What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done While Stoned?

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Well-Known Member
Once I was really baked and went to Taco Bell. I was sitting in my car in the parking lot eating when a cop car pulled into the drive through. I got really paranoid and decided to get out of there, put the car into reverse but stepped on the gas too hard and backed into a metal light pole... It made a huge noise and put a big dent in my car. The cops didn't even care and continued through the drive through. Maybe they were off duty.


New Member
When my friends and I were in our early 20's we used to go dirtbiking out to the middle of no where, and get really stoned. Too many incidents to list but they usually started like, " Hey guys watch this! I think I can make this!"



Well-Known Member
lol nice... the only thing dumb i ever did was droped my joint on my shirt which put a hole in it... no big deal i still where it...


New Member
lol nice... the only thing dumb i ever did was droped my joint on my shirt which put a hole in it... no big deal i still where it...

Have you only been stoned once? :shock:

Surely no one has such a clean "Stoner Moments" diary... :)


Well-Known Member
Have you only been stoned once? :shock:

Surely no one has such a clean "Stoner Moments" diary... :)
oh yea many many times but mostly smoke at my house or friends house so its always the same thing...
i did a lot of stupid things when drunk but high na..


Well-Known Member
it was at a family dinner , ofcourse i show up late as hell i was high as hell, i wanted to pour orange soda into my cup but ended up
taking barbecue sauce and pouring that down the cup . Everyone was really disappointed in me and i got a 2 hour lecture from
my dad telling me how he cant believe his son is a stoner


Well-Known Member
Damn parents always blaming their kids intelligence on dope instead of their poor genes.


Well-Known Member
Tizzle what kind of weed did you smoke? ^^
they knew straight up that you where high?


Well-Known Member
i've probably had a bunch, latest was when me and my friends all got really high and i was going to make some cookies (only because the mix was in a mason jar and I needed it for my harvest right now haha). So the mix tells me to take like a stick of butter and an egg and "cream them together" so I'm high and like wtf how am i going to cream this? Of course I live in a college house with no mixer or shit, so I'm like fuck it I probably gotta melt this butter a bit in order to cream it, so I put the pot with the butter and egg on the stove on low heat and go talk to my friends in the other room. Come back after a few minutes because I forgot what I was doing and the egg is just cooked sitting in warm butter lol...so cookies didn't happen that night.

Instead I was still hungry and made an omelet instead, since I knew I had eggs down...haha


Active Member
I showed up at my best girls house a couple months back after getting high as shit. I said hi to her, gave her the normal kiss on the cheek, shook hands with her boyfriend like always, then said hi to her mom. But instead of the normal way, I ended up kissing her on the lips, just as a little joke.

Later on that night, we got drunk as shit, smoked a fat ass blunt, and I ended up making out with my best girls mom. It would've been nice.. But she's fat. HAH


Well-Known Member
When my friends and I were in our early 20's we used to go dirtbiking out to the middle of no where, and get really stoned. Too many incidents to list but they usually started like, " Hey guys watch this! I think I can make this!"

haha nice i can relate to that i always go dirtbiking with buddys and get stoned i was doin sum gnarly hillclimbs today


Well-Known Member
When I was In 7th Grade, I had started getting high. I loved it so much, In 8th Grade we smoked a fat joint before school. By the time Spanish class rolled around, I wanted to get high again, So I pulled out my pipe, loaded a bowl, and smoked some dank bud right in class. All the people around me covered there mouths, and one chick was like, "It smells like burning!". As my teacher looks, I blow a cloud of smoke out. I just denied it. I was like what smoke?, when she asked why I blew out smoke. Luckily she was some stupid fat chick. Im glad I didnt get caught, I had just bought 100 dollars worth of bud, and It was in my backpack.


Well-Known Member
When I was In 7th Grade, I had started getting high. I loved it so much, In 8th Grade we smoked a fat joint before school. By the time Spanish class rolled around, I wanted to get high again, So I pulled out my pipe, loaded a bowl, and smoked some dank bud right in class. All the people around me covered there mouths, and one chick was like, "It smells like burning!". As my teacher looks, I blow a cloud of smoke out. I just denied it. I was like what smoke?, when she asked why I blew out smoke. Luckily she was some stupid fat chick. Im glad I didnt get caught, I had just bought 100 dollars worth of bud, and It was in my backpack.
Holy fuck how do you smoke in the middle of class and not get caught. I wish i went to that school back in the day


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck how do you smoke in the middle of class and not get caught. I wish i went to that school back in the day
This was only 5 years ago...Or 4? And our class was playing some sort of game. And the teacher was constantly writing on the board. I hit it 4 times. But I never dared to try it again. Idk why the fuck I did it in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Tizzle what kind of weed did you smoke? ^^
they knew straight up that you where high?
it was actually a blunt of mids , a blunt of fire , another blunt of mids and a couple of gravs of fire .

they had a clue that i was high but they knew for sure once a poured the fuckin BBQ sauce down my cup


Active Member
Ok so I had this 3/4 ton '84 chevy silverado back in the day. me and my boy blew some smoke around and were cruisin thru the neighborhood and set up those big ass rolling trashcans people put in front of their houses into a pyramid (like bowling, only with a truck for the ball and 50 lb trashcans for pins). all of this seemed complicated to explain to leo. fucked up my car, trash cans, mailbox, and a front yard. dumb.

or watching Carlos Mencia.


Active Member
gone to my friends house with blood shot eyes and his mom works at a rehab so she knows what a stoner looks like