Bottom Leaves of Young Plant Yellowing


Well-Known Member
I still think his plant would grow a lot better if he did not water it
oh dont get me wrong i totally agree you shouldnt water it everyday, im not trying to dispute that. actually im not trying to dispute any of the things you guys are telling him, im just saying that at this point we havent even seen a pic all we can go by to diagnose his problem is what he's told us and without seeing the problem first hand i think its just rash to jump to a conclusion and start telling him he needs to do this or that because you just dont know. true it probably would be best if he transplanted out of those 16 oz. cups but thats not neccesarily why the bottom leaves on his plant are falling off. do you guys see where im coming from here?


Well-Known Member
I hear ya budman. I thank everyone for the support thus far, and I now have several different ideas if the overall health of the plant starts to worsen. However, at this point I'm not really all that concerned, so there's no need for any hostilities, guys! Appreciate everyone's help, this board is awesome. One more question, just to re-touch on the issue; so even if the soil in the cup is just bone dry every time I go check on the plant (everyday), I shouldn't water it daily?


Well-Known Member
One more question, just to re-touch on the issue; so even if the soil in the cup is just bone dry every time I go check on the plant (everyday), I shouldn't water it daily?
Learn how to water your plants correctly - because at the moment you're not. I'm not giving you any more advice. I'm not wasting my time giving people advice to have it ignored.


Well-Known Member
Learn how to water your plants correctly - because at the moment you're not. I'm not giving you any more advice. I'm not wasting my time giving people advice to have it ignored.
Look, I haven't been ignoring you. I've been trying to remain calm so as not to jump to a hasty conclusion and compound the problem, if there even is one. I have done a LOT of reading and research before I began to even consider growing, so I would appreciate you not acting like I know absolutely nothing. I've spent over $200 on a stealth grow box and I feel like I'll do quite well based on what I know now. I currently have three plants growing and all have been doing extremely well with the watering I'm doing, so I've seen no reason to change anything until now, and I still don't know if I'm going to. I was under the impression you water until the soil is dry, that's what I've done, and it has worked great thus far. I'm obviously not doing something terribly wrong, so I think that comment from you was a bit unnecessary. It's 95+ degrees today, and has been that type of weather for a good few weeks, with no signs of stopping. Nobody told you that you had to help me.


Well-Known Member

Pic was taken with a phone, so sorry if it's not the best quality, but I think the necessary details are there. I may have severely misjudged the height, so I figured I'd post this.


Well-Known Member
Well, my experience WAS an entirely positive one on this board. That was just unnecessary, no matter how you slice it. Thanks anyway though
I've already told you, to either repot the plant or start feeding it, so why are you now saying, well I'm not actually that worried about the yellowing leaves but I am about the watering?

If you ignore peoples advice, why would you expect them to continue giving it to you?


Well-Known Member
Well that's funny, seeing as you just jumped all over me about watering it too much.
I've never said a single word to you about watering it too much, I think you'll find others talked about that - I said you wern't watering it correctly - big difference.

Anyway - you're on your own now.


Well-Known Member
I've already told you, to either repot the plant or start feeding it, so why are you now saying, well I'm not actually that worried about the yellowing leaves but I am about the watering?
I mentioned watering because you were the one who, previous to these last few posts, was telling me I didn't know how to do it. That may be true, but as you've just stated, the watering doesn't seem to be an issue, as I've said from the start. As far as repotting/feeding, I stated a bit earlier in this thread that I intend to transplant very soon.


Well-Known Member
I've never said a single word to you about watering it too much, I think you'll find others talked about that - I said you wern't watering it correctly - big difference.
Aside from under/over watering, what have I done wrong in how I water this particular plant? Please, I am intrigued...


Well-Known Member
I mentioned watering because you were the one who, previous to these last few posts, was telling me I didn't know how to do it. That may be true, but as you've just stated, the watering doesn't seem to be an issue, as I've said from the start. As far as repotting/feeding, I earlier in this thread that I intend to transplant.
And you're not watering it correctly - I've already told you that.

You're not listening to what I'm telling you - you're arguing - you think you know better than I do do you? Good luck.


Well-Known Member
You continue to tell me I am not watering the plant correctly. Do we agree on that? Well, if that be the case, why are you not telling me what is being done wrong in how I water the plant? What should I be doing differently with the way I water this plant? You obviously have enough time on your hands to continue to reply to me, after you've said you will not.


Well-Known Member
If anyone else can please tell me what I've done wrong in watering this plant, outside of possibly overwatering or underwatering it, I'd be much obliged.


Well-Known Member
You continue to tell me I am not watering the plant correctly. Do we agree on that? Well, if that be the case, why are you not telling me what is being done wrong in how I water the plant? What should I be doing differently with the way I water this plant? You obviously have enough time on your hands to continue to reply to me, after you've said you will not.
You're not watering your plant correctly - but that's not the cause of your current problem.


Well-Known Member
For those still interested, I have transplanted to a 12" pot and fed with a 13-4-5 fertilizer. Will adopt an every-other-day watering schedule, unless you still think I should wait longer, but bear in mind the temps are regularly reaching the mid 90's every day now where I live, and it hasn't rained in quite some time.


Well-Known Member
For those still interested, I have transplanted to a 12" pot and fed with a 13-4-5 fertilizer. Will adopt an every-other-day watering schedule, unless you still think I should wait longer, but bear in mind the temps are regularly reaching the mid 90's every day now where I live, and it hasn't rained in quite some time.
Okay Redgoblin, perhaps I was a bit harsh on you.

Here's the correct way to water your plant -

Use the 'wet/dry' watering method. What that means is - you saturate the plant with water until it runs out of the pot. You fully saturate it - that means making sure the soil is watered fully right the way through. Don't allow too much run off (water out the bottom of the pot) as that will leach nutrients from the soil - it's a balance- just enough, not enough to have a leaching affect. Aim for about 10-20% run off out the bottom of the pot - do not reuse this water - throw it away, it contains plant wastes and has no dissolved oxygen in it.

You then wait to water again until the pot has lost about 80-90% of it's total moisture content - then you saturate again. A good way to tell is the weight of the pot. Feel the weight of an unwatered pot of soil - then feel the weight of a fully saturated pot of soil - there's a huge difference between them.

Cannabis does not like its roots to sit in soggy soil - that can happen if you keep watering small amounts at a time with little run off - also it can create 'dry' patches in the soil which will kill the delicate little root hairs.

Learning and understanding how to water plants is probably the most important thing any new grower has to learn - watering is the key to healthy roots and healthy plant growth. Incorrect watering is probably the biggest cause of new grower problems and ill plant health.

If you can, use a watering can a with a sprinkler rose - this helps to aerate the soil as you water it - it mimics the rain pushing oxygen into the soil with the sprinkling affect.

Don't stick your fingers in the soil to check moisture content - you have no idea what the pot is like 3/4 of the way down - lift it and feel its weight. Top soil can dry out very quickly in warm climates - it's not an indication of the total pot moisture content at all.

Small pots will need watering more frequently than large ones. All pots will need watering more frequently in hot weather than cool weather.

And don't feed your plants anything after you've just repotted - there's plenty of nutrients already in the soil for at least 3-4 weeks healthy growth.

Watch those yellowing leaves and if they start on higher branches you may have to do something about it.