If you look at the first picture you see the elements in the middle right? N and P? There is code that I found to get the atomic weights I call mandala. It includes the symbols the church made illegal. Here it is. Can I teach it to you?

By the way I have not taken any acid today.



Well-Known Member
Alright correct me if i'm wrong (which i probably am) but this is what i could gather from your charts: You arranged to periodic table in order of atomic weight and noticed some sort of patern which you used to create the mandada. It would seem that the mandala has something to do with molecular movements; however I'm confused about exactly what the movement is in the chart with the cricles. Is it partical vibration? Neutron orbit? I am very curious and would love to continue the lesson.