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Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Interesting... It is very expensive but hey if they have good products and service they its gunna be worth it for some people
Glad you got your clones man. Hope they work out for you


Well-Known Member
Very cool, glad to see somebody try it instead of just listening to all the people that know its a scam that have never tried it, good lesson here


New Member
All the clones are showing signs of growth and recovery from the trip...The purple kush clone was the healthiest out of the bunch..the stock was alomost as thick as a pencil

...................From this

.......................................To this 2 days later.....................Nice



Well-Known Member
Im surprised that its not a ripoff. I did a whois search on their domain name and they only registered it for 1 year, normally thats a bad sign.


Well-Known Member
haha it is only the first 2 people that kept bumping this thread. they could have started this site for all we know. and the domain name thing is kinda sketch. i smell a scam.


Well-Known Member
hey Ischemia, i should ban you for posting "private info". rat people out much? :fire:
dude get rid of that clown.

can you fathom how hard it is to set up a website to sell clones across the county? obviously you cannot think outside of the barriers of your head.

someone is working really really hard to provide those w/out access to the TRUE KILLERS (that trainwreck is the arcata cut.... the bubba is the pre 98 bubba kush... chemD, etc) and some cheap mofos with nothing in their pocket but speculation is throwing salt in the game and potentially releasing confidential information.

this business is giving you, in fucking butthole louisiana (or tennessee, or kentucky, or montana, etc) a chance to grow the proven good shit that is all the rage on the west coast. and in typical louisiana fashion, you are to darn ignorant.... errr uneducated... to realize the opportunity you have been presented by a few caring members of the canna community, and are unwittingly potentially putting that said opportunity for others in jeopardy, too.

edit: sorry MODS if I am a little too agressive i don't think some folks understand how hard it is to provide opportunites for others in this diificult industry. if there is anything i need to remove or edit, please wipe it out. I do not mean to be a jerk or rude.... stern, yes... rude, no. mahalo


Active Member
well i wont lie. when i saw on the website that they dont accept email. only snail mail. i was rather weary. but hey if it works it works.


New Member
when i see someone with more experience on this site like fdd order then i will believe

Well you know what they say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink.

Buy some or dont..makes no diff to me..I got mine and I'm happy

well i wont lie. when i saw on the website that they dont accept email. only snail mail. i was rather weary. but hey if it works it works.
You didnt look to well here is their website .... all the links are on the left you can email them here

CD has a quick pay system were you can send money.... they receive it within 1-2days and your order is sent that week heres a link


Well-Known Member
dude get rid of that clown.

can you fathom how hard it is to set up a website to sell clones across the county? obviously you cannot think outside of the barriers of your head.

someone is working really really hard to provide those w/out access to the TRUE KILLERS (that trainwreck is the arcata cut.... the bubba is the pre 98 bubba kush... chemD, etc) and some cheap mofos with nothing in their pocket but speculation is throwing salt in the game and potentially releasing confidential information.

this business is giving you, in fucking butthole louisiana (or tennessee, or kentucky, or montana, etc) a chance to grow the proven good shit that is all the rage on the west coast. and in typical louisiana fashion, you are to darn ignorant.... errr uneducated... to realize the opportunity you have been presented by a few caring members of the canna community, and are unwittingly potentially putting that said opportunity for others in jeopardy, too.

edit: sorry MODS if I am a little too agressive i don't think some folks understand how hard it is to provide opportunites for others in this diificult industry. if there is anything i need to remove or edit, please wipe it out. I do not mean to be a jerk or rude.... stern, yes... rude, no. mahalo

Is this suppose to be directed at me???? Cause I didnt know ischema(or however you spell it) was from Louisiana. Cause the info I poseted wasnt private at all. If I had to guess fdd deleted the post by ischema(or however you spell it). Cause that is a persons user name on here. And if I was to post unallowed info Im guessing the mods wouldve deleted it.


Well-Known Member
was reading the forums on CD and came across this it may relive your worries may not

03.03.2009 - 22:04: Proof that CD is a scam. | Quote

Alright guys. I stopped posting here and did indeed email the "owner" of CD. I posed him with the same questions I asked "ape", and waited for a reply. This has been what I've received (and their is indeed someone one these forums who can vouch that I emailed, etc.).

This is J6G - I have some questions. Print | New Window Full Message hedidawaywithme to clonesdirect - -203854209 sec agoMore Details From: hed******withme@***.comHide Add to: To Do, Calendar Hello,
I'm sure you've heard about me from 'ape'. I had some questions concerning you, and your business.
Let me clear the air with a few things before we start; we will not need to discuss your operation, your genetics, where/how you obtain your strains, anything of the sort. I will wholely and fully acknowledge that I have no proof of whether or not you do/do not grow, or have the facilities that you state you do, or the expertise. For the purposes of this, those points are moot. "You are indeed fabulous growers with elite genetics, and I'm sure they are top quality and properly sourced".

However, I would like to discuss the legitimacy, legality, and security of your operation. You may dislike my tactics, approach, and tone, but as any business-owner will tell you, the customer is always right. I'm going to assume that you, being the propietor of this business, would have the answers to set an enquiring customer at ease before purchasing. Hell, I'll even say that if I feel you're on the up-and-up that I'll order. So some things I would like to know are..

1) How is what you're doing safe for me, or anyone else? You're mailing live marijuana plants, within US borders, under US jurisdiction, but from what 'ape' has said, you're not willing to disclose to the customer even what kind of packaging it comes in. Why?
I have never ordered anything of this sort in my life, but anytime the thought has crossed my mind, it took me very little time to find the answers I was looking for, and I can show examples of this.

2) To elaborate on question #1, 'ape' states that the company is based overseas and the way the money is handled is to for the safety of everyone. But I can order seeds, merchandise, and several other products illegal in the US from overseas, even Netherlands-based, and they will still accept my credit card, debit card, and at the very least a variety of other payment methods of MY choosing. They are able to do this because they are legally safe from US jurisdiction, thus they are leaving my issue in my own hands.

How is it anywhere remotely safe for me to send my money by mail (not secure at all, easy to lose, in a non-refundable form) overseas, so I can in turn count on a group of people held to the same laws I am, within my same country, to mail it to me?

Even better. Why not just cut out the middleman? There is no legal reason to, as it offers no safety for anyone involved.

3) How is my money safe, and do I know I will not be ripped off? Cash or blank money order (non-refundable), sent overseas through not only the US postal system, but then an international one, does indeed have a great chance of being lost.

How do I know that my payment will be received, but my clones will not be "lost" in the mail? Numerous internationally-based companies even offer tracking #'s so that the merchandise can be traced by the consumer. A very respectable dealer even claims that the ONLY reason they will not replace/refund a lost shipment is if a wrong address is listed.

4) To elaborate on my last statement, how is it legally or ethically right to advise a customer to have their package shipped to a friend? As has been stated, the plants are coming domestically. And wrong or right name, the signer of the package is who it "belongs" to, and the shipper of the package would be criminally liable as well.

5) Why the secrecy concerning how I would get my package? Before you ask, yes.. there are several companies that will give me information, even choice (for an additional fee), on the packaging and shipping of my order. They, too, are internationally-based, free from US law (as CD should be if it is based internationally), thus can offer this service. And how is it not safer for the customer to know exactly WHAT to be expecting, when to expect it, maybe even have a choice in how its shipped and comes in.

Instead it appears that the customer is generally left in the dark after their payment is shipped.

Now - this is not to offend you, this is just a shorter list of question that are more direct, with the assumption of how you may answer some of them. If I am wrong, please explain how I am wrong.

- This business is based internationally, and I'm sending my money overseas, but since my plants are coming within my borders, why the middleman? Why not just let me send my money to whoever in the US, and you send me my shit? Or better for my peace-of-mind and security, why don't you just let me send my money overseas with my credit card and ship me the damned thing from overseas as well?
- How do I know my plant is even going to survive if you send it? The pictures I've seen have them coming wrapped in newspaper. That is NOT the care I expect if I am willing to spend $150 on clones.

I'm sure I will have more questions once you reply. Please do fill me in though. If you are legit, I am giving you an oppurtunity to say exactly how I am protected, and how you're legitimate.



His reply..

Re: This is J6G - I have some questions. Print | New Window Full Message clonesdirect to you - -203913341 sec agoMore Details From: clonesdirect@hushmail.comHide Add to: To Do, Calendar To: hed******withme@***.comCc:Bcca te:Sun, 1 Mar 2009 11:38 am Save images to my AOL Pictures Saving images to my AOL Pictures... View images on AOL Pictures
Hash: SHA1

Thank you for taking time to write us with your concerns. We had
heard about you and several others online that APE has been
speaking with. We will try to not only answer your questions, but
also tell you why in some cases. All we ask is that this entire
email isn't copied and pasted online. The information herein can be
used, but we believe some of this might be private between and you.
So here goes:

1) How is what you're doing safe for me, or anyone else? You're
mailing live marijuana plants, within US borders, under US
jurisdiction, but from what 'ape' has said, you're not willing to
disclose to the customer even what kind of packaging it comes in.
I have never ordered anything of this sort in my life, but anytime
the thought has crossed my mind, it took me very little time to
find the answers I was looking for, and I can show examples of

* Let me ask you a question...Have you ever ordered seeds before?
We base much of what we do and how we do it from an over 12 year
experience with all of this. We didn't just wake up one day and
start this business. We have been doing it for over 12 years. But
prior to that many of were in the industry, growing, owning hydro
stores, ordering seeds, and participating online. It's considered
bad judgement to discuss packaging online, show pics of packaging,
or even describe how your package came. This standard was set back
many years ago when Heaven's Stairway and Seedsdirect (now
seedboutique) became the first companies to send fair priced seeds
and host their own forums in the internet era. I personally have
ordered over 50 times from seed companies and distributors. And
what was so good about Seedsdirect is that their packaging changed
regulary and often the packages fooled the owner. They were super
stealthy...Customs regularly intercepts seeds from overseas so it's
up to these companies to inovate and be creative. Posting pics
online jeopardizes the order of anyone that has ordered. So we have
chosen to use the same policy as those that considered the best in
the industry. Our packaging too will change often in an effort to
keep them stealthy.

2) To elaborate on question #1, 'ape' states that the company is
based overseas and the way the money is handled is to for the
safety of everyone. But I can order seeds, merchandise, and
several other products illegal in the US from overseas, even
Netherlands-based, and they will still accept my credit card, debit
card, and at the very least a variety of other payment methods of
MY choosing. They are able to do this because they are legally
safe from US jurisdiction, thus they are leaving my issue in my own

*The first part of your statement is correct. However the later
part is not. They are NOT are not legally safe from US
jurisdiction. The two biggest examples are Neville who is the
Godfather of all seed companies And more recently Marc Emery.
Neville thought he was safe because he operated in Amsterdam. The
U.S. went after him and he is still in hiding. His company was sold
and now operates as Sensi Seeds. That is why you see many of the
elite seed companies refuse to send to the U.S.. The half owner of
Mr. Nice Seeds who is probably the most respected breeder in the
world spent 18 months in prison for growing and sending seeds from
Swizterland. I could go on and on and even mention our own
experience from Operation Green Merchant (if you don't know about
it, you should google it). And as a result we certainly don't want
to end up like Marc Emery or Neville.

And that leads to payment options. Because do not trust the U.S.
Govt (things might get more lax under Obama) we have chosen not to
take checks, debit, credit cards, ect. In reality the Govt could
kick in the door to any of these so called "legal companies that
operate outside of U.S jurisdiction" and/or trace and follow the
trail of money back to each and every customer inside the U.S.. And
that is precisely why we don't take the other payment methods. They
have done it before...Do you remember when the U.S. govt kicked in
the door to We wanted to be doubly careful as we
offer a totally different product than everyone else. That is also
why our website and forums are currently hosted the way they are.

How is it anywhere remotely safe for me to send my money by mail
(not secure at all, easy to lose, in a non-refundable form)
overseas, so I can in turn count on a group of people held to the
same laws I am, within my same country, to mail it to me?

* The jurisdiction doesn't mean anything. We can site many that
have gone to prison that were operating in those foreign
jurisdictions. Many in those foreign "safe jurisdictions" refused
to host our website...however, we would insure that any customer
gets taken care of even in a worse case scenario that their order
was lost.

Even better. Why not just cut out the middleman? There is no
legal reason to, as it offers no safety for anyone involved.

*It offers safety for us. We certainly don't want to end up in
Leavenworth...And we are the middleman, so there is no difference
in price at all. However, if our U.S. portion gets it's door kicked
in then not only us, but anyone getting a package shipped at that
moment would be in jeopardy too.

3) How is my money safe, and do I know I will not be ripped off?
Cash or blank money order (non-refundable), sent overseas through
not only the US postal system, but then an international one, does
indeed have a great chance of being lost.

*We cannot gaurantee things that we cannot control...but can do
things to insure everyone ends up happy. And that's part of the
customer service that we offer. In over 50 orders I personally had
never had my mail lost on an international order. All were paid for
with cash or m.o. before I moved over seas. I'd much rather have an
envelope lost instead of having the authorities getting ahold of my
credit card info. We would make sure in the worse case that the
customer is taken care of beyone their expectations.

How do I know that my payment will be received, but my clones will
not be "lost" in the mail? Numerous internationally-based companies
even offer tracking #'s so that the merchandise can be traced by
the consumer. A very respectable dealer even claims that the ONLY
reason they will not replace/refund a lost shipment is if a wrong
address is listed.

*These actual shipping companies that offer shipping may at anytime
without due cause open any package. The company we use cannot do
that by law. We've shipped out over 200 orders prior to CD and
never had a lost package. We have had packages delayed because of
weather, but never lost. Basically we have avoided anything that
potentionally can be traced back to the customer or us.

4) To elaborate on my last statement, how is it legally or
ethically right to advise a customer to have their package shipped
to a friend? As has been stated, the plants are coming
domestically. And wrong or right name, the signer of the package
is who it "belongs" to, and the shipper of the package would be
criminally liable as well.

*That is not true...if "Sally" receives a package for "joe" she is
not liable. The law states that people cannot be held responsible
as to what is shipped to them. What would make the matter worse is
if "joe" ordered the package to his home and there is 10,000 watt
growroom in the attic. A person is much safer to say, "that's not
mine..." compared to his/her growroom being exposed. The difference
is like night and day in a court of law. 99% of the population is
not going to prison for receving 3 cuttings in the mail. 100
cuttings is a different story. Most of the long term established
seed companies advise the same policy. The golden rule is, "never
ship you package where you live or have a grow op..." does
one do that? A neutral 3rd party, PO Box, or a friend. A "friend"
could actually be your grow partner that doesn't have the operation
in his/her home. Also, you don't have to sign for our packages.
They fall within a weight threshold that allows us not to sign or
deal with a window person, and that you don't have to sign. Our
packaging falls under the same mailing procedures as an regular
envelope. It's not a perfect system, but we again have tried to
lessen liabilities to all involved.

5) Why the secrecy concerning how I would get my package? Before
you ask, yes.. there are several companies that will give me
information, even choice (for an additional fee), on the packaging
and shipping of my order. They, too, are internationally-based,
free from US law (as CD should be if it is based internationally),
thus can offer this service. And how is it not safer for the
customer to know exactly WHAT to be expecting, when to expect it,
maybe even have a choice in how its shipped and comes in.

Instead it appears that the customer is generally left in the dark
after their payment is shipped.

*I'll just recap...they are not free from U.S. jurisdiction and
many examples exist. Neville, Mark Emery, Shantibaba, etc...What
would keep the authorities from posting a picture of our packaging
in every mailroom, UPS, and FEDex depot in the U.S. once they
simply got a picture they found online? It's common knowledge that
LEO cruises all the sites and reads all the herb magazines (that's
how Neville got busted). We will change our packages very often to
insure that LEO cannot pin point us...The only thing we do offer is
an email service that tells a customer tht they're order was
shipped and when they can expect it. That way they can keep a look
out for this new package they are about to receive.

Now - this is not to offend you, this is just a shorter list of
question that are more direct, with the assumption of how you may
answer some of them. If I am wrong, please explain how I am wrong.

- - This business is based internationally, and I'm sending my money
overseas, but since my plants are coming within my borders, why the
middleman? Why not just let me send my money to whoever in the US,
and you send me my shit?

*It would be impossible to give out a U.S. address for our
customers to ship payment? We wish we could but it would be a
disaster for all involved. That would be like asking LEO to kick in
the door.

Or better for my peace-of-mind and security, why don't you just let
me send my money overseas with my credit card and ship me the
damned thing from overseas as well?

*There is no inherit protection from overseas other than the
physical distance involved. If the DEA wanted to go after them,
they would. That's not enough of a gaurentee for us. We don't like
the idea of prison. And the idea of sending live material so far
would work, but with a lower success rate than we currently have.

- - How do I know my plant is even going to survive if you send it?
The pictures I've seen have them coming wrapped in newspaper. That
is NOT the care I expect if I am willing to spend $150 on clones.

*You have only seen part of the packaging. Although our method is
rather simple it works and works well. We found that the more
sophisticated methods routinely failed as the mail handlers are a
lot more physical with packages than anyone would imagine. We have
actually copied our method from nurseries the routinely mail plants
all over the world. After all, who better to learn from? If
something works well, there's no need to reinvent things. But we
have improved upon their methods as we have smell and humidity to
be concerned with.

Thank you for sending your email. Feel free to ask us
anything...Because You have taken the time to send a very detailed
letter, we offer you a free clone if you make an order. Simply
mention put, "Free clone per owner as of 2/1/09".



Well-Known Member
dude get rid of that clown.

can you fathom how hard it is to set up a website to sell clones across the county? obviously you cannot think outside of the barriers of your head.

someone is working really really hard to provide those w/out access to the TRUE KILLERS (that trainwreck is the arcata cut.... the bubba is the pre 98 bubba kush... chemD, etc) and some cheap mofos with nothing in their pocket but speculation is throwing salt in the game and potentially releasing confidential information.

this business is giving you, in fucking butthole louisiana (or tennessee, or kentucky, or montana, etc) a chance to grow the proven good shit that is all the rage on the west coast. and in typical louisiana fashion, you are to darn ignorant.... errr uneducated... to realize the opportunity you have been presented by a few caring members of the canna community, and are unwittingly potentially putting that said opportunity for others in jeopardy, too.

edit: sorry MODS if I am a little too agressive i don't think some folks understand how hard it is to provide opportunites for others in this diificult industry. if there is anything i need to remove or edit, please wipe it out. I do not mean to be a jerk or rude.... stern, yes... rude, no. mahalo

haha. i really wanna know how you know for sure and are so possssssitive that their genetics are legit? hmm? have you ordered their clowns grown them out and also compared them to the cutting you have of the authentic bubba pre 98 and arcata train wreck?

also please dont talk like the fucking west coast is omg we're the shit industry leaders..ive been on both coasts and honestly the east coast does it just as big. we just dont talk about it as much..pce


Well-Known Member
west coast does it bigger, wayy bigger.

i dont need to order i have 22 diff strains of my own but goodluck for anyone who does order, u never know if its legit till u try it urself


Well-Known Member
well i KNOW more than I care to divulge much further. for my saftey and freedom, and others'....who I consider family. : )

I will just say from expereince APE is a stand up guy and is trustworthy..... the people he speaks about are just as quality.
my pre98 bubba & ATW came from the hands of APE directly. hate me all you wnat bitches... you're the ones losing here as this company is trying to provide you a service of real killer genes to areas not medical marijuanan freindly so you don't have to spend $300 in seeds hoping to find an acceptable pheno to keep that really isn't worth a shit.

have a nice day. enjoy your piff. or your nirvana genes.... ha ha ha


New Member
canada its actually where its at. +rep for canadians
Most of the ...clone only strains ....come from Cali......I like the fact that you CAN NOT order these cuts in seed form

Show me any website that you can order Purple Kush seeds or a Grand Daddy Purple seeds.......there are NONE!!

You can find Purple Kush mixed with another breed (hybrid).... but not a pure bred seed
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