Can i put seeds straight into soil?


Well-Known Member
I was wounder if i could put my seeds straight into soil to germinate and keeping the soil moist and in a dark place?


Well-Known Member
In my opinion that is the bestway to do it, usually sprout in 3 - 5 days, I prefer straight in the soil compared to the paper towel method. More people prefer the paper towel method but I figure the less you handle the seeds the better your results will be. Plus I'm still under the impression that the less amount of stress you put the plants under the more females you will get.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion that is the bestway to do it, usually sprout in 3 - 5 days, I prefer straight in the soil compared to the paper towel method. More people prefer the paper towel method but I figure the less you handle the seeds the better your results will be. Plus I'm still under the impression that the less amount of stress you put the plants under the more females you will get.

if you do this may happen
alright sounds good but how long would it take until u noticed the seed sprouted and did uses use any light while uses done it or just kept it in the dark?


Well-Known Member
If you plant straight into soil the plant will adjust to any light you have, you don't need to worry about burning it which is another good thing, you could start it under a cfl or 1000 watter and the plant will be adjusted, no worries there. After you plant I'd just start whatever light cycle you planned on using and the plant will adjust itself.


Active Member
In my opinion that is the bestway to do it, usually sprout in 3 - 5 days, I prefer straight in the soil compared to the paper towel method. More people prefer the paper towel method but I figure the less you handle the seeds the better your results will be. Plus I'm still under the impression that the less amount of stress you put the plants under the more females you will get.

I tend to lean on his favor, I started my grow from seed to soil and im very please thus far


Well-Known Member
I use the paper towel method as I like to be able to check the seeds' germination progress (i'm impatient) :D but you certainly can.


Well-Known Member
Thats the natural way, yes. I would not put them in the dark however. Have the lights on, it will give the plant something to "reach" for AND it will tell the seed/seedling "time to grow dammit."


Well-Known Member
yeh thanks fer the quick replies iam thinking on putting about 5 seeds in jiffy cups and placing them into one pot of soil under a 40w cfl or should i get more light and what light schedule should i use?


Well-Known Member
yeh thanks fer the quick replies iam thinking on putting about 5 seeds in jiffy cups and placing them into one pot of soil under a 40w cfl or should i get more light and what light schedule should i use?
If that's the case I'd get a white 5 gallon bucket and put the jiffy pots in the bottom and get a board to put across the top of the bucket with the cfl inside the bucket and mounted to the board. It will keep the plants warm and the white bucket will reflect the light. Use a 42 watt daylight CFL and you will have great success until the plants out grow the bucket. That's the best route to go.


Well-Known Member
Alright but i don't have a 5 gallon white bucket right now but i have a 42 w soft white cfl with a reflector. Would this be good enough for now?


Well-Known Member
Alright but i don't have a 5 gallon white bucket right now but i have a 42 w soft white cfl with a reflector. Would this be good enough for now?
You can go pick one up can't you ? Then just use the reflector over top the bucket and you will be set. I think soft white is the wrong color spectrum, you need cool white or daylight. I'm thinking soft white is the same as warm white which is not what you want.


Well-Known Member
Just to make sure i just put 10 seeds(not germinated) into jiffy cups with soil that i just watered and put seeds on top of soil then put about 5mm of soil on top of the seeds so now do i turn the light on right away or wait 24 hours then start 18/6?


Well-Known Member
Just to make sure i just put 10 seeds(not germinated) into jiffy cups with soil that i just watered and put seeds on top of soil then put about 5mm of soil on top of the seeds so now do i turn the light on right away or wait 24 hours then start 18/6?
Your choice, they aren't going to sprout in 24 hours so you can wait or go aahead start your light cycle, I'd probably just go ahead and get it rolling.


New Member
i tryd it like that b4 it worked perfectly

but i got so impatent that i moved the dirt with my fingers to see if its growing i couldnt find any of them (but they where there still) so i plant new seeds and then those start coming out of the soil out of know were lol like 2 days later