Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I wonder.............if a grown man that was not breast feed is any more fixated on tits?
Some psychologists would say that breast feeding is great to bond and to make a child complete. So I would guess that your question would be true.... more fixated....because of neglect. Not too sure about that.

Okay... by show of hands... how many people were not breast fed and now as an adult love boobs?

****edit.... no need to answer... I really don't want to know.


Well-Known Member
Oh Lambs breath.... lambs butt... what's the difference. :mrgreen:

Something resembling a Hersey bar........ sorry.. lost my mind..:shock:

Some psychologists would say that breast feeding is great to bond and to make a child complete. So I would guess that your question would be true.... more fixated....because of neglect. Not too sure about that.

Okay... by show of hands... how many people were not breast fed and now as an adult love boobs?

****edit.... no need to answer... I really don't want to know.
I went to a guys place near me a few years ago and the wife was feeding the kid.. I just stared...:shock: not at the lovely ..*. but at the fact the kid was about 6 years old... freaked me out.......


Well-Known Member
Something resembling a Hersey bar........ sorry.. lost my mind..:shock:

I went to a guys place near me a few years ago and the wife was feeding the kid.. I just stared...:shock: not at the lovely ..*. but at the fact the kid was about 6 years old... freaked me out.......
A hershey bar?!?!?!? LOL!!!!

Gotta go....House is on.... good night everyone!

Sweet dreams!!!:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:


Well-Known Member
I didn't breast feed my boys. I hope it hasn't made them toooo weird....My one son ALWAYS goes after the big breasted gals. His latest girl, and the mother of his child, has DDD....She did it on purpose too. Breast implants....So maybe my oldest son does have a fixation since I neglected to breast feed him...


New Member
I've always doubted the bottle vs. breast feeding stories. have you seen the size of the bottle nipple? Scary big to an infant.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've always doubted the bottle vs. breast feeding stories. have you seen the size of the bottle nipple? Scary big to an infant.

out. :blsmoke:
I must say something about this..... bottle nipples are scary but so are some women's. Did every see Pam Anderson's ...... she is always flashing them..... funky crooked and very scary.

Kind of like an over easy egg gone bad. :spew:



Well-Known Member
i have a theory about boob-guys vs. assmen. and it is in relation to thier mother. i think guys who had large breasted mothers usually turn into assmen and guys with small breasted mothers usually crave the boobies they missed as a child.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I was breast fed until I was five months old...then we got in a car wreck and my mom got her boobs smashed. I went straight to table food. My oldest breast fed until she was almost two(It was hell trying to wean that kid) and my little one only got it for a month because the pregnancy fucked me up quite a bit. I'm glad I could, though, it's really good for them to have it.


Well-Known Member
my daughters mother didnt do it because she started smoking immediatly. but then again, she didnt do much of anything for her. no word for 14 months and counting....maybe im lucky and she dead.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's their choice.But a lot of them don't want to because it's inconvenient for them.Fine by me,but I hate it when they lie and say they have no milk.In extreme cases, you do run out, like with my second, but that was because I was pretty sick.But if you don't want to, just admit it, don't lie.
my daughters mother didnt do it because she started smoking immediatly. but then again, she didnt do much of anything for her. no word for 14 months and counting....maybe im lucky and she dead.
Uh....Uh..... I have NO idea.:o
Don't know if this correlates but I love to get lost in the bermuda triangle, and I don't shave... hmmm.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Oh yeah... my dad always had the crew cut thing going. I can remember having that pink gel..I think it was called Butch cream. I used to keep the jar open in my sock drawer cuz i loved the smell. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I liked the smell too.My dad gave the boys all their haircuts, too, had barber tools and everything.They all looked like respectable 1950's schoolboys.Problem was, they grew up in the 70's and 80's.
Oh yeah... my dad always had the crew cut thing going. I can remember having that pink gel..I think it was called Butch cream. I used to keep the jar open in my sock drawer cuz i loved the smell. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
:lol: right? I had a burr cut since i was 2 until 12. My dad said it was for the swim team but I knew better :mrgreen:

Yah, those old fashioned barber shops were the BOMB!!

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah,I remember going to one, my dad refused to have a woman cut his hair, lol.All the men hung out and chatted,and the barber snipped away...and the smell was awesome.It was all very ritualistic, come to think of it.
:lol: right? I had a burr cut since i was 2 until 12. My dad said it was for the swim team but I knew better :mrgreen:

Yah, those old fashioned barber shops were the BOMB!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
here it is, the thread i need.

just woke up, well, 30 mins ago, waking and baking with some lemon kush. very kushy, very good. bongsmilie