under age smoker/growers

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Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
:leaf:Right, everyone this is quite important i've recently notice that there are a handful of under eighteens on this site how are either just prating about or just starting to smoke or grow the best plant know:leaf:

:leaf:But just saying i started when i was young but all these skunks around now with 15 18 percent thc it can give you young one the scits so start on something melo like indian mist or sugar babe then when your about 21 or so if you still like it try the stronger stuff and start growing then:leaf:

:leaf:What i mean is have a child hood go cause havoc but don't gt caught growing it now it will reck the rest of your life prison will none of your mates will look at you the same:leaf:

:leaf:If there are any young one reading this don't add a reply i don't want to have you kicked off the site just take this as a piece of advice:leaf:

:leaf:Learn Now And Be The Best Later:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i feel it is really irrisponsible to grow before you are out on your own as you are dragging your parents/guardians into a world of shit as well. just be patient for a few years and if you still want to do it do it then.


Well-Known Member
I also don't agree with the under age of smokeing this is where the goverment should step in and legalize this medical plant .i agree the strains now make the old weed look like shyt but i am also a beliver of if you are gonna do the crime you gotta be prepared to do the time bro it's the way tings arun.


Well-Known Member
if marijuana would of been as important to me when i was 11 as it is now i would of saved my self a whole lot of pain and trouble ! just my 2 cents


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
not a good thing to say
:leaf:If there are any young one reading this don't add a reply i don't want to have you kicked off the site just take this as a piece of advice:leaf:


Well-Known Member
This is very simple people, some things are, and some things are not for children. Pot, guns, sex, alcohol and porn are all adult things that kids should have nothing to do with. We know pot is not good on the adolescent brain and there are many studies showing habitual teen use leading to the early on sent of various forms of mental illness. On the other hand there has yet to be a study showing long term effects for 21+ marijuana only smokers.

Growing underage is a freaking no brainer. You live at home with your parents, you are committing a felony that is not something quick and easy. You are not shoving a gun in a clerk's face, demanding money and then running. You are going to have the system up and going for at least 2 months if you go straight from seed to veg and chances are good even longer than that. Growing without the knowlage of the owner of the property is not only reckless but dumb. If you are a kid there is a real high chance mom and dad are going to find it unless they utterly don't care about you. Most of us had trouble hiding a quarter, how the fuck you going to hide an entire grow.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
This is very simple people, some things are, and some things are not for children. Pot, guns, sex, alcohol and porn are all adult things that kids should have nothing to do with. We know pot is not good on the adolescent brain and there are many studies showing habitual teen use leading to the early on sent of various forms of mental illness. On the other hand there has yet to be a study showing long term effects for 21+ marijuana only smokers.

Growing underage is a freaking no brainer. You live at home with your parents, you are committing a felony that is not something quick and easy. You are not shoving a gun in a clerk's face, demanding money and then running. You are going to have the system up and going for at least 2 months if you go straight from seed to veg and chances are good even longer than that. Growing without the knowledge of the owner of the property is not only reckless but dumb. If you are a kid there is a real high chance mom and dad are going to find it unless they utterly don't care about you. Most of us had trouble hiding a quarter, how the fuck you going to hide an entire grow.
it depends on how nieve the parents are and such. when i was a kid never growing pot but smoked a lot. we would just through are seeds out the camper door right where my father parked every day. one day i got out of the truck and holly shit i was looking at the top of a very nice looking plant that no one new was there not even me,growing none the less in gravel never being watered. now my father way back in the day has had a puff or two, well b4 my time, and he and my mom never ever new it was there. if they are not looking and have no clue im sure it can be done. but that's the parents house and should be respected. its real easy for a person not to care for someone property because they didn't pay.

Ak bong rippa

Well-Known Member
it depends on how nieve the parents are and such. when i was a kid never growing pot but smoked a lot. we would just through are seeds out the camper door right where my father parked every day. one day i got out of the truck and holly shit i was looking at the top of a very nice looking plant that no one new was there not even me,growing none the less in gravel never being watered. now my father way back in the day has had a puff or two, well b4 my time, and he and my mom never ever new it was there. if they are not looking and have no clue im sure it can be done. but that's the parents house and should be respected. its real easy for a person not to care for someone property because they didn't pay.

if you smoked weed when your young and you get a "illness" will they perscribe Marijuana for it??

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Im 18, but ive been growin for like 2 years...and i do it at my pops house....no trouble...no worries...none of that, he helps me with my grows, and ive been smoking with him since i was 16....been smokin since 12 tho....its all about how your raised....i agree its bad to grow in your parents house without there consent or knowledge....as far as teens smoking..no ones gonna stop that...and if your responsible...weed wont fuck your life up or make you unmotivated. its all about you.


Well-Known Member
if you smoked weed when your young and you get a "illness" will they perscribe Marijuana for it??
First off no one prescribes med, they would get their DEA license to write any other scripts yanked. They give "recommendations" so that is going to be between you, your doctor and the state.


Well-Known Member
Im 18, but ive been growin for like 2 years...and i do it at my pops house....no trouble...no worries...none of that, he helps me with my grows, and ive been smoking with him since i was 16....been smokin since 12 tho....its all about how your raised....i agree its bad to grow in your parents house without there consent or knowledge....as far as teens smoking..no ones gonna stop that...and if your responsible...weed wont fuck your life up or make you unmotivated. its all about you.
So do responsible people not get cancer either? What does responsibility have to do with hormones and brain chemistry? Just FYI, if you had been caught under 18, your dad would be facing mandatory prison time in most states and if mom is not in the picture or dead you would become a ward of the state.
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