What thoughts make YOU freak out when you baked?

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
Ive just started smoking again every now and then, slowly adjusting myself back into the 'world of stone'... and as much as I love getting high and laughing, talking shit, thinking about things in great depth... every now and then... your mind will wander into the 'fear' side of marijuana...:shock:

Some people get paranoid about police kicking in their door, ghosts, all kinds of shit... but for me personally I dont suffer that kind of paranoia...

My mind starts to bend about the fact that ANYTHING... ANYTHING at all could happen right now... right this very instant... a meteorite could smash through the ceiling, a bunch of maniacs with machetes could kick through the door, aliens could land... I mean the possibilities are endless.... but the part that scares me the most....... is would I be able to get my shit together to deal with the situation or would I just completely freak out and go into shock!!!:shock::shock::shock: lol

When I go out and get pissed with my mates... I never get really trashed because if shit goes down, its alot easier to kick some heads when your still reasonably sober than not.

So I guess Im a little bit of a control freak... so when Im baked I feel like Im letting my guard down... which gets into my 'inner stoner fears' at times:oops:

So what is it that gets you 'uncomfortable' sometimes when you get stoned?

And do you have a way to put it at ease?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Nothing - I'm a really laid back guy sober. When I get stoned life is great; I just watch funny movies, say really sweet things to my wife, hang out with friends and laugh my ass off.

The only time I had any paranoia was years ago when I was in college and I was taking some bong rips with my best friend in my parents back yard at 2 in the morning. It was the fall so there were a ton of leaves on the ground, some animal was walking on the other side of the fence and it was loud and we thought it was a cop sneaking up on us. We just put the bong down and lit some cigs.

Other than that I have zero paranoia when smoking / high.


Well-Known Member
dark water. not being able to see what's there creepy shit to me . and also a radio playing in a empty warehouse . who is it playing for?
I have fears myself occasionally when smoking. One night there was a cop sitting outside my house at 3 am (he was in the culdesac about 200+ yds away, farting around in his cruiser doing paperwork) BOY was i trippin.

The usuals will get me going occasionally, usually when the house is empty, random sounds stuff like that.

The first time i got high.. i SWORE i saw a fucking werewolf. My BF said "You hear that sound?!" and i heard a bark or something and i thought the whole night some mangy werewolf was stalking outside our house, i thought i saw its eyes. HA so funny to think about now.

Sucks to get paranoid.. Luckily when you are high around friends and they tell you to chill, at least I, forget about it in a few seconds haha!

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha.. awww funny stuff already! =D

I just love how when you are stoned.. noises etc. seem to trigger your imagination and can spread to your fellow stoners and get them tripping as well! lol

Yet the person that is straight is sitting there thinking WTF are you guys on!!! hahahhaha

Its funny cause you always laugh about how intense it seemed at the time.... but how silly you were after you straighten up... rofl XD

It is as real as your mind makes it =)


Active Member
the fear that im going to go to jail. when im high and on the boat(or out riding our atvs or even going some where) i always become what my friends call a worried wort(thats what they call it) because im thinking that we might sink or get tickets ecxt....


Active Member
ha.. i love being uncomfortably high! but nothing really gets me paranoid when im super baked.. im super laid back and down to smoke a pound lol.


Well-Known Member
I hate when I drive stoned & I imagine the worst possible car accidents that I can get into to. & I picture the whole crash & how my body would travel with the motion of it all & what would I break & how I would be taken out of my car ohh man it's freak as fuck


Active Member
I hate when I drive stoned & I imagine the worst possible car accidents that I can get into to. & I picture the whole crash & how my body would travel with the motion of it all & what would I break & how I would be taken out of my car ohh man it's freak as fuck
haha yeh when im high as fuck and i see a car driving behind me at night im almost certain its a police car each time or undercover police. It usually results in me pulling over n sorting myself out b4 attempting to get home lol


New Member
haha yeh when im high as fuck and i see a car driving behind me at night im almost certain its a police car each time or undercover police. It usually results in me pulling over n sorting myself out b4 attempting to get home lol
ha im the exactly the same way.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Last time I got paranoid while stoned...

I live in the country. Was home alone. Smoked a joint that night. Got really high. Realized I left the lights on in the shop about 75 yards from my house. I went to turn them off and got about 15 feet away from my back door when I realized there was a vast blackness that I had to cross to get to the shop. I quickly decided it be ok for the lights to stay on until morning.

If I get to thinking too much, I'll throw on a movie or play guitar or some xbox.


Well-Known Member
the thought of throwing up makes me freak out...sober or high.

the last time I got real paranoid and freaked out was I was sitting in my living room watching TV at night by myself and I saw my bedroom door open a little bit and then close by itself, and then I heard some noises in another room. I thought someone broke into my house and was waiting for me to pass by the room and kill me. it got me going so bad I grabbed the biggest knife I could find. went to my room to discover that my window was open and the wind outside was making the door move.

as for the noise in the room, I had to prepare myself to open up the door and slice up a mother fucker. turns out it was one of my cats locked in the room...so sad. I still kept the knife with me though because I was still scared that someone was in the house.


Well-Known Member
the thought of throwing up makes me freak out...sober or high.

the last time I got real paranoid and freaked out was I was sitting in my living room watching TV at night by myself and I saw my bedroom door open a little bit and then close by itself, and then I heard some noises in another room. I thought someone broke into my house and was waiting for me to pass by the room and kill me. it got me going so bad I grabbed the biggest knife I could find. went to my room to discover that my window was open and the wind outside was making the door move.

as for the noise in the room, I had to prepare myself to open up the door and slice up a mother fucker. turns out it was one of my cats locked in the room...so sad. I still kept the knife with me though because I was still scared that someone was in the house.
I always wake up in the morning with a knife under my pillow or a baseball bat under my blanket. haha like wtf did I do last night?

ladies love asad

Active Member
last night; around 930-10pm i got home from work(smoked on the way home of course). i live in a heavily wooded suburb in PA; and i swear to god i heard like loud wrestling in the woods about 60 yards from me and like a noise that resembles like a monster like it was a hearable growling/ heavy breathing sound; i was scared as hell so i quickly went inside but whenever i i get like that i just remember i am not scared of anything but god; that sort of settles me down a whole lot.

ladies love asad

Active Member
that is not as scary as what JUST happened to me:

i had rolled a blunt for my self, and misplaced it; after searching frantically for 7 mins(exact) i found it under my pillow lol


Well-Known Member
that is not as scary as what JUST happened to me:

i had rolled a blunt for my self, and misplaced it; after searching frantically for 7 mins(exact) i found it under my pillow lol
I did something like that once. I rolled a joint and put it on a shelf in my closet real quick to get something, and when I looked back it was gone. I thought a mouse stole it for a lil' while because I looked EVERYWHERE for it. I even cleared everything out of my closet. I shook out all my clothes, but nothing came up, which is odd because about two weeks later I was putting on a shirt that I was debating on wether or not I should wear that whole time and it smelled like weed. when I put it on it fell out in front of me. one of the happiest moments I've ever had haha.


Well-Known Member
I always wake up in the morning with a knife under my pillow or a baseball bat under my blanket. haha like wtf did I do last night?
haha that's funny man. I once woke up and on my leg is said "Don't Do It!!" in green marker. I kinda remember doing that, but I completely forget why.


Well-Known Member
the thing that gets me going mostly when im high is the thought that were all on a moving timeline which inevtiably will end in death. and that there is no stopping it. and then millions of years from now the sun will have eaten up earth and none of this will even be a memory. so basically the realities of space, time, and life get me the most paranoid.

to stop it i just say something ANYTHING to who ever im with to get a convo going cuz i will literally start shaking and yelling cuz ill get so freaked out.

and if im alone ill make weird noises outloud to distract myself from my thoughts.