• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

My personal thoughts on Humas and this planet.

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Alright here it goes. Lots of people thimk im kookey because of this but here it goes.

An alternate view on the creation of mankind. Nothing to do with religon, or Darwinism.

Face it. We dont belong here. Not on this planet. Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do? No other living species on the planet destroys it. No natural organisim will kill for terratory. Dogs will fight, but the loser limps away. Animals will not get together, plan, then go kill riavl animals. One may argue that animals simply do not posess theis intelligance, but this is not true. Dolphins and monkeys are incrdibly smart. Dolphins have very intricate social structurs, so complex, we cant even comprehend them.

Why are we so facinated with gold? Its usless to us. You cant fashion wepaons out of it, you cant cook with it, it too weak and pliable to use for building structures, and ist incredibly heavy. But wait. I missed something. Gold offers near zero resistance to electricity. It does not corrode. Every civilization since the dwan of time has seen gold as power. He who had the gold had the power. Lets zoom way, way back in time to the Egypians. ALmost everything they build was decorated with gold, and it was all a gift to the gods. They somehow built the pyrmids, which we cant even reproduce today. Its a proven fact, that in order to have built the pyramids, they would have had to of known the exact number of PI. The pyrmmids, before all the corrosion form time were perfectly mathmacticlly correct. They were pereclty symectiracl, and were no more than 1/1,000 of an inch off. Bu thwy did they even build the ginat monuments? For the gods.

Also, every major religon that has been around since the dwan of time has always had thier gods come from the stars. Every one points to the sky or stars as a source of the gods.

I beleive we were genetically modfied by aliens to mine gold. They saw us as monkeys, or perhaps they may have even placed us on the planet. We go against every single rule of nature. They only other organism that behaves like us is a virus. We conquer, kill, exaust all resources, and move elsewhere. We leave death and destruciton in our wake. Look at us. we are killing ourelfs, and the planet. The aliens were smart. The perpousley programmed us to destroy ouselfs. Exaust oureslfs into extinction. They dont even have to come back and obliterate us. We will do it ourselfs. Even today, we see gold as the most valued substance. Its amazingly high in price, because its shiny. I mean, like, we dont use it for anything. It sits there and looks preety. We use it in some elctronics, but our electronic have mostley no need for gold, becaus ethey arnt sensitive, or adavnced enough. There are hundreds of accounts in acient Indian "bibles" that tell a very clear story of the whirring ships of the sky.

Call me a fool, a kook, or what have you. It makes sense. Think about it. Im my opinon, religion is clearly false, because they ignore raw fact, and darwinsim is flawed because of the missing "link" Hummm... I wonder what that link could be.

P.S. Strange musical frequencis have been intercepted by NASA, that came from the exact region that the pyrimids line up and point to. Coisnsidently, Stonhenge also points to the same star cluster.

Think what you like. These are the mulled thoughts of a 17 yearold with way too much time on his hands...


Well-Known Member
thats some heavy stuff right there man i love deep thinkin. i sometimes get carried away with shit like that and just depress my self about life so i try to only go there occasionally. this is out there but has anyone else thought that at this exact moment we were put here on earth and our lives just began at this exact moment and every memory of our existance was just put into our brains. idk fucked up

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Come on guys!!!! Dont let this thread die!!! all of my posts die in like 2 days... nor moe that 5 posts.... I guess im just too crazy... I need some feedback... Is it beleiveable? or just a laod. I though about it alot, and im preety sure thats how it goes

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
I too try not to go there often... but its constantley screaming me in the face. I dont really get depressed, i just aknowagle everything and accept it for what it is.

I was high on LSD when it hit me...


Well-Known Member
ive been meaning to try acid. alot of people say that drugs dull the brain. my take on acid is that it bypasses all the filters in ur brain that block out everything so with acid u see the world for what it truely is

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Drugs dull the brain to people who lack the capastiy to understand them. Lts of kids do acid like people smoke pot. Its an incredibly powerful drug, and it can implant very very hard thoughts, and it is not to be trifled with.

Honestly, I creid when It all came together. I bawled like a little baby. Because I knew that it was so crazy the none would beleive it or understand it... but yet I knew it was so true. I dunno man. Be careful with that shit. I can be amazing, or absoletley horrible.
Extreme euphoria, or Extreme depression. Just amke sure you are happy with yourself, and the people around you... and for the love of goddont do it by yourself... or you might end up with something like that
hey man, i see exactly what your trying to say and I myself dabble with a lot of thearies of the universe. I do however see how would it make sense that they put us here? I belive in aliens but humans are really not that different from anything on this planet. besides that we are the smartest animal, other animals kill for territory such as hawks and shit (they attack and sometime kill intruders in their territory) and with other animals they will form a pack or "gang"? of animals to kill off intruders. it doesnt make sense that aliens would put us here to kill the planet and ourselves. My personal belief is that since the begining of people, aliens tend to give us a nudge in the right direction. Dont you find it wierd that PEOPLE could engineer something as complex as a computer or a radio. one word ALIENS hhahaha


Well-Known Member
I've looked into some of this stuff before, just trying to find something that makes since about why were here. In my searching I came found this website http://www.halexandria.org/home.htm. It talks about exactly what you are. After reading thou it, I belive it about as much as I belive the bible is the "word of god".

Don't worry Bhudda your not crazy!! Crazy to is just accepting what you are told and not thinking for yourself.:peace:

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah man-good thread.i myself many times while high or just sober think about our positsion in this world.we are only sucsecful cas we have a BRAIN and a THUMB-thats makes us so special- but really, i have come up the conclusion that humans are a virus is this planet.we only consume and destroy our biosfär by depleting our natural resorces lik gas, oil, we kill and kill, war after war-a common logic will tell that war doesnt bring benefits, but still, nothings changing.

grow space

Well-Known Member
Drugs dull the brain to people who lack the capastiy to understand them. Lts of kids do acid like people smoke pot. Its an incredibly powerful drug, and it can implant very very hard thoughts, and it is not to be trifled with.

Honestly, I creid when It all came together. I bawled like a little baby. Because I knew that it was so crazy the none would beleive it or understand it... but yet I knew it was so true. I dunno man. Be careful with that shit. I can be amazing, or absoletley horrible.
Extreme euphoria, or Extreme depression. Just amke sure you are happy with yourself, and the people around you... and for the love of goddont do it by yourself... or you might end up with something like that

dont to drugs people-smoke the herb:joint: and feel good about yourself.:hump:
i have done shrooms and i can say that it has changed me to a better person cas while shroom tripping i understand the nature power and can connect to it in some levels.:hump:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
couldn't disagree more with the first paragraph alone. animals don't gang up and go off kill.. uhhuhhhhh

as to the second, don't really see what that's trying to say, gold, we like it, wow, we also like the mona lisa, and that's just paint, big wow! as to gold being so lust after, well maybe that's because it's no growing in evrey field and under every log. you can't make a monitery, value system, if anyone can go anywhere and pick up as much as they'd like. gold is hard to find, so you can aply value to it, and use it in a controlled manner, such as the wealth of a country, you can't just randomly add another tonne or two because why not. how would life work if all money was in fact apples, and you could simply grow as many as you wanted, inflation blah blah. the nature of gold, gives society structure and such, it's a controllable resource.

as to it being seen as a thing of massive beauty, well that';s just an opinion, magnified by it's lack of abundance, then drummed into everyones head by the man.

gold means nothing to me, it is only because of the monitary value that it holds that i'd be happy to find some etc, but if it were just a faceless comodity, then you're right, it's a shiny soft ageless metal that's not of much use. but that's not how it is.


Well-Known Member
i really enjoyed reading through that, but unfortunately i think this does come down to some acid thoughts!

i, like EVERYONE else, have no idea what we're doing here and have loads of thoughts going around my head. the way i choose to think of it is - if there is something to know, then we'll all find out once we've passed to the otherside.

If there is nothing to know and we are merely here through chemical coinsidence then it wont matter because when ur dead ur dead... u will have no consious thought of it. Thats y it bemuses me that ppl have to turn to religion to feel safe about dying... u wont be thinking 'i cant believe this'... u just wont be there anymore.


Active Member
Interesting thoughts Bhudda, enjoyed reading your original post.

One thing that came to mind when reading it though...

"I beleive we were genetically modfied by aliens to mine gold"

Surely the aliens could come down to planet earth any day of the week and just mine the gold themselves....think about it, if they created us and gave us the technology to be able to mine the gold then surely they could whip up some ultra advanced mining machine and go to town on our asses...just cant see the superior alien race being 'too lazy' and creating us instead to mine it for them ?

Not putting ya down by the way mate, there's no definite right or wrong answer. Just giving my opinion on your opinion :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah man , fresh brown bread, bit of humous, mm mmm mmmmm, that's how i first read the title, and that's the only way i can get your picture to fit the therad fdd :D


Well-Known Member
Monkeys as a matter of fact posses a very high gang mantallity.. and will fight over territory.. try watching natgeo fom time to time.. one monkey steps on the wrong side of the hill, and a gang of them will follow him until he is seperated from the group, beat him, drag him back to their group, where the rest will continue the beating, first stomping his chest in, then tearing out his throat and reproductive organs, after that they kinda just toss the body around until they grow board.. but yea.. humans are the sick ones right?

Take a break before you blow a fuse...

Here's what I think.. I think their was an explosion, some neutrons and protons came together to create matter, the matter slowly turned into a pebble.. skip ahead a few million years... we have a planet.. this planet is holding living orginisems.. skip ahead another few million years, those orginizems living in a very oxygen rich enviroment found light in the water, began to grow and become more than just some type of bacteria.. skip ahead skip a head... we crawl from water to land because the threat was far too great in the water.. not yet fully land animals, we had to move back and forth from water to land.. skip ahead a few million years, we develope lungs from our time on land.. but not yet fully human.. xkip a head some more.. we're almost like monkeys but with a some-what better thought process.. skip ahead we develope the opposable thumb... we start stringing thoughts together, learning what hard is, what soft is, what sharp is, what fire is...then we learned to teach those around us, and the more we learned the more our brains started to come alive... and hold complex thought... we banded together... started grasp of the concept of survival and territorey.. skip ahead a few billion years, and here we are...

Human life is just like walking.. it's a series of awkward falls and stumbles, alot of luck and one big fuckin accident that unfortunatley our planet is pa


New Member
Well, the sad fact is the entire planet is set up upon violence as a negotiation survival mechanism.

I can get behind the idea of extraterrestrial life out there, although I seriously doubt we have been visited. The probabilities are infinitesimally small.

So if we are a planet which is completely based upon violent death in all manners and forms, perhaps other worlds ARE NOT!!

What IF other worlds do not know what killing is? Their world is based upon, let's say, solar energy, all life forms on that planet or planets derive everything from the same source and it's free. No need to kill. They would become hard wired to be gentle, as we are hard wired to be violent.

IF they visited earth, would they enslave us?......NO, that's something WE would do to THEM.

Maybe this is the worst planet in the universe.... would man's primitive ego and vanity be able to cope with a visitation that confirms us as utter barbarians? I think not...... we would go....ape.