Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?


New Member
Some of you guys have gotten me so paranoid. I just saw a cop go by my house and turn into the alley which is the only place that you could get a view of my window and what's growing in it. I have some grid work over the window to let sun in but distort the shape of what's growing. But with all this cop talk it got me running upstairs to shut the window. With two cups of coffee and an aderol, my heart is POUNDING! Thanks!

I put this sign on my front door. I thought it might confuse the cops.
F-ing hysterical. I think you have a lot more to be worried about.

On the subject of BF hunting, you boys should check out this theory I found. I thought it's appropriate for the thread. It's either helpful or funny shit for all you courters.


Well-Known Member
F-ing hysterical. I think you have a lot more to be worried about.

On the subject of BF hunting, you boys should check out this theory I found. I thought it's appropriate for the thread. It's either helpful or funny shit for all you courters.
Kubrick, why do you hate women so much. I'm on page 3 of your theory and I find this hate so bad that it discredits the rest of the theory

"As far as intellectual whores can determine, the average female bitch has a rating system that works like this"


Well-Known Member
F-ing hysterical. I think you have a lot more to be worried about.

On the subject of BF hunting, you boys should check out this theory I found. I thought it's appropriate for the thread. It's either helpful or funny shit for all you courters.
I hope you haven't told your mother about this theory.
I hope you disprove yourself when you fall in love someday.

The biggest problem I have with the article is that the authors came from Exeter, CA. Have you been to that place? It's in the county that's the highest in welfare, teen pregnancy, and lowest educated. And Exeter is the armpit of the county. I've been there.


Well-Known Member
wow, there's a lot of harsh talk goin on in this thread. i would have expected better from pot heads. i myself dont hate anyone, aside from cops of course.
on the subject of women, its all a game, you gotta keep it exciting. if thats too much to ask then forget 'em and move on.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, the ladder theory was a bunch of sexist drivel.:oAny chance Tucker Max had anything to do with it?The wolf ugly part rings a bell.:roll:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah, I wouldn't go there.... I was searching for "wonder woman" strain on google and that was one of the websites that popped up... go figure LOL