Final Harvest: 400 Grams [CFL]


Well-Known Member
veg: 4 weeks
flower: 11 weeks (12 weeks 12/12)
Soil: Fox farm ocean forest
nutes: peter's all purpose
Carbs: Sugar in the raw
Weight: 400 grams wet
Strain: Unknown sativa
Very nice!! Especially the umm "Plant" in pic 3 he he :clap: What wattage cfls did you use for this?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
You want comments.. Put a nice female ass in your thread. I see rock band in the back round as well
You got your ganja growing,ass hangin and rock band rockin lol. Life is good


Well-Known Member
you were watching cartoon network while you were trimming? what the...? nice ass though. oh and buds. late