3600watt growroom setup w/ rotation. Need advice from experianced growers


Well-Known Member
hey guys im doin my second outdoor grow for this season and have a big thread going but wanted to start a diff thread in this forum to get sum advise,help, criticism from experianced indoor growers. REp for honest advise and help.

k so my buddy and i live in So cal. we have our medicinal licenses. he has a two story 3 bedroom house. him, hi gf, his brother, and his bro's gf all have their license too and live in the house. this allows him to legally grow 24 mature plants and have 24 immature plants and any given time by senate bill 420 in cali.

the plan is to use a 10'x10' spare bedroom as the grow room. two seperate rooms;

ROOM A: vegg room w/ 24 vegging clones. 2 mother plants (if thats enough to take 12 clones from every month) and a CFL t5 4 tube system setup for taking clones with a humidity dome. the lights in the veg room we plan on using is 2 600watt metal halide lamps since they produce the blue spectrum which promotes growth but not long stretches between nodes.
lights @ 18/6 photoperiod

ROOM B; flowering room. 12/12 photoperiod. room will have 24 mature plants in it. under 4 600watt HPS lamps. hortilux bulbs with digital ballasts.
3 or 5 gallon containers?

we plan to mimic SOG but doin a smaller scale and grower larger plants.

i plan to rotate 12 plants once every month. so once clones veg for just over a month theyll be put into the flwoering room for a month. then clones will be taken from the mother plants and rooted then moved into veg room for a month. once that month has gone by the flowering plants will remain in the flower room for anohter month til harvest, then the vegging clones will be moved into the flower room also. this method will stagger the plants so we can harvest 12 plants once a month and continue taking clones. replacing the mothers every 6 months or so?

SOIL; we are using organic soil since its ouyr first indoor grow and its more forgiving on fer nutes. FOX FARM ocean forest with vermiblend and perlite for drainaige. square containers. bat guano for nutes. mexican for N and jamacian for P. using my air stone and pump to mnake teas like i do outdoors.
micro nutes will b added too

AIR; 2 oscillating wall mounted fans in the flowering room. one or two in the veg room.
the lamps are air cooled lamp fixtures we will run 6" duct thru with an adapter to hook to 8" duct work with an 8" inline fan rated for 675CFM. my dad owns an AC ompany and pretty dialed with the air work. he explained the velocity increases when u change duct sizes. but CFM is lessend when u add longer ducting and not to bend the duct at 90degrees.

carbon charcoal filter 75lbs can i believe was wat i waws told to use. will b hooked in with duct work and evacuated thru the cieling out the roof.

WATER; tap? or reverse osmosis system? bottled water? tap water in water resovior to sit in room and evaporate chlorine? idk...

ive read several books and watched videos; mel thomas, jorge cervantes, other growers etc. been thru many threads and still researching for this setup.

TEMP; a couple digital thermometers with MIN/MAX readout and humidity read.
growroom temp between 70-80

A/C; window mounted AC unit to keep temp down and help dehumidify and keep below 50%

Co2; i know this is a more advance method and increase the room temp but can increase yield up to 25%
we want to use a co2 tank with regulator and hose ran thru the flowering room to push the plants. using 1500PPM
co2 doesnt need to b on at nite rite?

LAMP SUPPORT; using adjustable sunlift

PH; using a electronic PH/light/moisture measurer

bamboo stakes for support

cloning gel when we take cuttings

LST method will be used

NEEM OIL for pest prevention; other methods welcome...

superthrive for transplanting cuttings? maybe diluted since ive heard its strong

Heat pad for clone tray to promote root growth

oh and the power was/is an issue. still working on it since every 600watt lamp is equal to 7amps. we are either going to upgrade his circut breaker or reroute an unused cable that was for his washer dryer.

thats pretty much my list of everything and end of my novel lol. thanks for reading and please let me know wat u guys think about the setup; wat im missing. problems i mite run into. other suggestions and discussions. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
you've done the reading and growing now just start on your plan...then get the advice as needed. Everything looks good to me... but im high as fuck and got kinnda lost after the first few paragraphs


Active Member
hey guys im doin my second outdoor grow for this season and have a big thread going but wanted to start a diff thread in this forum to get sum advise,help, criticism from experianced indoor growers. REp for honest advise and help.

k so my buddy and i live in So cal. we have our medicinal licenses. he has a two story 3 bedroom house. him, hi gf, his brother, and his bro's gf all have their license too and live in the house. this allows him to legally grow 24 mature plants and have 24 immature plants and any given time by senate bill 420 in cali.

the plan is to use a 10'x10' spare bedroom as the grow room. two seperate rooms;

ROOM A: vegg room w/ 24 vegging clones. 2 mother plants (if thats enough to take 12 clones from every month) and a CFL t5 4 tube system setup for taking clones with a humidity dome. the lights in the veg room we plan on using is 2 600watt metal halide lamps since they produce the blue spectrum which promotes growth but not long stretches between nodes.
lights @ 18/6 photoperiod

ROOM B; flowering room. 12/12 photoperiod. room will have 24 mature plants in it. under 4 600watt HPS lamps. hortilux bulbs with digital ballasts.
3 or 5 gallon containers?

we plan to mimic SOG but doin a smaller scale and grower larger plants.

i plan to rotate 12 plants once every month. so once clones veg for just over a month theyll be put into the flwoering room for a month. then clones will be taken from the mother plants and rooted then moved into veg room for a month. once that month has gone by the flowering plants will remain in the flower room for anohter month til harvest, then the vegging clones will be moved into the flower room also. this method will stagger the plants so we can harvest 12 plants once a month and continue taking clones. replacing the mothers every 6 months or so?

SOIL; we are using organic soil since its ouyr first indoor grow and its more forgiving on fer nutes. FOX FARM ocean forest with vermiblend and perlite for drainaige. square containers. bat guano for nutes. mexican for N and jamacian for P. using my air stone and pump to mnake teas like i do outdoors.
micro nutes will b added too

AIR; 2 oscillating wall mounted fans in the flowering room. one or two in the veg room.
the lamps are air cooled lamp fixtures we will run 6" duct thru with an adapter to hook to 8" duct work with an 8" inline fan rated for 675CFM. my dad owns an AC ompany and pretty dialed with the air work. he explained the velocity increases when u change duct sizes. but CFM is lessend when u add longer ducting and not to bend the duct at 90degrees.

carbon charcoal filter 75lbs can i believe was wat i waws told to use. will b hooked in with duct work and evacuated thru the cieling out the roof.

WATER; tap? or reverse osmosis system? bottled water? tap water in water resovior to sit in room and evaporate chlorine? idk...

ive read several books and watched videos; mel thomas, jorge cervantes, other growers etc. been thru many threads and still researching for this setup.

TEMP; a couple digital thermometers with MIN/MAX readout and humidity read.
growroom temp between 70-80

A/C; window mounted AC unit to keep temp down and help dehumidify and keep below 50%

Co2; i know this is a more advance method and increase the room temp but can increase yield up to 25%
we want to use a co2 tank with regulator and hose ran thru the flowering room to push the plants. using 1500PPM
co2 doesnt need to b on at nite rite?

LAMP SUPPORT; using adjustable sunlift

PH; using a electronic PH/light/moisture measurer

bamboo stakes for support

cloning gel when we take cuttings

LST method will be used

NEEM OIL for pest prevention; other methods welcome...

superthrive for transplanting cuttings? maybe diluted since ive heard its strong

Heat pad for clone tray to promote root growth

oh and the power was/is an issue. still working on it since every 600watt lamp is equal to 7amps. we are either going to upgrade his circut breaker or reroute an unused cable that was for his washer dryer.

thats pretty much my list of everything and end of my novel lol. thanks for reading and please let me know wat u guys think about the setup; wat im missing. problems i mite run into. other suggestions and discussions. thanks guys

What up SoCaler?! Welcome to the inside I have never been out so maybe we can help each other as my forte' is inside.

For starters #'s, I believe its 6 mature plants OR 12 imature plants you are legally allowed to have. Whith the definition of the mature and imature I do not know where they draw the line. Doulbe check that for sure if you are worried about it, lots of things that can be said you know, like 6 of different types for each person cause they have different medicinal needs, these are things that can be talked about with your attorney before hand that way you have everything worked out prior to having to show just cause.

3 gallon will be fine!

Sounds like you got venting down. Once setup before plants are in get good readings with lights on and make adjustments then to the system much easier to do then, than waiting till your in the middle of it and have to work around them all. Remember humidity will be a lot more with a lot of plants in the space.

With your soil add more perlite it will make it sudo hydro and add more air and the plants will uptake more nutrient and drink more water!!

Get a can150 scrub/venting to another room with a can75 scrub/venting out this way you are good no matter what you put in there!

RO for sure our water is airated good but full of a lot of shit bad.

Don't worry about co2 first run, see what you get first. Worry about all the other stuff for one or two runs then think about what kind of co2 delivery to add. You will spend so much time trying to get co2 at the level you want when you need to be getting used to how indoor works. You may not need it, if you have good air exchange and good lighting with proper cooling for them.

What ever you use to hang the lamp make sure its secured good to the cieling for at least double the weight you need. A chain and S hook are simple and very easy to make small light adjustments with.

If you can tomato trellas the room I would it is much easier than bamboo and it gets all the branches and everything if you put it up early and let the plants go through it. I sometimes have two layers. Its easy for harvest you just cut it out and throw it away.

Set up everthing for 240. That is almost the same is adding up whatever you were going to use at 120 and saying it is half. A great savings and it keeps the wires cool!!

Hope this helps, and good luck on the inside! I don't know what des. you frequent but I am an HR regular. Have a good one.


Well-Known Member
Dude, that setup is gonna be sick! Once you get the electricity dialed in, you'll be set for a very long time. Glad to meet someone who's actually taken the time to do some research first. My only question is, how do you use the 240V electric source when all the equipment runs on 120? Shit, looks like I need to ask that in the electrician thread.


Well-Known Member
thanks for confirmign the co2 question. and the owner at the hydro store told me the ballasts run on 240v which tripped me out. maybe i misunderstood. i know the house outlets can be 120 or 240v. but 240v pulls less current so ill check into that for sure


Active Member
As far as electric goes most all ballasts have taps to be rewired for 240 even if there are 120 you just need to open it up and check it out with a multi-meter. If you are not experienced with this kind of thing best to have an electrician friend help you out or hire an electrician and ask a lot of questions while he is doing it.

The other stuff you get for your setup you have to check if they have 240 options available. Most industrial size stuff comes in both voltages you just have to check it out.

Of course you will have some stuff on 120, small fans, controllers, timers. These don't use much electricity anyway so it wont matter much and if you use one of the legs from the 240 40-60amp breaker it will run nice.


Well-Known Member
hmmm guess theres not many experianced growers out there doin a room this big that can help. that or i guess our plan is solid and doesnt need improvement...


New Member
kiss-assok lisen and lisen good you gotta think out side the box of what every ones else does with indoor organics this is what i would do and i could pull a pound a plant with amsterdam bubble gum but your roofs got to be about 8 foot or higher ok they say you dont need co2 its your first grow blabla they dont know shit marijuana plants use up to 5 times more co2 thaan what is naturaly in the air and more co2 and means faster stronger growth ok you got me so far ok and that guy that said three gallon is enough its not. alwasy remember bigger pots = more roots = more nut intake = more and better buds i use 25 gallon i wouldnt use less than 15 gallon pots yes it will take up more space and you might have a couple less plants but you will make more bud in the long run homie i would also use some type of soiless mix rather than organic soil just cause i like to be in totall control of what my plants get i choose to use the full foxfarm organic nut system with a lil extra heavy whieght carbohydrate at the end and flush with molases at the very end another cool trick is at last week i dont feed them at all i light them dry cause marijuana plants make cristals as a sunscreen to cool them down more and if they arent getting any watter to cool them down they do what ..... make more crytals but any ways back on tack as for you room set up i would not use 4 six hundred watt light i would use two 1000watt on moving light rails about 8 feet long to some people like them some people dont i do i think they use up the maximum amount of space your light could use with being more energy saving than 4 six hundred watt i would hang you two 8 foot floresents near the bottom of the plants to make sure they are getting edicate lighting also another impotant thing is to never top ive tried with many starins and they nerver yeild more just less and it stress's the plant and the bud looses some potency i think but insted of topping i like to hang wheights off of the lower brantches to make them fan out and get more light while letting more light penatrate the middle of the plant and in a 10 by 10 room i would not have 24 plants i would use 20 and let them veg about to 4 foot and get 1/2 lb to 1lb or more a plant and i would have three momas insted for two just incase alwasy remember clones are worth good money too so in the veg room i would cut my clones while i was in the last few days of the of the first month of the other plants budding so by the time the budding room is done and cleaned and cleared out the clones would be a lil over a month old and should be about 4 foot tall if you do your shit right and also to improve your yield you try to take the clones when they grow roots and put them straight into the 15 gollon or what every your useing to keep the stress of the plants down also only feed nut every other watering to make sure maximum nut intake is happening with less salt build up well thats my vie homeboy i do it big bra go big or go home M.I.A BABY FO LIFE lol let me know what your think bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

ur gonna get a lb. per plant indoors? in a sog? bring on the pictures homes. if you veg. to 4 ft in height... ur plants would end up being like 7 or 8 feet tall at the end of flower... and only the top 3 feet would have decent buds on them... so you'd have 5 feet of stem. in a 15 gallon pot.

suh-weeeeet !!!

OldFrog is an experienced grower currently running 3600 watts. Obviously ur plan is well enough. But if you want pointers... you should be looking into other people's grow journals. Where people back up what they are saying with photographs. (His Journal :https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/200664-old-frogs-jack-flash-sea.html)


Active Member
I think the setup looks good as is. The tomato trellis along the walls is a good idea for giving support to the plants on the outside perimeter. the only other suggestion I have that I didn't see mentioned is removing the ballasts into separate area from your grow room. Safety First! I also noted a Freudian slip / or preminition in the last paragraph of your first post:

"problems i mite run into." I sure hope you don't have to deal with these bastards! I just got done taking care of some mite problems in my room. Neem oil did the trick. Culprits were two plants I took in for a friend. Soil he used was not sanitized and as soon as the 12/12 cycle started the bastards hatched out of the soil. So make sure you use good sanitized soil and always make sure you use the spelling might, not mite, when referring to a possibility.


Well-Known Member
... I also noted a Freudian slip / or preminition in the last paragraph of your first post:

"problems i mite run into." I sure hope you don't have to deal with these bastards! I just got done taking care of some mite problems in my room. Neem oil did the trick. Culprits were two plants I took in for a friend. Soil he used was not sanitized and as soon as the 12/12 cycle started the bastards hatched out of the soil. So make sure you use good sanitized soil and always make sure you use the spelling might, not mite, when referring to a possibility.
now, if wer gonna get real specific... ur gonna have to explain ur use of the word 'preminition' :D

not to get off topic.


New Member
all about strain baby amsterdam bubble gum dont streach more than 12 inch no matter what size it is smartass and im useing 4 1000 on light mover in a 12 by 12 and i pull over a lb a plant indoor dick so i sugest you go do some research on big plants before you run your mouth about shit you realy dont know about wait wait let me quess your a grower that likes to grow 100 little plants and pull a pound right lol like i said go big or go home pussy lol


Well-Known Member
no need for any hostility in the room guys i appreciate all advice. i have considered using the light rail and 2 1000watt hps but we ended up with 4 600watts and yes they will use more electricity but put out more lumens and the setup is set for 24 plants. its gonna be whitewidow strain. i dont expect a pound on each plant but all the help u guys mentioned will def need to be reconsidered to change up things in the room. the ballasts are mounted high up on shelves by the ceieling and we have excellent air flow and temp. plus a smoke det4extor and fire extinguisher.

and ya were using neem oil for pests.


Active Member
I would have thought mothers would be mature plants? that would put you over your limit by 2 either way though cause you said you would have 24 in each room.....


Well-Known Member
all about strain baby amsterdam bubble gum dont streach more than 12 inch no matter what size it is smartass and im useing 4 1000 on light mover in a 12 by 12 and i pull over a lb a plant indoor dick so i sugest you go do some research on big plants before you run your mouth about shit you realy dont know about wait wait let me quess your a grower that likes to grow 100 little plants and pull a pound right lol like i said go big or go home pussy lol
you claim to pull a lb. per plant (indoors)... and said you'd have 20 plants growing... so ur getting 20 lbs. per harvest ... under 4000w of light ?! or are you one of those guys that likes to grow one plant under each light and veg. it out for several months? obviously, i must be confused. how much exactly are you claiming to get off of (4) 1000w lights?


Well-Known Member
dagambler ure not asking me right? i never claimed to pull a pound per plant. if anything id say 2.5 ounces. which is with co2 and .7 grams per watt.

and about the mother plants they stay in veg stage. u dont take clones from flowering plants. and no we wont be over our limit this way