What Is Anarchy??


Well-Known Member
Here's a real anarchist cookbook. http://www.crimethinc.com/books/rfd.html The Early 70's anarchist cookbook was made for destruction, with no political structure behind it. Nothing more than a terrorist manual.
More like an anti-capitalist handbook on techniques for living without a job, so you can have more time to tear down the capitalist system...not an altogether bad idea...but the traveler kids, who seem to be behind this, lose credibility when they encourage stealing and attempt to justify it as a tool to bring down the evil corporations....little kid crap. The contents looked like at least 50% would be useful info...but terrorism manual...hooliganism maybe.


Musical Suicide

New Member
Yeah, but all kids find excuses to make what they do more justifiable. But I do agree, you should steal all you can from corporations, not like they dont just steal what they can themselves. (your life, your creativity, your time, all that you lose while your working to make the little money you can to buy your necessities from them) So in my book, although your not going to accomplish much politically from shoplifting... it still is our duty to fuck the system as much as we can before it fucks us.


Well-Known Member
More like an anti-capitalist handbook on techniques for living without a job, so you can have more time to tear down the capitalist system...not an altogether bad idea...but the traveler kids, who seem to be behind this, lose credibility when they encourage stealing and attempt to justify it as a tool to bring down the evil corporations....little kid crap. The contents looked like at least 50% would be useful info...but terrorism manual...hooliganism maybe.


Like I said in an earlier post with out getting an answer

Strange, I didn't know morals gave a damn about class.

Not murdering, raping, killing, enslaving or stealing from your neighbors isn't alterable as far as class goes. Regardless of what fictional division you are in not doing any of those is just logical behavior.

Society is the voluntary cooperation of individuals built on trust, if you can not trust your neighbor not to try killing you then are you not going to either A. Avoid your neighbor, or B. Kill them first?

One only needs to take a look at the Middle East to see an example of where "society" has broken down as a result of the breaking of morality by either Nations (US Invasion of Iraq) or amongst Ethnicities (Iraqi Genocide of the Kurds, Iraq - Iran War, Judeo-Muslim Wars, Crusades.)

The entire history of that one region is filled with examples of what happens when people (either at the individual level) or people (at a group level) feel that they can not trust their neighbor not to try killing, raping, murdering, enslaving or stealing from them.

Now, unless you are able to explain how you can argue that acting with out morals allows for the existence of your anarchy as a voluntary state then you are not even thinking rationally.

You're not trying to come up with a workable alternative to having an Archon (Ruler) you are just trying to give yourself an excuse for your lack of intelligent rational behavior.

That is, you are seeking a way of avoiding moral responsiblity for morally repugnant actions.

Or to save you the effort, just skip to this last sentence.

Go back to crying about how life isn't fair in your little corner wrapped in a little ball rocking back and forth while mumbling about how you could FORCE life to be fair if you were in power.

The difference between a rational approach to anarchy (society with out government) is that those that understand reality know that life is not fair. There will always be people smarter, faster, stronger, better looking, more fortunate (lucky) than others.

The difference between Capitalists and Socialists is that Capitalists understand that it is not fair to punish people for hard work or saving, nor to reward failure.

Socialists believe that it is logical to punish success and reward mediocrity, failure, and stupidity.

But unlike you at least they have an alternative societal construct (not that it'll work as it punishes hardwork and thus encourage sloth, laziness and whining) that doesn't involve petty acts of vandalism like a two year old throwing a tantrum.

Musical Suicide

New Member

Go back to crying about how life isn't fair in your little corner wrapped in a little ball rocking back and forth while mumbling about how you could FORCE life to be fair if you were in power.


haha your the biggest fucking douche bag I have ever encountered... even on the internet. Mother fucker We are the one's out there fighting for a better tomorrow. We are the ones educating ourselves, teaching each others alternatives to your capitalist destruction, or your middle class apathy.... and working the same fucking jobs you are. (having to live under a capitalist police state) You must obvioulsly have been living in a small little hick town your whole life if you think society is already voluntary cooperation... thats what we are working for! You cant trust your neighbor, and if you can trust that one, you got 5 more which you cant. People are raped and murdered everyday... neighbors... friends... family. Fuck I lost 5 friends last year. All fucked up things, fuck my friends and I are 24 and under. But I guess in your happy little life your perfectly content with getting fucked, and you'll take it with a smile. Your used to getting fucked your whole life... it what they have brought you up as. A fucking good little white guy. Your probley prejedious beat your wife and kids, if you even have any, neither would surprise me. haha either way your a fucking dick.

As for capitalist's understanding that it is not fair to punish people for hard work or saving... what the fuck are you smoking, cause if your high enough to think that your getting your fair slice of the pie you got some good shit. The whole reasoning behind capitalism is to keep the profits up and wages down. Thats why the top 1% of america owns over 90% of the wealth.

Now as we are rewarding lazyiness... well we hope fucking clones like you think just that. We really dont give a fuck weather or not you like us. Or we agree on the same definition of Freedom is. Of course your gonna say " well try living here, go to this worse off place" but guess what duder, i fucking live here, this is our country too, and were gonna take it back from your nature destroying peices of shit. We will be the mother fucker smashing your corporation windows, we will be the ones setting your suvs on fire, we are the ones liberating the animals that have been suffering as test subject so you know that Oil causes cancer, or your shampoo smells like real rainforest. We are the ones that will clean up your disaster post revolution and rebuilding a world on compassion, trust, equality and love. Not Greed, Control, Consuming and Profits.

So I'll be in my corner, "crying about how life isn't fair in your little corner wrapped in a little ball rocking back and forth while mumbling about how you could FORCE life to be fair if you were in power" as you put it so elegantly.... haha you know, when I'm not doing everything else that makes me a better human being than some internet shit starting pussy.

Put that truth in your pipe and smoke it Biotch!



Well-Known Member
Yeah, but all kids find excuses to make what they do more justifiable. But I do agree, you should steal all you can from corporations, not like they dont just steal what they can themselves. (your life, your creativity, your time, all that you lose while your working to make the little money you can to buy your necessities from them) So in my book, although your not going to accomplish much politically from shoplifting... it still is our duty to fuck the system as much as we can before it fucks us.
It is a matter of principle to me. Sure they (corporations) are stealing (sort of) from the masses. For me to directly steal from them, because they indirectly steal from me, in my mind is hypocritical. Taking what is not yours is wrong.
More like an anti-capitalist handbook on techniques for living without a job, so you can have more time to tear down the capitalist system...not an altogether bad idea...but the traveler kids, who seem to be behind this, lose credibility when they encourage stealing and attempt to justify it as a tool to bring down the evil corporations....little kid crap. The contents looked like at least 50% would be useful info...but terrorism manual...hooliganism maybe.

This was quoted just for reference for TBT's post, quoted below ::):


Like I said in an earlier post with out getting an answer

Strange, I didn't know morals gave a damn about class.

Not murdering, raping, killing, enslaving or stealing from your neighbors isn't alterable as far as class goes. Regardless of what fictional division you are in not doing any of those is just logical behavior.

Society is the voluntary cooperation of individuals built on trust, if you can not trust your neighbor not to try killing you then are you not going to either A. Avoid your neighbor, or B. Kill them first?

One only needs to take a look at the Middle East to see an example of where "society" has broken down as a result of the breaking of morality by either Nations (US Invasion of Iraq) or amongst Ethnicities (Iraqi Genocide of the Kurds, Iraq - Iran War, Judeo-Muslim Wars, Crusades.)

The entire history of that one region is filled with examples of what happens when people (either at the individual level) or people (at a group level) feel that they can not trust their neighbor not to try killing, raping, murdering, enslaving or stealing from them.

Now, unless you are able to explain how you can argue that acting with out morals allows for the existence of your anarchy as a voluntary state then you are not even thinking rationally.

You're not trying to come up with a workable alternative to having an Archon (Ruler) you are just trying to give yourself an excuse for your lack of intelligent rational behavior.

That is, you are seeking a way of avoiding moral responsiblity for morally repugnant actions.

Or to save you the effort, just skip to this last sentence.

Go back to crying about how life isn't fair in your little corner wrapped in a little ball rocking back and forth while mumbling about how you could FORCE life to be fair if you were in power.

The difference between a rational approach to anarchy (society with out government) is that those that understand reality know that life is not fair. There will always be people smarter, faster, stronger, better looking, more fortunate (lucky) than others.

The difference between Capitalists and Socialists is that Capitalists understand that it is not fair to punish people for hard work or saving, nor to reward failure.

Socialists believe that it is logical to punish success and reward mediocrity, failure, and stupidity.

But unlike you at least they have an alternative societal construct (not that it'll work as it punishes hardwork and thus encourage sloth, laziness and whining) that doesn't involve petty acts of vandalism like a two year old throwing a tantrum.
I was trying to figure out why you quoted me for this...and think you may have misunderstood me. What I wrote above in responce to the link posted to the crimethINC. was my synapses of this group after reading some of the shit on their website.

I agree with alternative ways of survival, some of which they encourage, like dumpster diving...I have not done it for years (for food at least) but I think it is rad. there is lots of good trash feeding rats in lad fills. HOWEVER! I do not condone stealing (even power!) note: I am currently hypocritically borrowing a few milk crates.

I do not condone the destruction or vandalism of private property...lest that private property be destroying public (our) land or clear cutting a forest...a community...though I have never commited such noble attrocities, I do admire some forms of eco-"terror" like freeing the dog catchers spoils or spiking forests marked for extermination with 60 penny nails...a sort of vaccination against the human logger locust.

My comments on anarchy are mostly not even my own. It is a concept that is fairly novel to me, as I have, for the most part, completely given up on the human species. They (thought on anarchy) are courtesy of Cactus Ed. Anarchy seems to require more cooperation than I am probably willing to tolerate beyond the very small comune of a couple of brothers and their families which will be my (hopefully near) future, though a lone homestead is the more likely.

So I highlighted a few things, like "That is, you are seeking a way of avoiding moral responsiblity for morally repugnant actions."
just to make sure that the "you" was not...me. If so, I might need a little clarification!



Well-Known Member
i fucking live here, this is our country too, and were gonna take it back from your nature destroying peices of shit. We will be the mother fucker smashing your corporation windows, we will be the ones setting your suvs on fire, we are the ones liberating the animals that have been suffering as test subject so you know that Oil causes cancer, or your shampoo smells like real rainforest. We are the ones that will clean up your disaster post revolution and rebuilding a world on compassion, trust, equality and love. Not Greed, Control, Consuming and Profits.
First of all, I am glad you are fired up and motivated...however I believe in your passion, you have been a bit harsh with TBT.

Though I do not agree with all that you do, you do not sound like a fence sitter. Right or wrong, the world needs people like you.

No Compromise in the defense of Mother Earth!


Musical Suicide

New Member
Yes, it is a little hypocritical but also very necessary.... Its also not taking whats not your, its taking what you deserve as a hard working ethical human being. but if some dude is beating the shit outta you are you not going to fight back sooner or later just cause your against violence? As for me, well I cant afford to be arrested again, so I only steal when:
a: I really need it and cant afford it
b: If its for my food not bombs collective or for some project against the state.

As we do not condone violence, we have to face the fact that violence is the system, there has yet to be a way to beat violence without counter violence, fuck I wish there was. But in order to destroy such a huge power as capitalism and imperialism, well I'm afraid that we are going to have to do some hypocritical things. Cause people like the truth dont give a fuck about our great grand children living under poverty and illness with no health care... they only think about themselves, and truely belive the one who dies with the most toys wins. Not about the well being of the less fortuant.

And also, i think the truth dick was talking about me,(you) not you (you)... haha

Musical Suicide

New Member
First of all, I am glad you are fired up and motivated...however I believe in your passion, you have been a bit harsh with TBT.


yeah I know, but this dude always ruins my buzz every time I get on here. I don't think i have ever been that rude to someone before, besides to authority. Its just so sad that there are really people as brainwashed as him out in this world, living, working breeding, consuming, exploiting, while so many good people and animals are being exploited, dying, suffering, starving. It definitely not a fair world, that's for sure.

But thanks... I'll try to keep my good vibes. (A)+(E)=<3


Active Member
"Freedom without Socialism is privilege. Socialism without Freedom is Tyranny"

Anarchism is the most misunderstood of political philosophies,
First, anarchism isn't a misunderstood political philosophy. Because its not political, its defined as having no gov't, a state of lawlessness and confusion, it holds no political standing.


Active Member
Its just so sad that there are really people as brainwashed as him out in this world, living, working breeding, consuming, exploiting, while so many good people and animals are being exploited, dying, suffering, starving. It definitely not a fair world, that's for sure.
im not here to start a problem, but just to ask a question, why does having a different opinion, and independently thinking make ones own deductions have to mean they are brainwashed?

Musical Suicide

New Member
First, anarchism isn't a misunderstood political philosophy. Because its not political, its defined as having no gov't, a state of lawlessness and confusion, it holds no political standing.
Confusion? Really? You obviously have never read anything on anarchism before so why are you posting anything anyways? haha

And that was first....Whats your second issue? Or did you run outta steam with that genius argument?

Anarchism is the thought (Political, Moral, and Responsible) on how to abolish destructive political actions in our earth. You had one thing right though, it definitly means without government... I'll give you a gold star for that one! Yay! haha


New Member
Can anyone really imagine what this country would be like in a complete state of anarchy. With all the spoiled brat imbeciles that think it's their way or the highway, the streets would be littered with bodies. The strongest gangs would rule, Bloods, crips, MS13, Mexican Mafia all come to mind, The peaceful people would become the slaves of the strong wicked and gun toting gangbangers, not too unlike life in the inner cities are today. Only these same gangs would be ruling upscale suburbia, living in mansions and fucking everyones teen age and younger daughters, Let's all give a big fat Hoorah for anarchy, NOT.


Active Member
Confusion? Really? You obviously have never read anything on anarchism before so why are you posting anything anyways? haha

actually since you want to take it and be a DICK about it, then fine you prerogative,

however i have read about anarchism and just as any ideology one simple flaw...the books you read doesnt mean thats what the true defined anarchism is, more or less just a version of the authors, and IF it WAS a political standing, then like all others there are variations, its subject to it practitioners ideas, and personal agenda.

and the true definition of "Anarchy" is

Anarchy-Absence of any form of political authority. disorder and confusion, absence of any cohering principle, as a common standard of purpose.
(The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language-New College Edition)

or here is Merriam-Websters definition,

1 a: absence of government b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c: a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government2 a: absence or denial of any authority or established order b: absence of order

although websters doesnt define it of having a lack of politics, how can it be a political platform when the whole point is to have no leaders, to be 100 percent independantly ran. to be ones own leader. if we lived in anarchy-no leaders/gov't=no politics

Politics-1 a: the art or science of government b: the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c: the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government


maybe you should first research your own beliefs.


Well-Known Member
haha your the biggest fucking douche bag I have ever encountered... even on the internet. Mother fucker We are the one's out there fighting for a better tomorrow. We are the ones educating ourselves, teaching each others alternatives to your capitalist destruction, or your middle class apathy.... and working the same fucking jobs you are. (having to live under a capitalist police state) You must obvioulsly have been living in a small little hick town your whole life if you think society is already voluntary cooperation... thats what we are working for! You cant trust your neighbor, and if you can trust that one, you got 5 more which you cant. People are raped and murdered everyday... neighbors... friends... family. Fuck I lost 5 friends last year. All fucked up things, fuck my friends and I are 24 and under. But I guess in your happy little life your perfectly content with getting fucked, and you'll take it with a smile. Your used to getting fucked your whole life... it what they have brought you up as. A fucking good little white guy. Your probley prejedious beat your wife and kids, if you even have any, neither would surprise me. haha either way your a fucking dick.

As for capitalist's understanding that it is not fair to punish people for hard work or saving... what the fuck are you smoking, cause if your high enough to think that your getting your fair slice of the pie you got some good shit. The whole reasoning behind capitalism is to keep the profits up and wages down. Thats why the top 1% of america owns over 90% of the wealth.

Now as we are rewarding lazyiness... well we hope fucking clones like you think just that. We really dont give a fuck weather or not you like us. Or we agree on the same definition of Freedom is. Of course your gonna say " well try living here, go to this worse off place" but guess what duder, i fucking live here, this is our country too, and were gonna take it back from your nature destroying peices of shit. We will be the mother fucker smashing your corporation windows, we will be the ones setting your suvs on fire, we are the ones liberating the animals that have been suffering as test subject so you know that Oil causes cancer, or your shampoo smells like real rainforest. We are the ones that will clean up your disaster post revolution and rebuilding a world on compassion, trust, equality and love. Not Greed, Control, Consuming and Profits.

So I'll be in my corner, "crying about how life isn't fair in your little corner wrapped in a little ball rocking back and forth while mumbling about how you could FORCE life to be fair if you were in power" as you put it so elegantly.... haha you know, when I'm not doing everything else that makes me a better human being than some internet shit starting pussy.

Put that truth in your pipe and smoke it Biotch!

Well, you know what they say about people that use "We".

They are either Narcissists or worse.

We, implying us ("the collective whole"), can not be spoken for as each person will have different desires at different levels of priority, something that you should be able to recognize being an anarchist.

Any Anarchist that uses we when describing themselves or their movement is not a true anarchist as they are advocating that there will be another authority to replace the one that they are rebelling against.

Thus Anarch-Socialism is a false Anarchy that is nothing more than the same Wolf of Socialism bundled in sheep's clothing.

Oh, and perhaps people would actually take you more seriously if you could come up with something more solid than empty buzz words.

It would also help if you actually would answer questions (thus prove that you are not nothing more than an imbecile spitting out empty hollow rhetoric a la Obama that has been fed to you by your speech writers.

Not to mention the fact that you also need to ensure that you know WTF you are talking about when you are trying to present facts.

First off 1 % of population does not own 90% of the wealth.


Now, perhaps you missed the zero, and meant 10% owns 90%, but that's still an error of an entire magnitude and implies a lack of care.

Then there's the fact that you have yet to actually respond to the post that I posted.

Quite possibly because you are an idiot that hasn't the foggiest what you are actually talking about, and just signed on because you think that destroying shit and killing people will some how solve the problems that face the world.

Perhaps you should look at the people that are "leading" your movement or supplying it with its arguments and find out what the hell their goals are, because 99.99% of the time it is going to be get power for themselves.

Which really defeats the point of anarchy does it not?

Oh, and your speech about not trusting your neighbors. Do you think that that is more a lack of them being taught not to kill, steal, murder, rape or enslave others?

Do you think that it is just as likely that it is the result of the very anarchy that you are pushing?

Anarchy will always collapse into Chaos as there will always be people that desire power over their fellow man, and will do anything to get it.

Which makes them just like you.

Regardless of what you believe Society is built upon voluntary cooperation.

This only causes problems when there are people that do not live morally with out being greedy, full of avarice, sloth, pride, and the other flaws of the human character.

Unfortunately as those flaws are present in all humans to one degree or another it is impossible to eradicate them, and any one that claims to have that as their goal is full of bullshit and spreading lies in an attempt to seize power for themselves.

Being incapable of seeing the truth doesn't change the truth, it just means that when you finally realize the truth you will be knocked down that much further.

Sorry about your friends though, but I'll bet they were either in the wrong place at the wrong time (which really sucks); they ended up running across some crazy psychopath; or they were involved in gangs and were involved in a turf-war. Which means that they were following the orders of some avaricious or greedy person.

As far as your ideology, I am convinced that you don't understand it as well as you think you do. You have yet to respond with something more than empty hollow rhetoric full of meaningless catch phrases. Catch phrases remarkably similar to those thrown around by Socialists, and in the same pattern invoking a collective by using the Royal "We."

Frankly, You can not speak for any one but yourself, thus using "We" indicates that you don't even know the first thing about what anarchy really is about.

And no, I'm really not trying to start shit, I'm trying to make you examine the ideology you are adhering to to make sure that you understand it. I am yet to be convinced that you do.