My Hiden Grow


Sup everybody, this is my every first time growing ever Ima be growing
in my closet hiden so my parents aint find it. Let me no wut u think of
my little hiding place. Also ill keep yall updated on "her" growth :hump:

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Well-Known Member
Lol, hidden in plain sight. I Love it.
3 Points.. It looks like uv coated ur walls in aluminium foil, try using glossy white paper instead, its just as reflective, and it doesnt have the same heat issues associated with it as the foil.
Also b wary of the aircon/fan ur using, being that close to the wall, it may burn out and then ul have heat issues big time.

#3.. & Its a biggy - that set-up is highly flammable. The amount of heat coming off that light, the cardboard, the closet.. If u ask me its just waiting for something to set it off.


Well-Known Member
Also wat do u intend to do as it grows bigger? Will u keep it small, or upgrade ur box? Lol, i think a box off a fridge would do the trick.. (May b a lil sus in ur cupboard tho).


stays relevant.
Your stealth grow isn't going to be so stealth when the smell of burning cardboard and t-shirts alert your parents to the huge fire that is going to become of your closet. I would try to put something a little less flammable together...



Well-Known Member
Your stealth grow isn't going to be so stealth when the smell of burning cardboard and t-shirts alert your parents to the huge fire that is going to become of your closet. I would try to put something a little less flammable together...

Just curious Growtech. With all those posts and rep I see you have I cant seem to locate a thread, post or picture of a single thing you have grown. Is anything you speak first hand knowledge? Or are you just pro at reading online facts and pretending?


Well-Known Member
show some respect to your parents and tear down your grow!
How old are you?
I would guess you are underage seeing as you have no regards for your folks, they can get in a lot of trouble for you growing under their roof...


thanks for all the fire concerns...
ima useing a 40w FL bulb and it doesnt even get that hot.
of course im not gunna bud it in the box thats just 2 get my Mama
started so i can clone. so theres no risk of fire from the flowering bulb
Also i have a set up for once the plant outgrows the box. u'll see when
She gets to that certain height. i also made sure that i out lined all the
cardboard parts that touch or come close 2 the light with foil so they
wont catch fire the most that will happen is it will get a little hot.


o and gangjababy y dont u mind yo own fuccing business?
this is a help grow site not a be a lil bitch site k?
u dont no nothing bout me or how my parents are, so keep yo fuccin mouth closed.

ima post sum pics of how i fire proofed l8r tonite.


Active Member
Lets chill chill brosef but you get any plans of getting a bigger/same size more adventageous/stealthier grow box in the future?


Well-Known Member
show some respect to your parents and tear down your grow!
How old are you?
I would guess you are underage seeing as you have no regards for your folks, they can get in a lot of trouble for you growing under their roof...
Words of wisdom my man! I vote for the enactment of a new rule: if anyone mentions that they're 'stealth' growing in their parents house, then a special designated representative from RIU will get on a plane, fly to the little shit's house (or in this case, his parent's house), and bitch slap the youngster.

(or we could simply ban them for being underage)


haha first off little hoe
i wish a mutha fucca would knocC on my door n try some shyt secound i think it should be ur dumb ass dat gets on the plane so when that ugly fuccin face is at my door i can beat that ass n have one of the homies video tape it so i can show the whole world how u got yo ass beat by a 17year old. n trust me i got hands old man

and dont even talk bout me lyke u no me u fuccin grandpa. i got nothing but the uterly most repsect in the world for my mom... all im doin is keepin 1 lil Mama plant in my closet no big deal. wut mama doesnt no doesnt hurt her ya feel me? we all cant be good lil bitch boys lyke u k? so shut that fuccin mouth. i didnt join the site 2 get bitched at buy 30year olds n shyt if u dont aprove dont read my shyt. i joined 4 help on growin so if u aint gunna tell me something helpfull then "SHUT THAT FUCCIN MOUTH"


Well-Known Member
wow ..nobody notices this kid is a gangster...matter of fact his affiliation is crip..notice how in his!<..he never puts a k after the c ..this would be a blood disrespects a crip sometimes with ..crip killer...the same as when a crip uses bk ..blood killer to disrespect a blood...i thought this was a site for f'n chilled ass potheads..but i see it's become a "gangsters paradise"....smoke weed everyday..peace


tkufos i aint n no gang i just no some crips and get down lyke that n i aint even tryin 2 cause no drama
i just joined 2 get sum help on how 2 grow, ima chill ass dude up till all theses people start tellin me how
ima disrespectfull lil shyt cuz im growin in my parents house and this n that. dont get me wrong try sum
shyt lyke this on the streets u gunna get ur ass beat down. but im hear for learning nothing more
people just tryin 2 start shyt for no reason.


Well-Known Member
haha first off little hoe
i wish a mutha fucca would knocC on my door n try some shyt secound i think it should be ur dumb ass dat gets on the plane so when that ugly fuccin face is at my door i can beat that ass n have one of the homies video tape it so i can show the whole world how u got yo ass beat by a 17year old. n trust me i got hands old man

and dont even talk bout me lyke u no me u fuccin grandpa. i got nothing but the uterly most repsect in the world for my mom... all im doin is keepin 1 lil Mama plant in my closet no big deal. wut mama doesnt no doesnt hurt her ya feel me? we all cant be good lil bitch boys lyke u k? so shut that fuccin mouth. i didnt join the site 2 get bitched at buy 30year olds n shyt if u dont aprove dont read my shyt. i joined 4 help on growin so if u aint gunna tell me something helpfull then "SHUT THAT FUCCIN MOUTH"
I'm not the "bitch boy" buddy, I'm not the one living at mommy's!
I waited until I could afford my own place and not put anyone else at risk.