When it happens


Well-Known Member
marijuana was made illegal in the 1900's because of a rush in mexican immerigrants to america(not the only reson). people use to be incireged to grow hemp as a resource way way back in the day


Well-Known Member
i know man lol i know the history lesson it was reguired u grew hemp for certain resources such as rope, canvas and many other usfull resources


Well-Known Member
And he said it was maid legal...
To quote George Washington... "Make the best of hemp... Sew it's seeds every wear"... My type of president lol


Well-Known Member
hahaa... turnes out the cherry tree he choped down was realy a weed plant... nice and ripe... don't question it... I read it... its true... dont even say no... I was there when it happend... it was great...


Well-Known Member
You seen it right? it was a cannabis plant right? not a cherry tree... Who the fuck would cut down a cherry tree? thats not what your suppose to do with them... your suppose to pick the cherries... I think the Father of our country knew better than to cut down a cherry tree for no reason... Unless he was trying to sell the cherry wood... because its expensive... but I doubt that... He had no motive to do it... and plus I was there... I told him to do it... tiptronix saw it so ... believe


Well-Known Member
Hahaha me too... just got back from smoking a L ... now I;m chillin... crazy people... thinking crazy people chop cherry trees... ccrazy... nutso... fuckin crazie man... cherry... tree... crzy you kbow?

Is growing Hemp legal... like that has no THC at all at all?


Well-Known Member
NO?... I recently saw on the news some guy whos going to jail for life for growing hemp... they said the THC levels were too high...
Crazy govt