What a complete and total ass you are ... so bush isn't a war criminal ... and why? Because this dumb fucker said so! Bwaa ha ha ha ha! That's too funny! Those reports I posted ... which your dumb ass has yet to dispute ... clearly shows bush and his regime to be war criminals ... your the one that is delusional ... can't accept facts ... but that's not my problem. My only concern is making you look as stupid as you are ... not hard at all.
i read the article attached with this thread
the allegations relating to "torture" methods in this instance do not correlate with being a war criminal
firstly, who are the victims with bush's war crimes? (do not say the people of iraq, since this article relates directly to a few interrogated people in military prisons and detention centers)
ok them, usually enemy combatants or friends and family of suspected or known terrorists along with known terrorists themselves
...........they do not count under geneva convention law, as they are not POW's, civilians, or hostages. they do not qualify for a myriad of reasons
see here for more detail you simple son-uv--bitch
and i quote from this
To be entitled to prisoner-of-war status, captured service members must be lawful
combatants entitled to combatant's privilegewhich gives them immunity from punishment for crimes constituting lawful acts of war, e.g., killing enemy troops. To qualify under the Third Geneva Convention, a combatant must have conducted military operations according to
the laws and customs of war, be part of a
chain of command, wear a "fixed distinctive marking, visible from a distance" and bear arms openly. Thus, uniforms and/or badges are important in determining prisoner-of-war status; and
francs-tireurs, "
mercenaries and
spies do not qualify. In practice, these criteria are not always interpreted strictly.
Guerrillas, for example, do not necessarily wear an issued uniform nor carry arms openly, yet captured combatants of this type have sometimes been granted POW status. The criteria are generally applicable to
international armed conflicts. In civil wars, insurgents are often treated as traitors or criminals by government forces, and are sometimes executed. However, in the
American Civil War, both sides treated captured troops as POWs, presumably out of
reciprocity, though the
Union regarded
Confederacy personnel as separatist rebels. However, guerrillas and other irregular combatants generally cannot expect to simultaneously benefit from both civilian and military status.
and now, what are the specific allegations against the bush administration?
did he personally sanction or perform these acts himself? maybe, probably not, the chain of command is huge and you cant expect one person to know whats going on at all times in all parts of the military
the other allegations, such as torture methods......are the really torture? now here is a huge gray area, firstly water-boarding, is not to be considered torture by the simple fact that it is not physically maiming. while i personally dont care one way or the other about it, you have to understand that this draconian measure is not used often, and when it is not usually by US military officers......no you see, when the US wants information fast, we take it a step further.....we allow a friendly foreign officer to perform the interrogations (nations like Jordan). they are not bound by the same laws and scruples the US is. so really motive and probability of this happening often is slim
now, these are all pretty true, we can agree on that. maybe you consider water-boarding to be torture, thats fine, like i said i dont care.......but its just not used that much by the US interrogators
so what possible war crimes could bush, the leader of the largest super-power int he world, could have committed, honestly? did he do it himself, ohh wait i forgot he rapes babies and hangs kittens from street lights, hes the spawn of satan
honestly your bias leads you into ignorance and stupidity, your stubbornness to account for these facts is crazy
so whats your proof? i used my own damn head coupled with common sense, please provide evidence other than a fucking poll (which, polls are not accurate in the least bit) and some dry hippie left wing rhetoric
fucking retard