Any vegitarians here


Well-Known Member
If so too bad. I just destroyed the juciest piece of alberta beef known to man. The rarer the better, "natures barbq's sauce" was dripping all over. de-lish. I don't know why someone would deny themself taste. Oh well to each their own.


Well-Known Member
Vegetarians typically dont like meat because "meat is murder". However true that may be, its part of life. However the meat industry is out of control...but thats a whole diff story

MMmmmmm I love a nutirous meal :hump:

..PS: your a dick


Well-Known Member
Is it not murder to pull a carrot out of the ground, It was once living and now killed for your culinary appetite. just sayin


Well-Known Member
for saying it the way you did you are...

Its like your trying to rub it in their faces that your eating meat. Grow up dude
I have talked to so many vegitarians that get pissed that I eat meat. And then watch me eat and salivate, I think that there are true vegitarians and "popular vegitarians". Many are popular.


Well-Known Member
I have talked to so many vegitarians that get pissed that I eat meat. And then watch me eat and salivate, I think that there are true vegitarians and "popular vegitarians". Many are popular.
What you eat is your business.

However, I am intrigued as to why you started a thread asking vegetarians to identify themselves when you obviously are not one yourself.

Since you asked:

The consumption of meat is cruel and barbaric

It is taking an active part in a violent act
. Don't give me that childish rationale about the screaming tomatoes. They don't have brain stems. I've never seen a carrot protect its young, but I have seen a cow do it.

It is bad for the body and the spirit.

Enjoy your steak, colon cancer-boy.


Well-Known Member
I will enjoy my steak. And I guess you will enjoy hearing about it. Just because it doesn't scream makes it any less murder. I won't shoot an animal for food, but will fish, any fisherman vegitarians out there. Same thing
I think it's wrong, but I don't go shoving what I eat into other peoples faces. And I don't see many other people doing it unless they pull the "SeeFood" joke, which typically occurs in elementary school. :p

I'm gonna go eat my veggie burger and know that nothing had to die for me to live.

And you spelled 'vegetarian' wrong. :]


Well-Known Member
Ok I apologize for starting a post that invites vegitarians. Under the pretense that they will be happy posting in this thread. Maybe I was trying to start an interesting conversation about food, but went about it the wrong way. Enjoy your juicy succulent mouth watering ... lettuce? Peace all no harm done


Well-Known Member
I think it's wrong, but I don't go shoving what I eat into other peoples faces. And I don't see many other people doing it unless they pull the "SeeFood" joke, which typically occurs in elementary school. :p

I'm gonna go eat my veggie burger and know that nothing had to die for me to live.

And you spelled 'vegetarian' wrong. :]
did nothing really die for you to live?
Not by my knowledge. :]

And I won't knowledgeably go about my life knowing that something is dying because of me. If I found out something was, I'd try to find some way to change it.


Well-Known Member
I will enjoy my steak. And I guess you will enjoy hearing about it. Just because it doesn't scream makes it any less murder. I won't shoot an animal for food, but will fish, any fisherman vegitarians out there. Same thing
One cannot fish for steak.

You will not slaughter the cow yourself; you pay someone else do it.

It must be yummier when you don't personally induce the trauma.

Thanks for the +rep. I accept your apology. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
sigh... I apologize, enough already. I enjoyed a nice steak this evening and that I will not apologize for I don't think that I am wrong for eating what I ate. everybody should eat what they want.


Well-Known Member
What you eat is your business.

However, I am intrigued as to why you started a thread asking vegetarians to identify themselves when you obviously are not one yourself.

Since you asked:

The consumption of meat is cruel and barbaric.

It is taking an active part in a violent act. Don't give me that childish rationale about the screaming tomatoes. They don't have brain stems. I've never seen a carrot protect its young, but I have seen a cow do it.

It is bad for the body and the spirit.

Enjoy your steak, colon cancer-boy.
Oh come on now Johnny, Eating meat is barbarc?...Cruel?

The industrialization of selling/growing meat is barbaric yet it is necessary because of the high consumption by the billions of meat eaters on this planet.

However, I myself being 6'6 find it hard to ever imagine eating nothing but veggies or veggie flavored "meet". I would have to eat all day long and shit all day. aka i would be a cow.

meat is good for you (espec if your a guy, or growing child). thing is people dont understand proper nutrition and abuse red meat like its going out of style (which it may be?..haha jk) ...My point is proper nutrition requires the consumption of protien...REAL protien. Ostrich is the best, Fish is second, then chicken... etc etc

i honor those of you that do not eat meat... I cant go a day without it. If i do, i feel like im dying (becuase i really am from protien catabolism) not trying to piss any one off with what im saying im just giving my honest opinion about how i feel about being a vegitarian


Well-Known Member
Hey johnny organic, Ive seen you around the forum before and I like your style. But I think we need to agree to disagree on this one hahaha... :grin:

What you eat is your business.
I agree

The consumption of meat is cruel and barbaric.
I disagree
I dont think its cruel. Although it is barbaric. We have done it since the existance of man. And even before then. So why stop now?!?!

It is taking an active part in a violent act.
I disagree
Canabalism is violent. and Im not into that shit!!!
It is bad for the body and the spirit.
I disagree
Hell no it isnt bad for the body or spirit.... Well unless you believe its wrong. Then it would be wrong. Which is why Im glad I dont think its wrong.
Its the circle of life my friend. just be glad you are on top.....

Enjoy your steak, colon cancer-boy.
and I disagree again
but if thats what it takes to enjoy a juicy fresh from the grill ribeye steak. Well damnit its worth it!!!!

Im not worried about cancer. I eat well and have awesome diet, I excersize, and I abstain from harmfull shit. Well except smoking pot and alcohol....

Peace and love everybody.:hug:
One reason I love RIU is because so many people with so many different beliefs and backgrounds can come together as one. With 1 common goal. I accept you as you are, and I hope you accept me as well.