DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

dj crane

Well-Known Member
I hear you on just wanting them to be done, lol, I can't wait for my babies to be done, i just read a thread on general growing, alot of people talking about how they let them go long, if i can stand the wait i might just let them go afew weeks. your's are looking great bro, just wanted to show support!


Well-Known Member
I got 2 weeks left on the church, to be 8 weeks flowering but I'll prolly let it go an extra week to let the flavor develop and give me a chance to feed 1 last time before I start the flush. The extra week makes a noticeable difference imo, if u can stand the wait


Well-Known Member
Just saw the pic of the new bubble counter, nice work. Good thinking with the placement of the outlet. I never thought to do it that way, rising gasses and all, but then placing the two bottles above the grow and allowing it to expel the gas down on top of the grow, perfect. Keep up the good work and hope all is well.

oh check out the new journal if you haven't yet, i think you'll be impressed.


Well-Known Member
Looking great my man!!!

Me and my GF took a drive to Venice today and walked around a bit. We just as easily could've picked up some ribeye steaks and went to the mountains.

Soon we will be staring at the lake laughing at how we've realize that in California, money does grow on trees... (When I have saved enough money by not spending it on pot, I will be buying a motorcycle and I will be cruising the hills often)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking good man, how are the tirchomes looking ??? has more amber popped up?

Just saw the pic of the new bubble counter, nice work.
Is the bubble counter the small bottel ?? so you can see how man bubbles are coming threw the water ? Really good idea helps you controll the co2 a little better with just using the DIY mix, I remeber dryntoasty saying he might have gave to much co2, right drynroasty ?? Just was thinking of away to controll it better so i dont have to get a tank system, i figured with my harvest that will save me enough money on buying nugs that i might be able to look into getting a small tank setup i just dont want a huge tank since i have a small room.

I'm going to buy a motorcycle this summer.
Nice man i have been wanting to get one to, maybe this summer but i am thinking next year. You have ideas of bike you want ??


Well-Known Member
i might be able to look into getting a small tank setup i just dont want a huge tank since i have a small room.
I can link you to a few thing that make up my small co2 set up for my aquarium. The whole thing cost me under $50.

Yes the bubble counter is the small bottle, yep and you watch the bubbles.


Well-Known Member
I can link you to a few thing that make up my small co2 set up for my aquarium. The whole thing cost me under $50.

Yes the bubble counter is the small bottle, yep and you watch the bubbles.
Though it does only use a 20oz paintball tank as the co2 reservoir so that might be a little too small for you unless your grow is the same size as jig.


Well-Known Member
Whats up treehigh... good to see you. Thanks for the support fellas.

I went on my very first motorcycle ride over thankgiving weekend. Yes... it was the frist time I ever rode on a bike. It was pretty cool becuase I was with my friend from London. He rides a little speed bike (like a gsx r or something). It's not top of the line or anything. The point is that he rides his little street bike thing around downtown london traffic. Well here he rented a big harley cruiser, with the bags and the big windscreen. And we were in traffic on the 10 (holiday traffic) and he was driving that harley just like his little street bike through traffic and all over the place. All the other guys on bikes were looking at him like, "are you crazy".

Before that I got to ride through Joshua Tree. I guess the only way to get better than getting drivin on a bike through that part of the world, would be if I was driving.

It was pretty awesome.

And I haven't noticed any more amber hulk... I am in pause mode apparently.


Well-Known Member
Looking great man! you were right it is a jungle in there. Keep it up and I'll keep you posted on my harvest.


Well-Known Member
Dang, those plants look nice! Good job on ur screen work as well, wouldn't mind having some WW clones myself.

Power to the first time growers!


Well-Known Member
Not much happened today. My co2 was running low, so I decided to drop the grow room temps a bit, down to around 74 above the screen.

Humidity has been around 48-55 %.

The plants are getting a tiny bit more thirsty, they are drinking a little over 2 gallons a day. I topped off the rez with 2 gallons RO, 3 mL Graviy, 25 mL FloraNectar, and 10 mL Cal-Mag plus.

Everything looks happy. I lowered the light again as well. It is now 8.5 inches off the closest plant.

The pictures are from yesterday, but I couldn't edit that post anymore.



Well-Known Member
So today I got the news I had been waiting to hear... that other people use gravity in ways other than instucted on the bottle.

Lilmafia, my bother in growing gravitonically told me he give his girls gravity week 4, 6, and 8.

I heard that and I went about changing my rez. And my plan is to run a week or so with the nute solution in there now, then another week with a dose of gravity and low nutes, then flush with water and sweetener till they are done.

What I was running with the Gravity was 20% nutrients, I didn't know if the girls would be sensitive after that so when I put in the new mix I only went about 55% strength. I used 80% strength for all the additives.

I'm going to make sure the bubblers are still bubbling tomorrow.

Sorry no pics... tomorrow I promise.

Thanks to everyone for stopping by and checking the progress. I really appreciate it.

We gone be smokin' soon. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It is almost as if three days have happened in the span of a few minutes.... I think there is some kind of alter time space continuum in my grow room. Do you think time itself is getting high of my shrubs?

Anyways, the plants looked fine after a night with their new nutient bath, so I uped the dose a bit. They are now around 70% strength. I might add a bit more tomorrow, but don't really see much need. I think the plants are pretty happy as is.

Oh, and just in case you guys didn't beleive lilmafia, I got an email back from the emeraldtriangle pelople (makers of gravity) and they said many people use it from week 5 on til harvest. 1.5 mL the whole time. So yeah, I beleived my boy, but now we have official verification.

Also, I picked up some new floro's for my 2009 Grow 1.2. Thread to come soon, I'll post a link. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do 2 - Purple Kush with 2 - Querkle (Purple Urkle x Space Queen). What do you think. Oh, and I'm going to try he purple maxx this time as well. I'm gettting ahead of myself, I'll have it all over in another thread.

I'm done eating dinner now, it was good. Here are some pics.

The last couple are of the color I'm painting my room... I chose it for the color, the name was a bonus, haha. And yeah, it's the bedroom, but it's my room becuase me and my wife are only children so one room is mine (bedroom) and the other room is hers (office).



Well-Known Member
LOL, well glad to hear i was somewhat close. I just started doing this one day after seeing what it did, to my first harvest i used the G on, in the last two weeks.
Decided to do it those weeks and liked what i saw! Glad to hear your gonna try the PM, i have been curious to see the results of that stuff.


Well-Known Member
man i always forget about the time difference from you to me, I'm thinking wow its almost 11p.m. and you're just eating dinner.... stupid time zones:cuss:


Well-Known Member
peek'n in on ya.

took 4 more black widow clones for ya. i think i got 2 sour bubbles i can spare,and 2 to 4 of the black widow. then, after vacation, look me up, i should have a few more stable moms by then.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dam man thos nugs are lookings good i almost missed out you didnt have the pics up before. Looks like your not having a problem trying to find some trichomes shit man there all over the place.


Well-Known Member
I am so impressed with those last pics its just ridiculous man. You are going to have a massive yield especially considering the space you are working with.

I really like your set up. Makes me want to go hydro!!!


Well-Known Member
I really like your set up. Makes me want to go hydro!!!
Thank you.

That's funny becuase just this moment I was dreaming of how easy soil would be.

man i bet when you stick you r head in there you just want to live with them eh
I think it was hulk who gave me the idea, but I would really love to be like a little spider and crawl all over it. Have it be my home forest, or jungle.