Smoking Stories!


Well-Known Member
Post your stories, I love reading them..

The first time was the first time that I'd ever smoked a joint.
I had to pick up an eighth and my dealer also went with me (we were both 15 xD) so we rode our bikes and met up.
He was like 'Hey man, want to smoke a joint before we go' So i'm like hell yeah. We go into a back path and he lights
up and passes it to me. It's a nice 1g joint about. So we finish it all the way down to the roach and get on our bikes
and start going. He's like 'Yeah man, I know where I'm going' so I follow him down random ass streets and he stops
to tag a bit (Yeah, it was a fad then :P) and we're on our way again. We finally get to the place 2 hours later.
We call him and pick up a half O and I get a quarter from it. Then I just say 'Oh shit dude, I know how to get back in
like 10 minutes' so we just ride straight up the road where we were and I'm back home in 10 minutes. We laughed
our asses off to that. I got home like 5 minutes before my dad too haha.

Second one was when we blazed a shit load of weed :P
It was lunch time in grade 11 and we'd always go and blaze at this kids house. So around 8 kids were over that lunch
(which was a fucking lot) but we had around an ounce. Some of the kids were like first timers that just pitched in a
bunch of money so they just came haha. Anyway's so we blaze it all and the kids like 'dude, man we've gotta clean up
fuck and you guys gotta leave' (meaning the non-regulars lol) So I just start picking up the small stuff with my fingers
and packing it into a bowl, and then this other guy (regular) is like fuck this and starts shoving the pot into the cracks
of his table and nobody notices it till mostly everyone left and we found it so fucking funny.

One time I was so blazed so I wanted something to eat. I then remembered how good Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins were.
So I looked up on the internet and started making the batter. I was taking small bites of the dough. I sat at my computer for
at least an hour watching a movie all the while eating the muffin batter in small bites. Finally I look around and am like 'Oh shit
the house is going to be on fire I didn't turn the fucking oven off' so I run out to the kitchen and look at the stove and see that
it's not even on, then I look at the bowl in my hands and notice that there wasn't any batter left :dunce:


Well-Known Member
one day i had smoked a joint in my basemant like a normal day. then i went with a girl to her house to smoke.
i took 4 or 5 bong rips off this 3 footer. pretty sweet. then we smoked a blunt of headies and i was very baked. then unpleasent things came on like real bad kottonmouth and i felt sick. then my eyes started to go cross eyed and it would not go away. then i blacked out for a few minutes. or at least i think it was only a few minutes. thenn i threw up.
not a fun experiance. i think i was dehydrated more than anything. :o


Well-Known Member
first time i got high was 8th grade n i smoked a joint with 2 of my buddies and went to a school play i was baked as shit and bought all this candy and shit and when we got in i was stuffing my face with candy and giggling my ass off halfway thru the play i realized no one was watching the play but just watching me... i got real paranoid and ran out screaming STOP LOOKING AT ME. everytime i think about it now i laugh


Well-Known Member
well nothing like my first time, but ya i just got home. Long story yesterday i was hanging out with my friend and we blazed a bit and then i just told him keep loading the bowls so were driving along and smoking out of my pipe when i tell him to go off road and we get stuck so i call a friend he goes to pick up a chain and then we light another bowl and sit there a chill while waiting for him to show up and he does so then we smoke more and the night goes on, anyways tonight we plan on blazing again and then as soon as we meet the place where i live security shows up and we drive off and i hit the curb with my car which knocks the fuck out of it and its all screwed up now and then i come back to drop him off at his car and the security guard is there and he wants to call the PD and search my friends car who has nothing in it so he is all good. But any trouble i ahve ever gotten into was in Miramont which is where i live and it sucks has a bad luck all about it.

dat nigga smoke

New Member
i remeber one time i went to go spend da night at my cuzins house aka my old house n i had bought a dub sac n he had a gram of dro n we wuz gne buy xos cuz our homeboy wuz sellin xos at da time so i get der round eight n we call up homeboy n diz nigga already rollin wen he gets here so we jus let em chill wif us so were rollin n den we srtt rollin up js cuz no1 had a blunt or at least dats wat we thot so were jus smokin join afta joint good thin we had a dub sac cuz we aint even wanna stop smokin but we take a break n my hmeboy gets up n strts walkin in circle we re jus lookin at n we jus like maybe we should go sumwere cuz it looked li9ke if my homeboy aint wanna be der cuz he wuz jus lookin for sumtin to do n strts walkin bak n forth so we decide to go to da smoke spot wich is under a bridge n i we get der wat feels like a min wich is weird cuz da place is like 5 mins away but anyway we get der not kno how late it wuz we chill der smoke n i jus rember starin at da bayou n watchin da reflection of da moon jus spining n like little figures jus movin round i dnt kno but nexting i kno i jus zone out i dnt even notice dat my hmeboy n cuzin left n by da time i relize dey gne der already comin back i didnt kno were dey went i jus assumed de went wonderin of or sumtin but yea so we roll up another j n strt cheifin n my hmeboy jus pulls out a box of rillos frm his sock he had on sum knee high socks he aint a cholo tho he jus weres knee high socks for sum reason but yea he jus pulls em out n my cuz strts trippin out n den i strt trippin out n im like were da fuck did u get dat box of rillos did u pull em out yo ass n i jus strt trippin out n den dey jus look at me wich strts makin me trip even more cuz ithink ders sumtin on n i get up n jus strt pattin myself down whipi my face n i jus here da echo of dem laffin wich is even more weird cuz dat place dnt evin echos n outta nowere my cuzin jus pops up hey chill out we went to da store wen u wuz gne n i look up n ders my hmeboy rollin up a dro stick n were down here next to da bayou im jus thinkin to myself how da fuck did i get down here we walk bakc up n we jus der chillin n 2 dro stick and a blunt l8er we rember da time so we check n its like 2 30 in da mori n shit were jus like wat da fuck it only felt like weve been der for like an hour we thot it wuz like 10 or 11 so its 2 30 in da mornin n my hmeboy decides to split we stay der tho n roll up another blunt before we leave so blunt rolled we start walkin back home n im jus hitti da blut walkin for like a good 6or 7 min before i relize my cuzins missing n i turn back n heis at da dead end staring in sum peoples back yard a walk back ova der n start hearin a weird noise like sum weird bird or sumtin n my cuzins jus der wen he jus decides to walk ove der n im like naw but dat nigga aint hearin me so i jus follow him n deez ppl have a really big backyard so my cuzin n i jus decied to keep goin str8 cuz ders a street dat eventualy leads up to our street so we strt walkin fo like idk 3 min till we come 2 da conclusio dat were jus lost n da blunts almost dne next ting u kno ders sirens start goin off wich is da worst noise u could here when ur high n rollin and at night so we jus start runin we dnt even kno were we runin to or frm but we jus do n eventually we end up at wat we think is da bridge were we chill at but its not n dat places is jus mud everywere n i mean everywere on da walls da top of us every were n i hear my cuzin fallin wich only means dat im goin down to cuz he rite behind me n grabs my shirt n were jus in da mud feeling like were getting eati by it i mean it felt like ders no escapin diz mud i mean i wuz jus gettin ready to call it quits but den i jus get up n im like wat da fuck i jus start gettin mad at my cuzin cuz afta dat shit it jus killed my high n we were jus soaking wet and covered in mud n we finnaly relize ware we were n jus start walikn home finnaly 4:09 in da mornin we get home to wat realizing were locked outta da fuckin house so wat do we do jus roll up another blunt n smoke up all da weed we had till mornin well i ende up falling asleep in da chair i wuz 1st sittin in i dnt think my cuzin fell aslleep


Active Member
the first time i ever smoked real hydro was on my way back from my buddies house, who lived like two hours away so we smoked a bowl on the way and i was so f n high i forgot to turn my lights on when we left town and i was like damn man my headlights suck ass lol we ended up going like 40 miles with my lights off before we got pulled over by a state boy and i told him sum bs that they just went out and i was looking 4 a place to pull over lol he belived me 2

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
First time I got high was with a friend. We were 16 at the time. Getting high was pretty uneventful but when I got home, I sat down for dinner with my parents(still high) and had the most glorious plate of spaghetti I had ever had.


Well-Known Member
got baked as hell on a boat weekend that me and my mates go on every year (incidently im going again 2mrw!!!!)

any way, me and my mate r the last 2 up (every1 else has passed out) and we're just chatting and firing up joint after joint until its just too much and we're knackered!!!

We then go to our room and i notice my mate has got the huge mutilpack bag of crisps (for the whole weekend for everyone), we sit there and eat every bag whilst pissing ourselves laughing about it cos we no we shouldnt be!!

everyone else was furious in the morning! :joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
Hm, I have a few short stories that always bring back fond memories of toking up.

The first time I ever smoked was out of a vaporizer. I was about 16, and back then nobody really toked in my group of friends but I was curious to try it. I read up on it, I mean I was paranoid as my only source of info on weed was those D.A.R.E. commercials and the anti-drug high school programs. I decided to buy a vap as it was the safest way to toke. So I finally get the vap in the mail, buy a dime bag and go in my dad's garage. I sit down on a lawn chair and toke the entire bag. When I finish, I thought it was a waste because I wasn't even high. Well that's until I actually tried standing up to put the vap away. I nearly fell face first on to the concrete floor I was so baked.

Another time I was hanging out with a good friend of mine, I had no idea he was a pothead until one day we're playing video games in his basement and he asks me if I want to smoke a bowl. So we go out to his garage, which had two levels to it. We go up to the second level and toke up while enjoying the view from the huge window. We were ridiculously baked, and decided to go back in his house to play video games. However we didn't really plan ahead, because the only way up to the second level of his garage was with a really steep ladder. Needless to say, two hours later we both made it down the ladder and pretty much laughed our asses off the entire time.

Finally, in my senior year of high school, I pretty much got baked during each lunch hour. My buddy and I would walk across the street to toke up behind the cinema. So we start toking up, and we're both really focused on the pipe and toking (we're high, it's about -20C out and we don't want to drop the pipe). Then all of a sudden I hear a car pulling up around the back of the cinema. Now this is hard to explain, but I basically grab my friend and we hide behind the dumpster, slowly moving around it as the car pulls around. I was perfectly in sync with the car, so they never spotted us. Turns out it was a cop car, I guess our toking spot wasn't the best place. But we laughed for days about that afterwards. I think we were both amazed that I managed to do that.


Well-Known Member
dam thats lucky. My first time was with my best friend we were 15 in the 10th grade and he hung out at my house that weekend so we end up walking around in the woods find a cabin hotbox the shit out of it and i remeber i wasnt really high i just couldnt stop laughing and then a few weeks later we got blown and went trick or treating.

Then i stopped smoking for a few months cause i thought it was bad and didnt feel good about so i went to the movies with my friends and then we went behind a dumpster area and lit up and i got BLOWN and then walked to the movies where all i rememeber was i couldnt stop laughing it was great fun ah the good old days


Well-Known Member
^ I had something similar to that.

3 of us were toking in this garage that was open, someone obviously called the old bill and we all just see this cop car drive passed the garage we were in, they spotted us but were too slow to react and had to try turning round but it was too late WE WERE OUTTA THERE sprinting through a cycle track cracking up!!


New Member
pretty good smoking/drinking was my birthday and there was a party for a girl who shared sitting in the basement with a few heads that i know and I'm rolling blunts and passing them out like candy.

after about 7 or 8 gars, im all out of weed so i decide to go to my friends house up the street and pick up another sachel of and my neighbor go...after a few bong tokes there, we decide the scene was beat and we needed to head back to the party for beverages - we show up and my neighbor kicks in the door, HEY GUYS WHATS----Cops are standing in the front room knocking on the door while two more crown vic's show up, i dont so much push my neighbor out of the way as much as spear him into a firemans carry, and HAUL ass running through about 7 or 8 front and back yards, finally getting to the bridge which leads to the spot we bought the weed we're about to hop the rock wall and sprint across the bridge when my neighbor hops up and a spotlight comes sailing our way from one of the cop cars, i once again in my heightened sense of drunkeness grab him by the shoulder and pull him behind the wall just as the light goes over top of where we were laying..wait about 5 minutes...JET across the bridge make it to the guys front yard...then the sirens and lights come FLYING across the bridge, two cars.. we're climbing up homeboy's roof to get into his bedroom window because he went to sleep after we left and his doors were locked..the cops ZOOM by spot light on the yards...if they had looked up roughly 5 feet we woulda been busted

it was a VERY insane night we ended up harboring three or four other people who ran as soon as the cops showed up and saw them chasing us, so we just continued to party at my friends..and of course everybody needed some weed, so he got some extra customers. he didnt mind the company and buisness as they were all relatively close to our age group and werent the "skeevy" type.


Well-Known Member
dam dude thats tight you didnt get caught, pretty fucking lucky, i always tell people when im out and about doing somethign illegal i say if theres cops that show up i was never here and if they do show up i will run my ass off for five miles before even thinking about stopping, plus i hate the popo there all fags mostly, i even thought about becoming one so i can catch fellow stoners and then let them go cuase they arent hurting anybody


Active Member
One time me and my cuzzins where playing the gane baseball with a blunt, and that is where u hit the blunt 3 times hold it in and pass u cant let any smoke out until the blunt gets back to you. Well anyway my cuzzin always breaths out while but he was determined that time he tried 2 hold it in and was jumpin all around which made it worst when it finally got around 2 him he almost passed out and didnt want anymore lol he said he was 2 tired. But at the time i was 16 so i went home out of my mind because i didnt kno my mom was there. When i found out i went straight 2 my room but she called me and she jus kept asking me stupid question and my response was always i dont kno. Finally i got tired of it and jus told her i was high and she said duh and jus laughed and told me to talk to her in the morning i was goin back 2 my room and when i got there my 2 grandmas called me, my uncle and aunt, even my dad and they were all asking stupid questions and i jus hung up on all of them ..........crazy day


Well-Known Member
One day at school me and a few buddies smoke a few joints at school during lunch, turns out there was a spirit assembaly for all of the school teams, and we all had to go up on stage and shit. sucked a lot thats why I only smoke at school now when i know that i can go and chill in class:eyesmoke::sleep:


Well-Known Member
One day at school me and a few buddies smoke a few joints at school during lunch, turns out there was a spirit assembaly for all of the school teams, and we all had to go up on stage and shit. sucked a lot thats why I only smoke at school now when i know that i can go and chill in class:eyesmoke::sleep:
I hope you're 18 man :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
all theese cop stories remind me of one..
back in the day me and my friends used to smoke right under this gazebo iin the middle of his neighbor hood untill one day this weird biker guy says i know youve been puffing doobies (yes he actually said that) so we decided it was to hot to smoke there n find a new spot... we went into theese woods near a pond and after a few times blaze there everyday for a while. then one day me n my friend are just chillin hittin a bowl when we hear sumone coming.. we freeze for a second n he says should we run? and then we hear HEY buddy come over here! n me n my friend DART the oppiste way, after we sprint about half a mile theres a fence n me n my friend run and grab it n throw our selves over... we were to smacked to see it was a BARBED WIRE FENCE we got huge cuts all over our hands n legs n it hurt like a motherfucker... but i didnt get caught and got to keep my weed