florida outdoor growers please help!


Well-Known Member
I am about to be growing some back yard plants in north florida. people told me they need 18 or at least 15 hrs of light to veg them or they will go strait to flower mode. The sun never stays out that long so i dont know what they are talking about. what is a good month to start them outdoors in the south? what is a good yeilding good smokeing outdoor strain? I got all the fox farm soil and nutes,and am hopeing for at least a half lb per plant. Thanks yal.


Well-Known Member
what up man. i'm in the tampa area and have the same question! i recently posted a similar question and didn't get much feedback. i've had great success indoors over the years but i'm an outdoor newb. anybody?


Well-Known Member
whats up dude. Im in jaksonville and wana grow some monsters! good luck with your outdoor crop this year bro.


Well-Known Member
The florida sunlight is always good out here in the S. You should be fine if your getting direct sunlight....good time to start growing would be around late apr. early may....if this is your 1st grow you should prob. go with some bagseed my opinion...i used ff this year and was fine hope this helps a bit


Well-Known Member
i will get about 6 hrs direct sunlight and i got money so fuck a bag seed,I want some dank! I was thinking easy sativa or northern lights. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
i will get about 6 hrs direct sunlight and i got money so fuck a bag seed,I want some dank! I was thinking easy sativa or northern lights. what do you think?
yeah i also got the cash to get seeds..i'm thinking himalayan gold, skunk 1, or any kush. i also have 1 fem durban poison, 1 fem northern lights, 10 diesel ryders, and 5 super skunk...so i'm gonna have a good 09 outdoor either way. i think i'm gonna do an early seed run with the diesel ryders!


Well-Known Member
yea im really wanting to grow some auto flower. that shit sounds sweet. I wonder what the yeild is outdoor with the dwarfs? where did you get the deisel ryder seeds?


Well-Known Member
I am about to be growing some back yard plants in north florida. people told me they need 18 or at least 15 hrs of light to veg them or they will go strait to flower mode. The sun never stays out that long so i dont know what they are talking about. what is a good month to start them outdoors in the south? what is a good yeilding good smokeing outdoor strain? I got all the fox farm soil and nutes,and am hopeing for at least a half lb per plant. Thanks yal.
the days dont even get that long in most places. when you people tell you that your plants need 18 hours of light and shit they're usually talking about growing indoors. if you plant after march 21st then you should be okay.


Well-Known Member
yeah this is my first go round with auto's, and i'm bout 2 weeks away from finishing, check my sig for the journal. i'm really lovin em, they just grow so fast! i got the seeds from the attitude, i think their one of the best right now!! also, i think outdoors they can get a bit more than indoors. I think the norm for indoors in soil is an oz per plant, so outdoors i could see a bit more than that.


Well-Known Member
I asked a very similar question awhile back -- https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/148195-any-southern-us-growers-outdoor-3.html

You might find some useful things there... one thing that struck me: preparing your soil in a hole big enough to accomodate a MJ plant that's been growing outdoors with no physical / lighting limits for 6 months or so. That's a helluva root ball... I think someone said 4 feet square and 3 feet deep or such.

I will say this as a gardener of many other things in the southern states: you can't overestimate how punishingly hot it is here in mid-summer. We humans can go inside when we've had enough... plants have to just take it. I've seen lots of shit literally melt in the span of a few days -- many plants labeled " loves hot sun!! tough as nails..!! blah blah blah). Your plants have to be watered just right - not dry, but not too wet either. I would highly recommend about 3" of an inert shredded bark mulch around the bases of your plants once they get up a bit and the summer heat starts coming on, and water deep once a week. This will really cut moisture swings without introducing saturation or root rot. Don't mulch deep around a small plant -- you'll cut off air exchange in the soil.

Hope that helps..


Well-Known Member
I asked a very similar question awhile back -- https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/148195-any-southern-us-growers-outdoor-3.html

You might find some useful things there... one thing that struck me: preparing your soil in a hole big enough to accomodate a MJ plant that's been growing outdoors with no physical / lighting limits for 6 months or so. That's a helluva root ball... I think someone said 4 feet square and 3 feet deep or such.

I will say this as a gardener of many other things in the southern states: you can't overestimate how punishingly hot it is here in mid-summer. We humans can go inside when we've had enough... plants have to just take it. I've seen lots of shit literally melt in the span of a few days -- many plants labeled " loves hot sun!! tough as nails..!! blah blah blah). Your plants have to be watered just right - not dry, but not too wet either. I would highly recommend about 3" of an inert shredded bark mulch around the bases of your plants once they get up a bit and the summer heat starts coming on, and water deep once a week. This will really cut moisture swings without introducing saturation or root rot. Don't mulch deep around a small plant -- you'll cut off air exchange in the soil.

Hope that helps..
thanks alot man, i need all the help i can get!


Well-Known Member
thanks alot man, i need all the help i can get!
No problem.. I'd like to do an outdoor this year, too. At least, I will try to regenerate my indoor plants for a second round of bud.. also came across some fortuituous Thai seeds that 'twould be great outside..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I usually put my girls outside around mother's day. I had an Indica last year who was vegged indoors to about a foot with 5+ tops and she went outside on mother's day, ended up filling up the entire back half of my greenhouse. 5+ months of veg will do that! Our area just gets so hot you'll really have to water alot outside. I water atleast twice a day. I really haven't found any strains that do bad outside. Grown lots of Indicas and Sativas alike, also quite a few hybrids and they all do about the same. We had two humongous Mexican Sativas one year that were pushing 14ft, had to run a hose from a creek a few hundred yards away to keep them watered. This year the only thing outside is gonna be another mega clone of the Indica I had last year. She's oldschool Afghani pure Indica, I got seeds from a neighbor who had them stored in a shed. I wouldn't grow Indicas before I found her, she starts frosting fan leaves first week of flower and has this pungent dank smell. I've always wanted to grow Maui Wowie but can never get seeds. :(


Well-Known Member
I usually put my girls outside around mother's day. I had an Indica last year who was vegged indoors to about a foot with 5+ tops and she went outside on mother's day, ended up filling up the entire back half of my greenhouse. 5+ months of veg will do that! Our area just gets so hot you'll really have to water alot outside. I water atleast twice a day. I really haven't found any strains that do bad outside. Grown lots of Indicas and Sativas alike, also quite a few hybrids and they all do about the same. We had two humongous Mexican Sativas one year that were pushing 14ft, had to run a hose from a creek a few hundred yards away to keep them watered. This year the only thing outside is gonna be another mega clone of the Indica I had last year. She's oldschool Afghani pure Indica, I got seeds from a neighbor who had them stored in a shed. I wouldn't grow Indicas before I found her, she starts frosting fan leaves first week of flower and has this pungent dank smell. I've always wanted to grow Maui Wowie but can never get seeds. :(
twice a day is WAY too much water. i live in arizona where it's way hotter and way dryer than it is in the south (i would know, i used to live in alabama) and i water about every few days during the summer. maybe once a day if its unusually dry and hot. watering twice a day will drown your plants in no time. you could try drilling a 3/16ths inch hole in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket, fill the bucket with water and set it a few inches away from the stem of your plant. this will keep them watered for around 10 days, even in the hottest conditions. then just go out and refill the buckets and your good for another 10 days or so. you should also put some cheese cloth or a old shirt over the top of the bucket so you dont get all kinds of creepy crawlies and shit in your buckets.


Well-Known Member
twice a day is WAY too much water. i live in arizona where it's way hotter and way dryer than it is in the south (i would know, i used to live in alabama) and i water about every few days during the summer. maybe once a day if its unusually dry and hot. watering twice a day will drown your plants in no time. you could try drilling a 3/16ths inch hole in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket, fill the bucket with water and set it a few inches away from the stem of your plant. this will keep them watered for around 10 days, even in the hottest conditions. then just go out and refill the buckets and your good for another 10 days or so. you should also put some cheese cloth or a old shirt over the top of the bucket so you dont get all kinds of creepy crawlies and shit in your buckets.
We should probably stay clear as to what we're talking about -- watering plants in pots outside, or watering plants set in Mother Earth.... I could see plants in pots outside in a greenhouse EASILY needing 2X a day waterings. For plants in the ground, DrDank is right -- 2X a day would kill 'em quick.

You also have to be aware of what your native soil is like at depth. A lot of soils in the southern US flatlands are BEAUTIFUL... for the the first six inches. And everything below that is rock-hard clay. In these soils, it's very easy to both oversaturate and dry out your plants. The clay pan prevents deep seepage, but the shallowness of the "good soil" allows the hot sun to dry that layer out quickly. So, your plant is drowning one day, and drying out the next.

I'm going to muster the energy (today, in fact) to dig out that clay shit down to about 3', and fill it with a 40% native soil / 40% organic compost / 20% perlite mix. We'll see how it goes..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the outdoor info guys. It would really be cool if yal stayed in touch with me on this thred for the season cuz I dont want to fuck up my babys this year. later yal.


Well-Known Member
twice a day is WAY too much water. i live in arizona where it's way hotter and way dryer than it is in the south (i would know, i used to live in alabama) and i water about every few days during the summer. maybe once a day if its unusually dry and hot. watering twice a day will drown your plants in no time. you could try drilling a 3/16ths inch hole in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket, fill the bucket with water and set it a few inches away from the stem of your plant. this will keep them watered for around 10 days, even in the hottest conditions. then just go out and refill the buckets and your good for another 10 days or so. you should also put some cheese cloth or a old shirt over the top of the bucket so you dont get all kinds of creepy crawlies and shit in your buckets.
Thanks for knowing everything~