First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
i dont care what people say but pc cases are the way to go for stealth and a reasonable amount of personal smoke. so i support all pc cases made and in the making and ill help however i can.


Well-Known Member
I'm made up for you DW.
Can't believe how quick those pistils turned up either. That girl wants to flower for sure :)
Loving the name too. I used to have a company called Arden.


Well-Known Member
i couldnt believe pistils already either hopefully plant 2 will show sex soon aswell. male or female im keeping it. as for the backwards name game... great minds do think alike...


Well-Known Member
Day 41- 3May/09 - Plants
Lights: 4 x 23w 2700k CFL
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temp: 79.4F

Pic 1-4: Heres the beautiful Nedra in full blooming force top growth is coming out constantly the lower branches are hauling ass to the light and all this putting a huge smile of my face...

Pic 5-8:*drum roll* Here comes the beautiful Kendra showing a few hairs this morning after close in inspection, i was stoked out of my tree 2 for 2 on my first grow and if they reach harvest booyah! Lots of top growth and lots of branch growth man im one proud father...

anywoo so the plants both still smell quite planty no skunk no citrus and god after the name of the strain i hope my room dont smell like shit... when you think ill start expecting those lovely smells? also so now that both have showen sex do i now start counting down the 8 weeks? thanks for tuning in DW out.



Well-Known Member
You lucky sod! 2 for 2? I'm a touch envious :)
Girls are looking great fella. I'm so pleased for you.

Working out harvest dates is a black art mate ;)
I think they are still preflowers and that the official count can only be when the main top growth is flowers rather than leaves, which should be a week or so away. Breeder figures always seem a bit optimistic too, add a week to what they say for a more realistic harvest date. Would you believe Pandora is still alive and well for exactly that reason?
I'm with ele on the possibility of you having a sativa pheno though. It's no bad thing, but it may mean adding another couple of days on.
As for smell, that can start early with some plants but usually only kicks in after the frost comes.


Well-Known Member
ight v thanks so much yah i wont start counting down for a while then ill watch the trichs and the flowers, i didnt think id pull off 2 for 2 thats for sure... but none the less itll be interesting. whats a good way to get light to the branches that are under fan leaves as you can tell ive been trimming them but im sure theres a better method. and if theres a hint of sativa in there damn company needs to get their description right...


Well-Known Member
You'll prolly laugh at me but I've just started using those foil trays that take away curries come in :)
Tip it upside down and cut it down the middle so it slides close to the plant & reflects light back up. Fold the edges over so they don't hurt the girls.
I know it sounds daft but it works good :)


Well-Known Member
you said you would come to me for hydro advice, so i'm coming to you for LST advice.
Did you LST your ladies?
what's the story? does it work well? do you get multiple colas out of it? when does one do it?

I started up a conversation about it in my thread, link is in my sig. drop a line when you got the time.


Well-Known Member
you said you would come to me for hydro advice, so i'm coming to you for LST advice.
Did you LST your ladies?
what's the story? does it work well? do you get multiple colas out of it? when does one do it?

I started up a conversation about it in my thread, link is in my sig. drop a line when you got the time.


Well-Known Member
listen up all you motha f*ckas no update today:D sorry today was busy and couldnt fit any photos into the light schedule.
but i do got a question for all ya... should i trim the leaves that are blocking light to the branches? also should i trim the branches that are undert the stem and are getting no light so the plant does focus on those anymore? thanks DW...


Well-Known Member
Personally, I wait till the yellowed leaves fall because the plant is absorbing its nutrients. Also, I say take 'em off, but I think you probably knew where I stood on that one. :) I have 8/9 budsites exposed, now and plenty of leaf matter on the other side for absorbing light and oxygen. My Top44 is lovely dark green happy and raging full of trichomes @ 21-ish days flowering. There is one budsite I can't expose as much and it's definitely the runt. I've also seen people fold leaves, not for nothing'..


Well-Known Member
finaly ele you gave me an answer been waiting all night lol. so you say lop the branch off that arent getting light and leave the leaves?