here to help, ask me anything. no matter how small the q


Well-Known Member
semi noob here, frustrated with worthless answers i get on here. so i decided ill make a post here and answer what i can. if i dont know the answer 100% then i will tell you simply that i cant answer it. none of this guessing and crap.
(i have become so very annoyed with this site i swear) half of these guys are probably cops anyways. all of them act liek pigs anyways. rude, not willing to take 2 minutes to answer a newb question. dear me.


Well-Known Member
Hey John... ok, here's a few questions for you to chew on....

1. I'm starting a grow in a spare bathroom and was wondering if the 50 CFM ceiling fan in there is sufficient to ventilate it for a 6-plant grow in the bathtub....

2. Being that you're from Canada... (me too).... we don't have the luxury of going to the local grow shop and getting those awesome Fox Farms products. What do you recommend for grow/flower nutrients? I'm using just a straight Premiere Promix HP medium with a bit of extra perlite added.



New Member
whats the best way for me to determine the sex of my plants and whats the best way to germinate my seeds???????.


New Member
whats the best way for me to determine the sex of my plants and whats the best way to germinate my seeds???????.
hia pal me again, right best way to sex ur plants is to let them veg until they show their pre-flower, that way ul know they are sexualy mature to bud, meaning ul get more and better end results than slamming a plant in 2 weeks from seed!!

as for germing seed thr best way i find is to soak the seed in distiled water until u see them crack, then do the plate trick until they get 1/4 inch tap root, make sure u got 75-80'f heat underneath the plate, thats wot i found works best!!!

wot u think friend?:joint:


New Member
hia pal me again, right best way to sex ur plants is to let them veg until they show their pre-flower, that way ul know they are sexualy mature to bud, meaning ul get more and better end results than slamming a plant in 2 weeks from seed!!

as for germing seed thr best way i find is to soak the seed in distiled water until u see them crack, then do the plate trick until they get 1/4 inch tap root, make sure u got 75-80'f heat underneath the plate, thats wot i found works best!!!

wot u think friend?:joint:
all good;-).
i sent you a P.M.


Well-Known Member
Hey John... ok, here's a few questions for you to chew on....

1. I'm starting a grow in a spare bathroom and was wondering if the 50 CFM ceiling fan in there is sufficient to ventilate it for a 6-plant grow in the bathtub....

2. Being that you're from Canada... (me too).... we don't have the luxury of going to the local grow shop and getting those awesome Fox Farms products. What do you recommend for grow/flower nutrients? I'm using just a straight Premiere Promix HP medium with a bit of extra perlite added.

hey there. ill try to answer the best i can.

1. honestly i dont know those measurements (the fan), but if those 6 plants in the bathtub get big im sure you will want to add a small oscilating fan in there at least. depends what kind of plants too. but at harvest with 6 big plants you are gonna need more than the cieling fan for optimum air flow. but that all depends, i just wellfare grow my own stuff. i have two plants with a standing fan (the fan is broken and hangs off the stand somehow) i just point it at the wall on low. im sure with that fan when my two get big ill just put it on medium or high and it will be fine. usualy once or twice a day ill go in there and let out all the old air and let new air in. (blowing it with the fan) sorry im rambling.
must be this old milwaukee.

2.for this stuff. again i just wellfare grow. i just went to canadian tire and found a good soil, with pearlite, organic mix, without any slow release plant food in it. then for nutrients i ordered this cheap stuff from ebay, its just little bags. they did work just fine though. big growth from them. but now that im going into flowering i dont really know what kind of nutrients to get, but theres alot of high end ones ive seen posted on here. you can also find all kinds on ebay.|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318 that bud blood is supposed to be good.

i was thinking about getting that but then someone told me that its only good to use at the start. but the directions on there say otherwise. so idk now. i would say really idk i just read all the stuff on the labels, and decide what i want based on price and what seems to be quality. i mean im sure all of the work. that bud blood looks to be of good quality. somehow i just trust it. lol.
but really tho i couldnt answer this one well. the only way to really know is put stuff to teast right?


New Member
what npk values nutes do you recommend for vegging and flowering stages.
i am going to use nute free top soil(60% soil and 40% perlite mix).


Well-Known Member
what npk values nutes do you recommend for vegging and flowering stages.
i am going to use nute free top soil(60% soil and 40% perlite mix).

for veg i just used 20-20-20 and kept an eye out for nute burn. actually i did get a bit of nute burn. i just flushed them. but my plants did great for veg on some 7$ nutes i bought from ebay. but for flower i would use something more precise and accuralte, lol like a deadly weapon. but any bloom solution will get your buds going.

right now until i get better stuff, im using the same cheap ebay stuff. but a 10-30-20 mixture. but thats in week 2 of flowering. now that ive gotten paid i gotta look around. there was a 5-15-14 which was working great too. you need higher p and k. also during flowering you only need a little n.
then i think during my last week i wont give them any nutes, maybe a week and a half.
last week or two of nutrients i will give them no n at all. like a 0-5-2 solution.

hope that helps. thats the knowledge ive gathered but i am a noob too tho.

so like:
any of those would work. N is what the plant wants for veg.

you want more P than n or k. but still should put some k in there. more than n. (i think)


Well-Known Member
I have two auto flower plants going they have been flowering
for about two weeks mybe more how long can they stay under 24/7 light? also what strain are the auto flower??


New Member
for veg i just used 20-20-20 and kept an eye out for nute burn. actually i did get a bit of nute burn. i just flushed them. but my plants did great for veg on some 7$ nutes i bought from ebay. but for flower i would use something more precise and accuralte, lol like a deadly weapon. but any bloom solution will get your buds going.

right now until i get better stuff, im using the same cheap ebay stuff. but a 10-30-20 mixture. but thats in week 2 of flowering. now that ive gotten paid i gotta look around. there was a 5-15-14 which was working great too. you need higher p and k. also during flowering you only need a little n.
then i think during my last week i wont give them any nutes, maybe a week and a half.
last week or two of nutrients i will give them no n at all. like a 0-5-2 solution.

hope that helps. thats the knowledge ive gathered but i am a noob too tho.

so like:
any of those would work. N is what the plant wants for veg.

you want more P than n or k. but still should put some k in there. more than n. (i think)
not being funny ere but u said u made this thread to give accurate answers coz u were getting pissed off with people guessing answers, seems to me like u dont have much of a clue urself, as uve put at the end of this reply (i think) isnt that also guessing????????

plus ur flowering ratios are way to high, no wonder newbies are burning fuck out of their plants!!!!!!

i think instead of trying to help others ur better off spending more time doing some reaserch, only my opinion!!!:spew::clap: :spew:


Well-Known Member
not being funny ere but u said u made this thread to give accurate answers coz u were getting pissed off with people guessing answers, seems to me like u dont have much of a clue urself, as uve put at the end of this reply (i think) isnt that also guessing????????

plus ur flowering ratios are way to high, no wonder newbies are burning fuck out of their plants!!!!!!

i think instead of trying to help others ur better off spending more time doing some reaserch, only my opinion!!!:spew::clap: :spew:
LOL! its ignorant peopel liek you that that thread was posted. you feel obligated to post when your ego sees and oppurtunity to grow. there is no other SCIENTIFIC answer as to why you would post a thread like this. lol. A) i did not see you asnwer this guy appropriealty. instead you only posted here to hate onto me. peace. haha. you wannabe "pot smokers" you realise why the people say "peace" right? yes. i bet you do. lol
grow up really.

i told this person "(i think)" becuase as i stated earlier, if i cannot answer the asnwer 100%, i will let the person know so. and this, is why i said "i think"

and the nutrient values i put here will grow buds just fine and dandy, i stated several times that i was a semi noob, still a noob myself etc etc.

you are a hater. thats so evident it hurts.
its people liek you that ruin wonderful sites like this, imagine, any kid can log on here, and learn to grow this sacred medecine. i rmember when i was 16, 17. hated my life so bad, weed gave me an excuse to be happy. enlgightened me even. does every day. holy men in all sorts of tribes smoke weed religiously every day. you waste your time posting rat droppings like these.

you should have stated me wrong in a politeful way and then posted the correct nutrient values.

:fire:the devil burns hot tonight.


Well-Known Member
semi noob here, frustrated with worthless answers i get on here. so i decided ill make a post here and answer what i can. if i dont know the answer 100% then i will tell you simply that i cant answer it. none of this guessing and crap.
(i have become so very annoyed with this site i swear) half of these guys are probably cops anyways. all of them act liek pigs anyways. rude, not willing to take 2 minutes to answer a newb question. dear me.
What do you think about topping off a res with extra nutes between res changes?


Well-Known Member
my hydro store guy says he never changes his deep water hydro "bubbler" just adjusts as he tops off. I'm going to try this, But have not yet.


New Member
LOL! its ignorant peopel liek you that that thread was posted. you feel obligated to post when your ego sees and oppurtunity to grow. there is no other SCIENTIFIC answer as to why you would post a thread like this. lol. A) i did not see you asnwer this guy appropriealty. instead you only posted here to hate onto me. peace. haha. you wannabe "pot smokers" you realise why the people say "peace" right? yes. i bet you do. lol
grow up really.

i told this person "(i think)" becuase as i stated earlier, if i cannot answer the asnwer 100%, i will let the person know so. and this, is why i said "i think"

and the nutrient values i put here will grow buds just fine and dandy, i stated several times that i was a semi noob, still a noob myself etc etc.

you are a hater. thats so evident it hurts.
its people liek you that ruin wonderful sites like this, imagine, any kid can log on here, and learn to grow this sacred medecine. i rmember when i was 16, 17. hated my life so bad, weed gave me an excuse to be happy. enlgightened me even. does every day. holy men in all sorts of tribes smoke weed religiously every day. you waste your time posting rat droppings like these.

you should have stated me wrong in a politeful way and then posted the correct nutrient values.

:fire:the devil burns hot tonight.
''wonderfull sites like this''????

u said that this site pisses u off then u say its wonderfull, u r constantly contradicting urself, not a hater at all man!!!!!!!!

just find it quite funny when people who dont realy know wot their doing dish out advice that isnt much good!!!

if ur answers were correct i wouldnt av said nothing!!! like i said if u wanna help peps do some more reaserch first!!!!!!! PEACE!! lol:leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol:


Well-Known Member
semi noob here, frustrated with worthless answers i get on here. so i decided ill make a post here and answer what i can. if i dont know the answer 100% then i will tell you simply that i cant answer it. none of this guessing and crap.
(i have become so very annoyed with this site i swear) half of these guys are probably cops anyways. all of them act liek pigs anyways. rude, not willing to take 2 minutes to answer a newb question. dear me.
Nice of you to want to help out but if you dont like it here then leave. Or STFU with your teeny bopper whining and make a difference.

There are TONS of great ppl here on this site and you just spout off and say how screwed up this place is. Sheesh! Where are your journals and pics?


New Member
not being funny ere but u said u made this thread to give accurate answers coz u were getting pissed off with people guessing answers, seems to me like u dont have much of a clue urself, as uve put at the end of this reply (i think) isnt that also guessing????????

plus ur flowering ratios are way to high, no wonder newbies are burning fuck out of their plants!!!!!!

i think instead of trying to help others ur better off spending more time doing some reaserch, only my opinion!!!:spew::clap: :spew:

i second that opinion.
were is the answers for my first questions???.


New Member
Nice of you to want to help out but if you dont like it here then leave. Or STFU with your teeny bopper whining and make a difference.

There are TONS of great ppl here on this site and you just spout off and say how screwed up this place is. Sheesh! Where are your journals and pics?
i concur with u boneman, 1min he hates this site and it pisses him off so much then he all ov a sudden loves it and its wonderfull, well hes lost me i dont get him at all, boneman is rite theres loads great funny helpfull people on ere men and women!!!!

if u dont know if the advice u give is 100% then ur guessing just like u said u hated everyone else doing!!
like ive said do more reaserch, grow a fiew more plants with success then u can give all the advice u want, ye?

peace out to BONEMAN + LUDACRIS:leaf: