im in simialar position somewhat,i have five children,4 of them live with me and my wife,my oldest was concived when i was 17, i was out gang banging,living a gangster life,thinking i was a big man.ive been in and out of prison the first 9 years of his life,needless to say we really dont have a good relation ship with each in california they subtract all the time while incarcerated,i owe about close to a hundred g's.once i stopped all my bullshit and really became a man in 2001 ive been working and paying my child support,even when im not working i pay the bill on top of all the extra's a kid needs to survive,and of course my x takes in any fucken dirt pot,scumbag she wants to bone that night.but even though i still support my son,i used to think all fucked up and say"fuck that bitch,she aint getting none of my money"boy was i really a mess to think that i didnt need to pay,they need it!a roof over her head is a roof over his,and the same as the car,he needs rides to school,sports,parks everything.but ill never be able to pay off all that money,the inrest is killing me,but thats what i gotta deal with.but as for u ernie,i dont think that is right for u to pay after the fact that they took ur children,what ever happened to u and ur women at the time for them to get taken away is ashame,im sorry for ur matter what the case,i know any parents plan is not to get their children taken away.i know its to late now,from what u say,to get them back.but maybe u can settle it up some how to clear that debt,good luck bro,and again i fell for u,if it helps at all,someday they will look you up pal,trust me>>>>rascalone