GROwMans 8 plant closet/ attic grow


Well-Known Member
well gman here they are all lovely except the sick one i told u about:bigjoint:they r all dro plants however i fucked up and switched them around 1day now i dont know whats what stupid me but u can see clearly whos the sicko out the crew. i will be flowering in apx 2weeks and hope i can get my lil mini plant going



Well-Known Member
well gman here they are all lovely except the sick one i told u about:bigjoint:they r all dro plants however i fucked up and switched them around 1day now i dont know whats what stupid me but u can see clearly whos the sicko out the crew. i will be flowering in apx 2weeks and hope i can get my lil mini plant going
looks good man, just remember... dont get chip board wet ;)


Well-Known Member
From the looks of her. She looks like she is over watered. But than agion I am a blind leading a blind said by another person on a nother thread


Well-Known Member
hey gman i just checked my plant this morning after posting them pics yesterday and my sick plant is not looking good i cliped off the bad leaves tryin to keep it from spreading but not good man not good that was my sour d plant now that the bad leaves is off is ther some plant meds i can get like plant benedryl haha just jokin