1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
i'm starting to get the hang of it. i'd never even looked at myrollitup before today. its gonna make things a bit easier for me now. cheers mate..


Well-Known Member
Ok,my update was a bit sketchy and nondescript yesterday so i took a couple more pics of each plant and give a little detail about each 1.

Lets start with the smallest....
Nicknamed Natts the small girl stands 49inches from the floor,You cant really see it in the pics but this is a real fat cola.

Shan stands at 50inches from the floor, aswell as nice bud formation her frostiness makes it look like winter under the sun :)

Standin tall at an impressive 52inches it's Gayle,A bit underweight on the main cola at the moment but im sure in the weeks to come she will pile it on.

Mia Moo.
Named after my beautiful daughter Mia Moo is the cream of the crop,started out as the runt of the litter but now stands the tallest at 54inches.She has blossomed into an allround stunner...I love this plant and would never tire of looking at her :)

All the plants have been stripped of their first 6 nodes and the fanset from nodes 7 and 8.In hindsight i may have taken a tad too much off but you live and learn.


Well-Known Member
shannon has got some serious resin. you'll get a lovely "snotball" from her=)

i might name my plants too lol...


Well-Known Member
any suggestions for names for mine? i'll rule out mary and jane..
did you watch the villa game earlier? it was a cracker.
Q.P.R. are having a right mare, sacked our manager and lost to burnley, fucking useless!! it must be nice to support a successful club.

mr west

Well-Known Member
so it took your babies from sept. 2 through oct 2 to sprout? mine are on about a week and no sprouts yet. i'm not sure if this is expected or what.
who are you talking bout? It normaly takes me bout 5-6 days to sprout seeds.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
All the plants have been stripped of their first 6 nodes and the fanset from nodes 7 and 8.In hindsight i may have taken a tad too much off but you live and learn.

Yea Krimez in the future I wouldn't cut off fan leaves except from the very bottom. Especially don't remove if they are on the same node as a branch you are keeping. The fan leaf at the base of each branch feeds that branch.

But the ladies look fantastic. Frosting up very well I see.


Well-Known Member
Hey up Oscar,i dunno what you can call your girls mate,this is my first grow and im just being a sentimental bastard haha.Next grow im gunna be a fucker and not name em :)
Westy i dunno what that guy was going on about the seedlings for...Totally off topic??!!??.....it takes me 4 days from actually putting them in germination to having them break the soil.
Yea mared i was thinking about it after i cut the leafsets from the nodes they were on.I took them off as they were pretty big and had a very wide width on the overall plant,also they were not getting much light.I didn't think about it till after i'd taken them off tbh,i was sat there looking at them and thinking that i had just made big mistake on nodes 7+8...Ah well,not such a bad mistake to make for my first grow i s'pose ;)

Ok down to the nitty gritty,i have a couple of questions...
Firstly when it comes to harvest i need some info on flushing,i need a detailed description on flushing as theres tonnes of conflicting theories out there.I was gunna cut the main colas at harvest time and then throw the plants back under for another week or so to bump the other busites up,ive read that you shouldn't flush if your gunna do that but im worried the smoke from the main cola will be harsh and nasty???????

Oh forgot to mention,i put 9 seeds in germination thursday,8 sprouted and 1 didn't make it.I made the error of watering them after i planted the seeds and as a result the soil compacted..3 broke soil within 24hrs and i had to dig the other 5 out and give them a helping hand.4 of these 5 made it but i had a casualty when i ripped the head off 1 of them haha.
Soooooo i have another 7 bouncing babies on the go....lets hope they are female ;)


Well-Known Member
Honestly man it doesnt make much of a difference. You get crazy leaf growth in flowering, and all those big light hogging veg leaves will just fall off and die anyway.


Well-Known Member
I just gave mine water only for the last 10 days. I dried it a bit quick, so it was a bit harsh. but i don't care coz I grew it and i loved growing it!! I'd be better off smoking the roots from my grow than the shite they're selling round here.

mr west

Well-Known Member
here here id rather smoke my own wet unready pot than pay good money for unflushed mango bollox that tastes like arse crack.


Well-Known Member
Looking great dude. You should water after the transplant. Just to make sure the dirt flows around the roots and there aren't any giant air pockets in there. I never use nutes until the plants "ask" for it. There are three good ways to identify a hungry plant. 1) bottom leaves are turning light green then yellow 2) leaves are dull and have lost the shine to the surface 3) stems are dark purple. I don't see any of these in your plants. I see shiny green leaves and green stems. I would wait until you see some leaves turning yellow or losing their sheen. One valuable thing I learned my first grow was that overnuting f@cks up plants WAY worse than undernute. Overnute will destroy leaves overnight but the symptoms of undernute come on a lot more slowly. If I were you I would err towards undernute on the first grow. Those lower leaves are meant to die. They will not live all the way through flower no matter what you do so just keep an eye on them and when they get dull or yellow then it is time for nutes.
great post dude.thanks ! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
and @warkrimez

what is your pot size ? 11l or smaller ?

i have a homebox XL and 600W dual spectrum hps.i am growing 10 fem. plants in my tent.they are only 15 days old now.but i cant decide what sizes of pots i should use .please tell me your pot size.


Well-Known Member
wark sorry that pic.... its so basic lol...

ok so see mine.. what you want is only two sets of leaves onit...
then when the 3rd set come through chop em off
as u can see in the second pic thas where my 3rd leaves came through but i chopped off the top so only the nodes growing now..

its so easy and if u want a 6 cola plant leave 3 sets of leaves and so on...

in the shabby bodge up paint jobby that i drew...:lol:
u can see what i mean i think chop off at the redtellow an green lines so take the whole top off;-)
hey bro this topic is an excellent tutorial !



Well-Known Member
Hey all,sorry i aint been around but ive been mad busy,will update tomorrow with some nice pics,the plants look lovely but theyre really starting to smell bad now.
Hi charles,yea im using 11ltr pots charles but i reckon theyre a bit too big mate,what size is your xl?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreeet warkrimez awesome couple of grows you've got under your belt there dude.that WW looked like some tap draw shmoke!! nice grow journo. good to see some more brits on here.


Well-Known Member
Yesi Don tnx for dropping by man,good to have you here.Its my first grow mate,I wish i did have a couple of grows under my belt man so i can know what to expect!...the suspense is killing me lol....It does smell top draw though :)
Should get some nice pics for today all,i get my HD camcorder back!!!!
I will update later on....Peace.