The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
but u know truf, sometimes ignorance is bliss! last year i was growing making up my own theories, and it was fine. this year, since joining riu, this years grow hasnt been great at all! im really paranoid that they dont look like anyone elses plants, theyre stretching blah blah blah. realistically, nothings changed, its just that everyones plants on here look so amazing, and ive also forgotten what i started to say. meh, loza out.


Well-Known Member
but u know truf, sometimes ignorance is bliss! last year i was growing making up my own theories, and it was fine. this year, since joining riu, this years grow hasnt been great at all! im really paranoid that they dont look like anyone elses plants, theyre stretching blah blah blah. realistically, nothings changed, its just that everyones plants on here look so amazing, and ive also forgotten what i started to say. meh, loza out.
very true, plus rep


Well-Known Member
lol. but if you dont try, you dont get, just like u said hugh. i think il stick to trying, and mixing my own way with the stuff i learn on here. thanks for the rep growwwww!


Well-Known Member
well, we cut off the leaves and.....others got the same thing.

think it is light burn, or magnesium deficiency.

hey ho, this is our first grow so we will take the rough with the smooth.

i am a bit concerned - we have had them on 12/12 now for about 8 or 9 days, and apart from the buggers growing faster than the list of dodgy MPs, they are not actually budding yet!

hope it'll happen soon.


Well-Known Member
well, we cut off the leaves and.....others got the same thing.

think it is light burn, or magnesium deficiency.

hey ho, this is our first grow so we will take the rough with the smooth.

i am a bit concerned - we have had them on 12/12 now for about 8 or 9 days, and apart from the buggers growing faster than the list of dodgy MPs, they are not actually budding yet!

hope it'll happen soon.
Don't panic, they'll start shooting out flower after 14 days or so.


Well-Known Member
because saying it is home made makes me feel like a swiss family robinson kind of maverick.

and because when you are as technically minded as me, anything you have to put a screwdriver near is home made.

and because we will be shoving a pair of tights in there with some carbon in.

so it's home made.

so there. ;-)


Well-Known Member
sorry, should have phrased it better, how's the filter going to be made :P so lights and carbon, i've no expereince in carbon filters, so hope it works
no worries. :-)

i have looked at loads of images and descriptions on here, and elsewhere, about what we need. and frankly, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. this is the first grow, so experimenting is the order of the day.

the fan is a shower room extraction fan we picked up from screwfix for about £24

the idea is that the fan will stay on the outside of the grow tent, sucking air out. the duct will droop into the grow tent. in the duct we will put a pair of tights that will be full of activated carbon.

and that is pretty much it.

i don't know much about this kind of stuff, but i assume there is a balance to be struck between the density of the carbon and what the fan can take. you want as little space as possible between all the carbon so that any air being drawn through HAS to come in contact with the carbon. a pair of tights decently packed and dropped into the duct should provide this.

i hope.

also, having the carbon in a tight should mean we can change it easy enough when needed.

if it will work, we don't know.

if i kill myself doing the wiring, i don't know.

we plan on doing this tonight, so i'll update you, and my grow journal, with details tomorrow.



Well-Known Member

yep! in my office, they call me EMP - electro magnetic pulse - because of my ability to crash IT equipment with a single look, so hopefully i will keep the bad electricty away and only let the good electricity through. a bit like bad aids and good aids.

just been up to town to get the cord, plug and the activated carbon - so we are good to go.


Active Member
as you can see by the heading... i have mites and have tried the bud gun......

it is not working... any suggestions on how i can resolve this????

cheers guys.... any comments would be appreciated

I am wanting to do a guerilla grow with Some LR2 X Snowwhite (Snowryder)
Here is my game plan (Please point out anything you think I should change):

Start of the Snowryders at home indoors for germination and the first 2 weeks of growth.
Move them into the greenhouse in the garden at 2 weeks and hold fire till I can tell sex.
The move out the greenhouse to the grow site.

I live in North West Uk - So the rain is my main issue...
Please help before I buy my beans :)



Well-Known Member
you should keep them in the greenhouse if you can, then you wont need to worry about the rain.

and as for spider mites, buy some ladybirds. a few people on here have bought them and they seem to do the trick.


New Member
Yipp we sure know our onions !!!

Man grew strongest ever cannabis

David Wyler admitted producing and possessing cannabis
A man has admitted growing what police described as the strongest cannabis ever found in the UK.

David Wyler, 55, of Poplar Avenue, Nottingham, admitted producing cannabis and possessing the drug as well as possessing amphetamines.

Tests on 500 cannabis plants seized at a house in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, showed they were the strongest ever found in the UK, Derby Crown Court was told.

Police believe he made £500,000 out of drugs. Wyler will be sentenced later.

The house in Ilkeston was entirely given over to producing cannabis plants, the hearing was told.

Test carried out by forensic scientists on the plants showed the THC content, a measure of the drug's strength, was 29%. The normal reading for cannabis is 12%.

Police seized £30,000, which was in the possession of Wyler, along with three cars.


Well-Known Member
Yipp we sure know our onions !!!

Man grew strongest ever cannabis

David Wyler admitted producing and possessing cannabis
A man has admitted growing what police described as the strongest cannabis ever found in the UK.

David Wyler, 55, of Poplar Avenue, Nottingham, admitted producing cannabis and possessing the drug as well as possessing amphetamines.

Tests on 500 cannabis plants seized at a house in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, showed they were the strongest ever found in the UK, Derby Crown Court was told.

Police believe he made £500,000 out of drugs. Wyler will be sentenced later.

The house in Ilkeston was entirely given over to producing cannabis plants, the hearing was told.

Test carried out by forensic scientists on the plants showed the THC content, a measure of the drug's strength, was 29%. The normal reading for cannabis is 12%.

Police seized £30,000, which was in the possession of Wyler, along with three cars.
That man was a saint, hopefully he has a good life but its a shame i guess hes in prison now :(


Well-Known Member
dont forensic scientists study dead people? why would they check the strength of weed. its a shame he got busted tho. hopefully it will be legal soon, and hell get out.