3.5 more days....


Well-Known Member
2 weeks ago I noticed that my tolerance was way high. Like I'd smoke some decent shit and barely get high for an hour or 2. So I decided that May 30th was going to be my last day smoking until June 12.

Only 3.5 more days to go until I get some buds...and I hope to god this 2 week sobriety helped because its been a looooooooooooong 2 weeks. I really don't know how some of you have gone 3 months or so sober.

I'm getting more and more excited about the prospect of this weekend and I plan on being baked all Friday Night(after 5 pm) and Saturday/Sunday.

I'm pretty thin and have a fast metabolism so I hope its burned out most of the THC in my system. I've also re-taken up jogging since the weather has finally started to warm up, which should help out even more.

So tell me what it was like for you guys after taking some time off, was it as amazing as I hear?


Active Member
I don't constantly smoke only occasionally, when I was younger I smoked all the time and got to where I would consume ridiculous amounts just to maintain a basic buzz.
That's addictive behavior.
Even the best of things can turn bad in excess.


Well-Known Member
I always like to take breaks. Lets you feel the afterburn and the first bowl will get you high as a kite.


Well-Known Member
dude its hard haha sounds like its going good for you.

the only time i'll get "high" if its the first burn of the day


Well-Known Member
Well I'm 27, been smoking for 13ish years and never really smoked so heavy until I got laid off my job Oct 3rd of last year. I've put in some temp hours here and there but nothing concrete, so to pass the time I've smoked near daily which I attribute to my low tolerance.

I also realized I was going through a MASSIVE amount of weed up till I quit smoking and it was draining me financially( I have a healthy savings account + Social Security Disability benefits monthly). Now I figure when I do finally get a new job I'll be busier, have more money and able to do other things than just smoke all day(which I really don't mind from time to time, lol)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm 27, been smoking for 13ish years and never really smoked so heavy until I got laid off my job Oct 3rd of last year. I've put in some temp hours here and there but nothing concrete, so to pass the time I've smoked near daily which I attribute to my low tolerance.

I also realized I was going through a MASSIVE amount of weed up till I quit smoking and it was draining me financially( I have a healthy savings account + Social Security Disability benefits monthly). Now I figure when I do finally get a new job I'll be busier, have more money and able to do other things than just smoke all day(which I really don't mind from time to time, lol)
as long as your happy, life is good :)


Well-Known Member
ive still got 5 weeks before i start again its been 3 weeks so far apart from i was smoking in amsterdam 2 weeks ago its hard as hell to go without.:wall: its good to stop from time to time for your tolerance though.:weed:


Well-Known Member
march 27 was the last time i smoked, but it was like a few puffs, at that time i was on a month and a half tolerance break, a forced one...
june 27 will be the day i go visit my hometown in brazil and get together with my friends i usually smoke with..
i will get there at around 5, 6 pm and it will be a saturday...
im really looking forward to this day, and will get back to you guys how it went.. on this same thread..


Well-Known Member
I am was thinking about taking a forced two week break to see how high my tolerance really is at the moment. I always get to like the third day then just smoke.


Well-Known Member
i relly do think its worth it to take a break. before mine a 1 g joint would get me and my gf high for a total of 45 minutes. and it wasnt shitty weed either. then after my break wham! even the lower quality weed gets me stoned.


Well-Known Member
Well it didn't go exactly as planned. A buddy of mine got into some potentially major trouble with the law and spent 2 days in jail(he got out, all charges dropped) so as a result we celebrated by getting high Thursday night.

Was fucking AMAZING. Those first few hits were fucking powerful and I had to sit down as it hit me.

It was work taking 2 weeks off.


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you everything came out good in the end.
I'm sure it was all you expected and more.
I can recall one time I had a year away and finally came across a Blunt that was drenched in oil and flaked with keif(Mossy Log).
Along with that was a large bowl of Hash.
I was so high I became quite paranoid and was looking at every one wondering why they weren't tripping like I was.
And I was thinking how can they all just keep talking like nothing's happening????

Then I realized I was once again a lightweight!!
But, I was back up to my old tolerances within 2 weeks.:blsmoke::joint::bigjoint:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I smoked yesterday and started at around 10:30 am. But by around 8 or 9 pm I was so drowsy I passed out. Slept for like 12 hours.

Anyone else keep drowsy from smoking from time to time?


Well-Known Member
everynight. i usually only smoke in that time period before you go to bed just laying there watching tv or on the comp or something. i just gently fall asleep.