• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

In your opinion...... Is pot an addictive substance?

i smoke everyday but not because i need that hit or because i crave it, well sometimes i crave it but mainly because i love getting high, if for some unknown reason maybe it started killing people on a regular basis id have no problem stopping but i doupt that day will come :)
personally i think that its all in ur head anyway, willpower, people say they're addicted but theyre just mentally weak, id say im more addicted to magic mushrooms than weed and i havent had shrooms since last december!
Amsterdam here i come :)

Brick Top

New Member
It may have already been said in the thread but in case not … marijuana was proven long ago to not be physically addictive but for some it can be psychologically addictive.


Well-Known Member
No you just like it so much you think you need it. Addiction is a need Marijuna if you have something to do you complain do it and smoke later an addicted person woulkd not be able to do that and make a lot of other rational decisions WE make every day.


Well-Known Member
im addiccted 10000% i need a j before any thing i do,, weather its,, going to court or watching tele or visiting family,, when u spend all of your day and weeks after weeks stoned u start to see that as normal and when are forced to spend a day sober it feels totaly wrong and alien,,and u need the ganj to continue living in the state u now see to be normal,, me and many freinds of mine wont even go to work unless weve had a smoke because we dont function with out it,,
get confused,, cant think strait,, start swetting and getting aggressive and cant concentrate on a job given to us,,
after a j this all becomes possible,,, and back to what wee are now use 2,,

going to bed without a good supply ov ganj in the system dont work,, just lie here thinking of weed, swetting, end up punching fuck out of your pillow, then get out ov bed n stay awake until herb is obtained,, in the past ive gon a whole week without even getting in to bed because of no weed around to smoke ,,,,

u know when ur addicted.. weed turns from being a plesure to a requirement like an addiction to tobacco

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Talk to someone who has gone without pot, and quit smoking cigarettes.
Ask him which was the REAL withdrawl.


Active Member
yes pot can be addictive, but more so has to do with the addictiveness of the personality you have. i am very addicted and cant take a break if i wanted to, and for about a week after i stop i cant eat and i get nausea. those are def. physical, but after 4-7 days you feel fine and alot clearer.


Well-Known Member
right like, if i aint got any i wont eat until i get some,no matter how long it is, i start gettin panicy n shit like that, thinkin im ill n stuff,


Well-Known Member
Been smoking for 30 years,Every time i needed to quit for a reason there was no problem.
No withdrawls or any of this non-sense people like to say happen.I guess your gonna tell me it kills brain cells huh.


Well-Known Member
Growing is more addictive than smokin to me. When at work, cant wait to get out and go home to check on my babies and see if they need anything. Then after they are taken care of I'll light up a blunt or hit the bong, but still looking at my babies and blowing smoke on them so they can HIGH also. LOL
you dont seriously blow smoke on your plants do you?


Well-Known Member
no it doesnt kill brain cells it damages the nervous system,, i dont mean it makes u nervous, it slowly over time damages nerve endings.. depending what and how much u smoke,,
however it aint something u really notice apart from twiches, unless it effects the nervs in your eyes or testicles, and this unfortunatly is what its done to me, imagine a bad head ache and then imagine having all that pain + more coming from a single eye,, it forces u to shut the eye and re-open it up to 5 hours later when the pain dies off a bit,,
now imagin your ballsack being crushed then poked with a cocktail sticks,, ill tell u,, its enough to make any 1 cry,, it cud last 1 second or 1 week..
wen u imagin nerves dying off u wud think (if a nerve is dead it cant hurt any more) but it aint dead ,its dring off and its still connected to the whole system

but this has took 13 years of constant smoking it to do this, smoking more joints than people do cigaretts,,

i owe over 5000 in bank loans from the last 3 years, i can only afford 1 to 1n a half oz per week,,
so in the last 3 year i smoked 200 per week + another 5000 pounds worth on top,

still i wud not stop smoking it,,

as far as addictivness goes some people get hooked some dont
so for some one who aint addicted to say that it isnt addictive is just fucking plain stupidity

if i had some one sat in front of me now tellin me to quit cos its not addictive, id cave their fucking head in,,
ganj can totaly rob u of your life,,as it has to millions ov people,,

peace people,, no arguements,, im sayin it how it is


Well-Known Member
maybe but i bet ive smoked what u have smoked plus more in half as many years ,it will have killed me by your age,, im fucked my bodys fucked im one of those people ,part of that really small percentage of cannabis users that really suffer all ov the drugs side effects,, shure ppl get paranoia and that sort but not many people smoke to the point ov phsycally and mentally damaging themself for for life,, the chemical imbalance in your brain multiplies making all things that were bad,, say for instance u were slightly depressive ,, wel weed can alter the brain so much that when ppl had got depressed after all the weed abuse .well this small percentage wud kill themselfs.,,. im simply saying im one ov the small percentage,,that takes it to far, loosing most familys n freinds cos i just dont go any where hardly ever leave the house, never open curtins,, ganj gets dropped off. ganj gets grown,,
i eat pretty much fuckall,,im like 6ft and wasting away,, every penny goes weed and growing it,,,

but on a upside my new soil here 2day ,,plants will now flourish


Well-Known Member
thats sad! you need some help man. how could someone get to that point? you must smoke in your sleep (if u sleep that is) and be burning some every second your awake, i feel bad for you


weed can be addicting and it may not it depends on the person, if the person has high tolerance, mental cability and other factors. i have experiemented and founf out that you the person chooses to be addictive not the drug/ plant itself. its your inner strength!!!


Well-Known Member
TRUE when i wake up in the middle of the night thers always 1 rolled ready, or ill av a pipe,,
usually a j and a few pipes before i get out of bed
then when i go downstairs ill av a j with a cuppa,,lol
then ill roll another up for while im tending to crops and so on and so on,,

and smokeing around my crops has never effected the crops,