veg experiment.


Well-Known Member
i've been wanting to do some veg length experiments and since i've never done it before, i thought i'd throw this out there and see what you all think.

i'm growing four g13 diesel fems under a 600 watt mh bulb and they are all at the 4 week mark now, each one around 14" tall and healthy. (i did have some nute burn, silly me, but whatever.) what i'd like to do is toss one into flower now, one at 8 weeks, one at 10 weeks and one at 12 weeks and then compare them at the end of their respective harvests and see what kind of difference longer or shorter veg makes.

however, i'd also not like to lose my crop for some reason, so my question is: has anyone ever vegged for 12 weeks? if so, were there any detrimental effects on yield? is there a hormonal benchmark that i will miss if i keep it in veg that long? thanks. :peace:


Well-Known Member
For me a longer veg is the way to go... never did get the flower at 10" only to get joints when grams+ are there for the taking if you're not in a hurry... Luck.


Well-Known Member
lol, mothers are under 24/7 light for years sometimes so i wouldnt worry bout it. bigger plant=bigger yield u can veg forever if u want. the reason people put them into flowering after 3-4 weeks of veg is cuz of space restrictions and/or wanting quicker harvests (its much easier to grow smaller plants and harvest more often instead of 1 or 2 a year(learned that the hard way....i vegged for approx. 5 or 6 months and it was so fucking big, had to use 18 42w to make sure the whole plant was lit and took like 6-8 months to finish flowering (but i did get a small harvest from the finished popcorn buds)
also dont forget the longer the veg time and the bigger it is the more time flowering takes.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the responses twisty and darkdestruction!

so destruction, it sounds like from your experience that a 12 week veg will decrease yield... or am i reading that wrong? also, i suspect your buds were popcorn because of light problems, not long term vegging... am i right?

anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Popcorn buds are from light issues..instead if you spend money on T's you'll get better results for "almost" the same $$ as 1,000 cfl.., I got these T5 & 12's for $80.00 and the plants are 4' in these pics at 4 weeks flower....




Well-Known Member
it will increase yield but its not as fast. it takes longer to finish 1 grow w/ a big plant while smaller grows can harvest once every month or 2 so u get more bud more often. i meant I had 2 harvests from her, one of popcorn buds 50-75% of the way through and my big monster colas and the new popcorn buds later on too.