Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
HEY DUKE, I don't understand your beef with my link. I've been on this site for over a year but only on my second grow. I'm genuinely learning here and that's mostly what I'm here for. It's tougher out there then you think. My children are grown and out of the house. That picture was taken last year in the fall. (the limo shot) It presents a dilemma. Young guys are attracted to me. What can I say. Old guys bore the hell out of me. And believe it or not, most of the guys that I meet are NOT 420 friendly, much less cultivators. What's wrong with wanting to find someone that shares your passion???? Geez!
I feel ya, its definitely my passion:weed:...and im one of those young guys you speak of haha Im 18:lol:


Well-Known Member
I am from SoCal(born in San Bernardino)Inland Empire baby... but currently residing in vegas.. not too far from socal, so maybe when you visit vegas we could chill at a club or something and blaze some of that bomb :hump: hit me up


Well-Known Member
HEY DUKE, I don't understand your beef with my link. I've been on this site for over a year but only on my second grow. I'm genuinely learning here and that's mostly what I'm here for. It's tougher out there then you think. My children are grown and out of the house. That picture was taken last year in the fall. (the limo shot) It presents a dilemma. Young guys are attracted to me. What can I say. Old guys bore the hell out of me. And believe it or not, most of the guys that I meet are NOT 420 friendly, much less cultivators. What's wrong with wanting to find someone that shares your passion???? Geez!
Alright, I believe I was wrong with my suspicions. Nothing is wrong with just threw up lots of red flags...I meant to go back and check how long you been here before I posted. I am a little ashamed that I suspected the worst from a lovely lady grower...I apologize:-?



Well-Known Member
I am in SoCal, am single and have my medical recommendation...but I am also raising two kids (one is grown, but I am still raising her...) so just looking for cool people to hang out with. I enjoy growing as well. It has a nice reward at the end. Looking at your grow pics, I have to say I am impressed! Do you like to travel at all?


Well-Known Member
Alright, I believe I was wrong with my suspicions. Nothing is wrong with just threw up lots of red flags...I meant to go back and check how long you been here before I posted. I am a little ashamed that I suspected the worst from a lovely lady grower...I apologize:-?

NP. I was just going to take a picture of me at 8 with a piece of paper over my face that said "hey duke" and I'd be flipping off the camera. I understand. And thank you for your kind words.


Well-Known Member
I am in SoCal, am single and have my medical recommendation...but I am also raising two kids (one is grown, but I am still raising her...) so just looking for cool people to hang out with. I enjoy growing as well. It has a nice reward at the end. Looking at your grow pics, I have to say I am impressed! Do you like to travel at all?
I love traveling. I've been to Mexico 4 times in the last 6 months and Thailand. I'm going to Costa Rica in December. So are you male, stats? Geez, I suddenly feel cheesy. Is everyone looking? :oops:


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm doing on this rainy night. I've got 10 clones that I took from my girls that are in the closet 4 weeks ago. I'm putting sand down for bug control and tying down some lower branches. They get to go in a 10 x 10 room next week with 5 1000MH bulbs. They should get pretty big. I'm looking for 10 SSH clones to go in too. I wish they were 4 weeks ahead so they could be done at the same time. :( Where's my SSH!

The window that you see has a very nice ocean view. My girls get the best seat in the house!


looks like you are a hottie... plus you grow
I'd show you a most excellent time if you were in the area..... wrong coast....