Florida Growers Thread


New Member
I was saying this before the big election...don't focus on the presidency...Congress are the dolts...but we sent those same nutjobs back in again with a very inexperienced president who let them write the stimulus packages... we are all very screwed unless we can turn it around in 20 months...

out. :blsmoke:

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
in 20 months we will have mid term elections... Now i don't have a party affiliation...but no matter who is up for reelection...throw them out! Dem, rep, ind. No matter who it is...fire them all!!! That will send a clear signal.... Do not vote party lines...that is a trap.

Out. :blsmoke:
that is the smartist thing i heard allday


Well-Known Member
we were screwed the moment the white house turned into the black house..... hope they are stalking up on bananas


New Member
No need to go racist which only lowers YOUR stature. Incompetence knows no racial lines. It is an equal opportunity disabler.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Fuck off you fucking racist! And stock those bannas up u and you and all your kind asses!!! He's the smartest thing that's been in that house slaves built in the past 8 years! U jackass! This is a site for mj and "our president" just might be the one to inact the most mj friendly laws than those old farts who dont want change....i wish i had u in my desert eagle infared site! I would empty my clip right in your fucking mouth!!!!! You fucking inbread trash! Go smoke weed laced with anthrax and die slow bicth! And he is not a black president, he is the elected president who happens to be black & white!


Well-Known Member
And stock those bannas up u and you and all your kind asses!!!
Hey uptosumpn.
This part of your comment makes you look just a racist as pigpen.You do know not all white people are racist,And not all southern folk are racist either.Don't lower yourself to pigpens level.:-(


Well-Known Member
To all Tampa dwellers, if you haven't gotten this head cold yet stay indoors it's EVIL. I'm on day three of the worse head clogging I can ever recall having, about to hit the vape and see if it helps any. The meds from the Pharm aren't doing a damned thing.



Well-Known Member
Hey Mindmelted, what I ment by my statement you highlighted was all the idiot's who share his neanderthal way of thinking, not the entire white race....and of course I know all white people are not racist...it's why we have an afro-american president in the first place...he wouldn't have been elected if it was just black people voting for him...also, I was born in the nothern states, and i my-self didn't experience racism UNTIL I moved to FLORIDA! so how's that for southern comfort??:-(

Hey uptosumpn.
This part of your comment makes you look just a racist as pigpen.You do know not all white people are racist,And not all southern folk are racist either.Don't lower yourself to pigpens level.:-(


Well-Known Member
Hey Mindmelted, what I ment by my statement you highlighted was all the idiot's who share his neanderthal way of thinking, not the entire white race....and of course I know all white people are not racist...it's why we have an afro-american president in the first place...he wouldn't have been elected if it was just black people voting for him...also, I was born in the nothern states, and i my-self didn't experience racism UNTIL I moved to FLORIDA! so how's that for southern comfort??:-(

I actually find that hard to belive.It has a lot to do with the area to.


Well-Known Member
It just sort of plopped out like that. some sticky shit... made some iso-hash from the trim on the left, i was pretty fucking ripped.