Intelligent design


Well-Known Member
About 10 minutes ago I took a piss. I didn't write it down, but it happened anyway. Can you prove I didn't pee?

It's not a theory that I took a piss, I actually did it. It's not that it may have happened, it actually did happen.

Now that being said, TBT, where did "god" come from? Who created "god". If someone created "god" who created the guy who created "god" Then who created the guy, who created the guy, who created "god" ?

I want the proof, the whole proof and nothing but the proof.

There is plenty of evidence of evolution, plenty of skeltons and fossils have been found. Now where are those stone tablets with the 10 commandments etched into them? I would think stone would have lasted until today since animal bones can last longer than 6000 years.......:mrgreen:
Actually you did write it down, which is pretty good evidence that it happened, but not proof.

As I said, unless you're talking about maths there's no such thing as proof.... only evidence incorrectly CALLED proof (by the people who believe it).

This whole debate of Proof one way or another is inane because it doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
Why do people find the idea's of Evolution by Natural Selection and 'God' so mutually exclusive.

We need to accept that somethings are beyond our comprehension.


New Member
Faith is the ultimate CARNY fallback position...... and you MUST NOT question a persons faith.... :mrgreen: That just makes so much sense.... :lol:

Here is a scenario to consider:

A man/woman comes along and starts to gain attention on a world wide scale. This person has DRAW power and is oozing in goodness and can show everyone the way to peace and understanding. All who follow this person see that this person is the truth and swears fealty to the cause of peace and understanding. A movement begins, across political and geographical boundaries.....

This person never poses as a religious person and performs no "miracles" (whatever those are).... would a Christian be able to heed the call to the next level? Would a Muslim? Or would they proclaim him to be false.

Just wondering...

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Where did God come from? Who created God? If you believe in a creator of all that is seen and unseen then you believe He is the beginning and the end, alpha and omega. He always has been and always will be. It is a matter of excepting that there is a dimension beyond our own ability to understand. It is a personal choice. It would be like me asking you "prove where all of the gases and particles came from that smashed together causing the big bang". You would probably have trouble proving that so you would ultimately have to believe that it just happened.


New Member
but saying evolution didn't happen because it can't be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt while believing in some invisible guy in the sky at the same time is a bit hypocritical isn't it?

Especially seeing the tangible proof of evolution being weighed against, a book. A book written by a bunch of different people hundreds of years after what they claim to be a fact.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually know what i'm talking about when i say the flying spaghetti monster?

if not here's the explanation. Basically the philosophical argument is that the christen god is just as likely and just as unlikely as any and all other religions out there. It is also just as likely and just as unlikely as a flying spaghetti monster. But since there is no reason to believe in anyone religion over any other religion all we really can believe is what we experience. Everything that we can experience can be explained by science, even if it requires future technology.


Well-Known Member
but saying evolution didn't happen because it can't be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt while believing in some invisible guy in the sky at the same time is a bit hypocritical isn't it?

Especially seeing the tangible proof of evolution being weighed against, a book. A book written by a bunch of different people hundreds of years after what they claim to be a fact.
actually micro evolution has been proven and observed. that fact that we can breed cannabis plants to design a plant with specific traits is in lock step with what the theory of evolution says.


Well-Known Member
but saying evolution didn't happen because it can't be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt while believing in some invisible guy in the sky at the same time is a bit hypocritical isn't it?

Especially seeing the tangible proof of evolution being weighed against, a book. A book written by a bunch of different people hundreds of years after what they claim to be a fact.
No one is debating the fact that we did not come about as discribed in Genesis, the evidence supporting Evolution by Natural selection is irrefutable.

Don't you think your idea of what people believe to be 'God' is a little outdated and childish?

Who is even talking about an 'Invisible man in the sky'? For a lot of spiritual people, God IS the Sky, and the Earth, the stars, the moon, the Air in our lungs and the blood running through our veins.... and the Miricle of UNDERSTANDING it and our awareness of EXPERIENCING it.

Atheism is just another Faith, and like any religion can breed extremists if read the wrong way.

I don't subscribe to any religion, and when extremists (people unable to question their own 'beliefs') start preaching, it pisses me off.

Same can be said for Extremist Athiests.


New Member
Does anyone actually know what i'm talking about when i say the flying spaghetti monster?

if not here's the explanation. Basically the philosophical argument is that the christen god is just as likely and just as unlikely as any and all other religions out there. It is also just as likely and just as unlikely as a flying spaghetti monster. But since there is no reason to believe in anyone religion over any other religion all we really can believe is what we experience. Everything that we can experience can be explained by science, even if it requires future technology.
Yes, you have obviously been touched by its noodly appendage :clap: UR a bloody pirate now!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually know what i'm talking about when i say the flying spaghetti monster?

if not here's the explanation. Basically the philosophical argument is that the christen god is just as likely and just as unlikely as any and all other religions out there. It is also just as likely and just as unlikely as a flying spaghetti monster. But since there is no reason to believe in anyone religion over any other religion all we really can believe is what we experience. Everything that we can experience can be explained by science, even if it requires future technology.
Yes, I'm a Pastafarian and I object to you using my deity as merely a 'philosophical argument' :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
So how come you don't agree with my politics... :mrgreen: Honestly, I think we disagree on the economic side of politics....on social issues we are pretty close I'll bet. We just disagree on how to get there....

Yes, Kant the noodly appendage WILL touch you just as likely as G*D will... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
I'll smoke to that Jax. bongsmilie I think we just argue politics long enough to find out we want the same things in the end. I used to have politics VERY similar to your own. I simply had life experiences that changed my beliefs dramatically.


New Member
Hey TBT, here's some proof of evolution for you, see they did write it down......

Lascaux may be the most beautiful Paleolithic painted cave in the world. It contains more than 1500 pictures of animals, all of them are 17,000 years old.

The frieze of swimming stags was drawn quickly with a manganese crayon
- or in the case of the stag on the left, with a lump of clay. It is almost 10 feet from the ground-level, and mobile scaffolding must have been necessary. The artist seems to have used the dark colouring of the rock to represent the river that the deer are swimming across."



New Member
I'm thinking caveman cheerleaders do :lol:

Hurry up!! I can't hold you much longer!! Where's my OCRE!!!

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
The bible has a crazy explanation for all of this I'm sure..... these people can still be saved if they repent when they die... :lol:

Caveman: " me confused"
G*D: "don't worry, we have you covered."

G*D, the very first insurance policy....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey TBT, here's some proof of evolution for you, see they did write it down......

Lascaux may be the most beautiful Paleolithic painted cave in the world. It contains more than 1500 pictures of animals, all of them are 17,000 years old.

The frieze of swimming stags was drawn quickly with a manganese crayon
- or in the case of the stag on the left, with a lump of clay. It is almost 10 feet from the ground-level, and mobile scaffolding must have been necessary. The artist seems to have used the dark colouring of the rock to represent the river that the deer are swimming across."

That doesn't prove a damn thing, Miss.

There's not enough detail, not enough information, and there's no way of identifying the exact species that most of those cave paintings actually represent.

Though from appearances I think I see a reindeer, and three drawings of some kind of bison.

That's not proof of evolution.


New Member
It's proof that people were here, evolving and they painted those. If the world is only 6000 years old, how can those paintings be 17000 years old?