but it is obvious that you must be in the investor class and want things to remain as they are. It is class war, not republicans and democrats, it is about surviving the greed of the investor class, right now, the worker class has no options but to sell drugs and guns and be criminals. Ask 90% of the worker class what they want and you'll get: "A decent job".
Nay, nay, I have said before I make about 35k a year and have 3 kids and a wife. I wish I was in an invester class as you say.
Our healthcare system is based on how much profit can the private sector grab from the citizens before they storm the Bastille.
I don't see this the same way, I don't think its as simple as all that. While what you say is true. I would say that it is due to government regulations that prevent comptition. Remember Hugo Chavez? He wanted to sell gas in the US cheap we stoped him, Why?? Because he nationalized the Oil. Ok, so are we afraid to run free enterprise ageinst state run?? I don't think so free enterprise will blow it out of the water So what is really happening, The Government is protecting its favored buisnesses. And indeed Gougeing no doubt in my mind.
Get rid of profit, nationalize the hospitals, abolish the insurance and HMO corporations. They only exist for one reason, the bottom line, they care not about the patient. Yes, I believe when set up and running, the national health care system would outshine the current one tenfold.
Sorry I don't buy it. Once we start down that road we will have ever increasing prices and ever decreasing service. See the VA you say it would be fine if they only had more money ever more money. I say open up competition free the market.
We want jobs. Instead of making drug sales the industry of the inner cities, bring back manufacturing jobs.
Good idea, but first we need to get rid of the managed trade, I say if Japan has 100% taiffs on us slap them with the same 100% we could take it better then them. And it would help level the feild for our workers. "Free trade" is not all its been cracked up to be.
The corporations with their greed have totally wiped out the possibilities for inner city youth. The bottom line only works for investors. this has become an investor society.
While I agree with you that the bottem line has become the main thing for these people. It also comes down to regulations that stop competition People have a hard time starting/running buisnesses because of government regs. I say you stop companies from legislating advantages for themselves. Like that new food safty bill they got that will basicly outlaw organic farming who does that benift??
The rest of us want the investors to quit being so fucking greedy, and have the corporations provide jobs at a living wage where everyone gets a slice of the pie. we don't want charity, we want a chance to earn our way.
If you wanted to earn your way you would want to see your buisnesses do well that means the investers who payed to start the buisness and keep it running must make a profit. I would have you keep your wealth and forbid government from taking or indeed desroying your wealth.
I see the same problems that you see however, We take two diffrent approaches on how to deal with it. I would let freedom and free enterprise work, you would steal and enslave. I would protect no one from competition, You would hand government all powerful monopolies. You would create jobs with money "created" from nothing destroying the wealth and savings of everyone. While I would see jobs come from savings and investment.
You say your not Communist then turn around and say we should nationalize the health care system. You realize the Word "Nationalize" is a code word for "steal private property." Ask all the "wealthy" farmers in the Ukraine what it means to have their stuff nationalized, Oh never mind they are all dead. See here is the thing, you would allow people to steal (rationalize it anyway you want) at gun point and absolve them of the crime because they are with the government their here to help.
Where does it end. You want to take the Rocifellers shit, good Idea I would say. Then you say lets take Soro's shit I would say OK, then you say lets take Bill Gates shit I'm like umm ok, I guess. Until it degenerates to lets take that guys shit he has two houses. Eventually you run out of wealth to loot.
You think I am brainwashed for believing the KGB guy I posted as a joke, but your post only makes me wonder.